Post Menopausal and Symptoms back with a vegeance
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Hi all I am new here and am so glad to find this forum it brings me some comfort to read that I am not alone. I am 60 years old and have been post menopausal for 9 years now. I had the perimenopause from hell and thought that once I became post menopausal it would end ...unfortunately it didn't. I have done well over these last years with only occasional bouts of anxiety and of course hot flushes and gastro intestinal issues. I just turned sixty in July and these last few weeks my menopause symptoms have come back with a vengeance the anxiety is ruthless I feel like I must have every dreaded disease going which is ridiculous I know in my heart I am extemely healthy. The hot flushes are to the extreme and the shakiness and ringing in my ears is on and off. I feel like my face is on fire at times with the flushes. I am also experiencing muscle spasms in my back I guess due to the anxiety. I am trying to console myself with the fact that maybe this is the last big bang before everything settles down for good but have read that some women experience some of these symptoms well into their mid sixties or longer. I don't want to go back onto anxiety meds so I am looking for any suggestions on what to take that is natural for not only the anxiety but also the extreme flushes. I can deal with the inside shakiness that is only fleeting and few and far between but this anxiety and flushes has to go I can't believe I am dealing with all this once again. Any input would be much appreciated
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didi0613 paisleygirl
Are you taking any vitamins? If not, try taking vit. D & B12.
paisleygirl didi0613
Hi didi0613 no I am not taking any vitamins I have just started with magnesium once again as I found it helped me a bit the last time but it's only been a week or so ...but I will def try to D & B12 thanks so much :-)
Lolasmom paisleygirl
Hot flashes for me can be extreme. Just prior to the flash I get a quick dizy spell, my stomach is off and and feel anxious. Then the flash comes. Night sweats are not all the time. Day sweats can be 4- 15 daily. The whole thing just sucks.
paisleygirl Lolasmom
Hi Lolasmom... my gosh it sucks big time I thought at this age I would be done and for a while I only had occasional issues but this is crazy I have the gastro issues again with some vertigo and the flushes are crazy my face feels like it's on fire when flushing and neausea first thing in the morning I swear it's like having morning sickness thank God the neausea is short lived. The anxiety is brutal and of course it makes me feel like I have every dreaded disease going. I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering this way too suck does it ever end
Lolasmom paisleygirl
Guest paisleygirl
paisleygirl Guest
gailannie paisleygirl
Well count me in. I will be turning 60 in December. Went through HORRIBLE perimeno symptoms in my 40s. But when I got to menopause, honestly, it was a breezy. I never had a complaint, except chronic muscle and ligament pain, which no doctor ever associated with menopause. (now I know better!) .
But no where I am turning 60 and this simply stinks!!! What in the world is going on?
paisleygirl gailannie
oh my gosh sorry to hear that so this is more common than I thought I was thinking it was just me. My mother just breezed through menopause except for one incident that she fainted from a sudden drop in estrogen levels. She had the odd mood swing but nothing serious. I have a sister that is 6 years younger and has been post since in her late 40's with barely anything to speak of and a sister that has just turned 46 who seems to be okay so far as I know. I was speaking to an older neighbour one day and she said she still got flushes into her 70's only not near as severe...oh my hopefully that's not the norm
gailannie paisleygirl
Don'e mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I have an aunt who was still having hot flashes in her 80s.
Wish this site had a "edit" button! Meant to type "Don't."
paisleygirl gailannie
I know someone in their 70's same thing ...I think I can handle the hot flashes if I don't have to deal with all this other stuff like the nausea and anxiety these two are especially bad for me and of course crying at every little thing lol sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind
colleen90305 paisleygirl
Awww SORRY! I'm peri and it seems there is,no end to this nightmare in sight!!! They need to develop a drug which helps all of us women! !!
Sochima822 paisleygirl
Hi paisleygirl, I took something called St. John's wort, it got rid of the anxiety, flushes and that ominous feeling of doom. If you are a healthy eater it will work right away like within a week, if not about a month. I also took macca or flax seed oil for the flushes and a multivitamin with extra vitamin d3. I would also eat yams because with yams my symptoms would also calm down. Yams contain a natural progesterone that helps menopausal symptoms. Hope this helps.
paisleygirl Sochima822
Sochima822 thanks so much I will def look into the yams I love them so that won't be a hardship ...what a crazy life this is
jess101 paisleygirl
Thanks Paisleygirl, getting a few good tips from all these girly chats. Won't go on again about my own symptoms (65 now and still putting up with them). Are you originally from Paisley..... I'm across the Clyde here in the west. 😃 x
paisleygirl jess101
jess101 paisleygirl
In Bearsden now, formerly Hardgate, Clydebank... small world isn't it? Our friends are in Vancouver and love it, you've landed in a really nice part of the world over there.
?I hope you get some relief from your symptoms soon. I'm still having the flushes and running to the loo but my 'anxiety' turned out to be Atrial Fibrillation (caused by the meno I'm sure but can't prove it) and the new meds have given me my life back so have that checked out too.
Take care
?Jess 😊x
Cass63 jess101
I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in April and was put on meds. I'm still not feeling well. The doctor said that he may try to shock the heart back into rhythm. Do you mind if I ask what symptoms you are having?
paisleygirl jess101
wow yes indeed small world.....I have had the tests done on my heart and everything has come back okay ...but if it keeps up or gets worse I will most certainly have it checked out...I am going to try the vitamin route along with something natural for my gastro issues and keep taking my magnesium and see how it goes from there's hoping we all get some relief from these horrible symptoms soon
jess101 paisleygirl
I find Charcoal tablets help with indigestion and nat. yogurt helped with IBS, not had an attack for years now thankfully. Now going to try some of the tips from your discussion here including Magnesium you suggest and also several other discussions saying Sage for hot flushes. Wish I could find a cure for bladder spasms as I know it's hormone connected ... I had them while pregnant with my two children - they went away after the births and came back with the menopause... what a panic to get to the loo!
?jess x
?P.S. Don't worry about the crying thing, we're all a bit like that at our age
paisleygirl jess101
thanks Jess I think I'll try the charcoal I'm only usually nauseous in the morning when I first wake up but am finding that some food odors that never bothered me before now make me really quesy..I sometimes go through phases of smelling phantom odors sounds weird but no one else can smell them thought I was losing it but then just read that is a symptom of menopause also who would of thought .I know what you mean about the bladder spasms we hike a lot and I am always needing to find a bathroom in a panic makes going out very uncomfortable and it's very inconvenient at times
jess101 paisleygirl
That's such a surprise to me!! I've already been to the hospital with the 'phantom' odours you mention and no doctor or anyone in the medical profession I've spoken to have ever heard of it and some looked at me as if I had horns. It's a horrible unpleasant burning smell I get and it lasts for 3 or 4 days each time. I googled it but didn't see a connection with the menopause. I've several bad bouts over the last few years and I dread it coming back. Nobody I've told can understand what I'm trying to say. Jess x
paisleygirl jess101
Hi Jess it's a burning smell to me too sort of like car exhaust or something ...I always used to ask my husband if the furnace was okay because i could smell burning in the house ...I have had it twice in the last year as well but yes it only lasts for a few days then it's gone again wow I thought it was just me ...I would keep asking my husband do you smell that but of course he couldn't and yes no one understands what I'm trying to describe either
jess101 paisleygirl
Thanks for this Paisleygirl...I know exactly what you are saying, very similar experience to mine. Gives me hope that each bout is only going to be a temporary thing afterall. My big worry was that it'll become permanent and won't go away one of these times. Good to know there's someone out there who knows what it's like....will think of you when I'm in Paisley, I sometimes take the train to Gilmour St. Jx
jess101 paisleygirl
P.S. Slow breathing helps my flushes but it's very hard to concentrate on it, especially during the night. It does help a little though
jess101 paisleygirl
Thanks for this Paisleygirl...I know exactly what you are saying, very similar experience to mine. Gives me hope that each bout is only going to be a temporary thing afterall. My big worry was that it'll become permanent and won't go away one of these times. Good to know there's someone out there who knows what it's like....will think of you when I'm in Paisley, I sometimes take the train to Gilmour St. Jx