Post menopausal bleeding
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Help! I'm 57 and have not had a period in 3 years. I had a yeast infection I believe for one week. Itchy like crazy and then yesterday started spotting. Light pinkish. Still happening today. I've been googling the subject to death and am convinced I have cancer. Seeing GP next week. Has this happened to anyone. ??
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Judyp glynnie
Yes, it happened to me ... One year a little then the next year
Had a endometrial biopsy
Thickening worried me
It was a huge fibroid ( benign )
Good luck , im sue you'll be ok
Google is a great thing but not for panic patients
just causes additional worry .
glynnie Judyp
lynda20916 glynnie
Hi, Glynnie,
Sorry to learn that you're going through this. Please try not to panic. I started to spot after over 10 years with no period. You've done the right thing, don't wait around. Your doctor may refer you to a gynecologist to get the tests done.
Take heart and do whatever you need to do to keep yourself healthy as soon as you can. Try to accept that you're fearful, as it's only natural!
Best of luck to you, and let me know how you do! xx
glynnie lynda20916
What happened when u were spotting ? What was it. Funny how the mind works. I'm having all the symptoms I'm reading now. Panic stricken I guess. Thank u
lynda20916 glynnie
Hi, Glynnie,
When I spotted, it was like a slight smear of brown discharge, like what I would get when I was just finishing off a normal period. I should also mention that I began to feel fatigued, and when I rested, I didn't bounce back quickly.
I found a good GYN who did a pap smear and checked me, first for ovarian cancer markers (by blood test) and HPV. I was then sent for an ultra sound. It showed the lining of my uterus (what's called the uterine stripe) to be 8MM. If it's more than 4MM the practice is to get a biopsy done. I tested negative for the ovarian cancer markers, HPV and cervical cancer.
After the biopsy, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Very soon afterwards, I had a total hysterectomy with removal of adjacent lymph nodes. The cancer was confined to the uterus; but I'm taking medication now to make my chances of a reoccurrence less, just in case.
I was terrified, but my husband, family and friends were very supportive. During all this, I tried to:
* Accept my feelings (I'm scared)
* Know my purpose (to find out what I had)
* Do what must be done (Have surgery or do whatever else I had to)
I was also comforted by this wonderful site and the support of the women on it. We're all hoping that you get a resolution soon!
Know that we're thinking about you and ready to support you! xx
glynnie lynda20916
michelle91652 lynda20916
I am 49 and I am waiting on biopsy results for lining 8mm and post menopausal bleed I'm worried sick again how did you cope? X
lynda20916 michelle91652
Hi Michelle,
So sorry you're going through this! I think it might help to focus on the fact that you've done absolutely what you need to do--starting to find out what's happening in your body, so that it can be dealt with as soon as possible.
I just tried to deal with the day to day stuff as best I could. I hadn't been feeling at all well, run down, no stamina, since February of 2016. Then, I started to spot on April 14. Eventually, got to an ob/gyn and was diagnosed and had surgery in July. Those were long, long weeks of waiting.
I will confess, I was terrified. I think that you need to do what you need to do to get through it, cry, pray, get mad. One thing I didn't do was to tell everyone what was going on. I confided in my husband, of course, and my children and two very close friends. I didn't tell other family, friends or acquaintances. Because you can't take care of everyone while you're trying to take care of you. And, you need to take care of you!
Please let me know how you get on! xx
mary91188 lynda20916
mary91188 lynda20916
lynda20916 mary91188
Guest glynnie
Glynnie, the worst thing to do is google because it goes straight to the worse case
sce·nar·i·o girl! I went through the same thing post meno bleeding but mine bleeding was extermely heavy and ended me up in ER. I hadn't had a period in over 19 months! My uterus lining was 9mm went through all test and biospy thank the Lord all was okay. Oh and by the way I'm 59 I just went through what you going through on June 2, 2016. Don't let the fear paralize you like it did me and even now I fight fear! I know its easier said then done. Before this happened to me I hadn't had a pap in almost 21 years SO you can only imagine the tormenting fear that gripped me! I will NEVER do that again! What you are going through is actually quite common. Hugs.
linda90246 Guest
Guest linda90246
linda90246 glynnie
I bled after two years, had thickening around uterus. Had a D& C for biopsy no cancer thank God. Try not to worry too much go to Dr. they will figure it out.