Post Menopausal Spotting
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I am post menopausal and noticed just two incidents of spotting early in August. Made an appointment with gyn, but didn't mention spotting, just unusual symptoms. It's been just over 2 years after my last period. I see my gyn on Tuesday with other symptoms of pelvic and back pain that is getting worse. Needless to say, I am frightened and worry I waited too long to get in to see my doctor. I kept checking the internet, asking friends who didn't seem too concerned and that can drive you crazy. I welcome any feedback and thoughts. Wishing everyone here best wishes for good health and will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers <3
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kerry_89290 KatPure27
Hi Kat there are so many ladies on here who have been going through the same I am too going through it I had a week of spotting after no period for 13 months I am 49 btw I made appointment with my gp done a series of blood tests which were normal but set up a gynaecologist appointment where I had a chat then I had a biopsy done Tuesday its a worrying time it happens I am worried myself hoping it's a hormone surge which she did say it could be a lot of ladies have had ultrasound or transvaginal camera as well best advice I can give is make appointment as if any thing is sinister a early diagnosis is so much better then leaving it chance wish you all the very best and let us know xxx god bless
KatPure27 kerry_89290
Hi Kerry. My searching brought me here and that I am thankful for. I understand your worry. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I expect to have a transvaginal ultrasound and possibly an abdominal one as well. I agree, early diagnosis is important and it can also take away so much of the worry. I wish you the best results on your biopsy and will keep you in my prayers <3
kerry_89290 KatPure27
I too will pray for all of us ladies who are going through this also for the beautiful ladies who are fighting after a diagnosis God bless us all ??🙏🏻
natacha66 KatPure27
If it was heavy bleeding I would be concerned. I too had spotting. Are U sexually active? If so it can be a cause as the walls of your vagina become this and friction through sex can cause fissures.
Ur vulva also becomes older and dryness can occur.
You have to mention it to your doctor. It can be a sign of polyps as well. The doc will
Send u for a pelvic scan and will take it from there.
Also haemorrhoids can be a cause.
Pelvic and back pain can be a sign of infection as well.
Look don't worry. Just see ur doc and he will refer u to the gynae.
I had he same thing. Saw the gynae today and she said down below seems health but because the scan showed thickening of the cervix endomitrium they sent me for a hesteroscopy.
Be well no use getting stres because of what unread on the net.
Keep well
kerry_89290 natacha66
KatPure27 natacha66
Hi Natacha. Thanks for responding. It was not heavy bleeding, just a small spot on the tissue one day and then the next. I could have missed it, so it's a blessing I did see it. I think that's why I wasn't too concerned at first. Yes, still sexually active, but this was not after that. Thanks for all the information and thoughts of other things it could be. I will be seeing my GYN on Tuesday, leaving no symptoms out and hopefully I will start getting some answers. Thank you for the well wishes. Good thoughts and prayers to you on your test.
natacha66 KatPure27
kerry_89290 KatPure27
Hi Kat I was wondering how are you have you had any answers yet xxx I'm 16 days after a biopsy no results xx I had a internal ultrasound yesterday although would not tell me anything I have to wait now till next week to see consultant xxx sending 🙏🏻🙏🏻 your in my thoughts God bless xxxx
KatPure27 kerry_89290
Hi Kerry. I don't yet have any answers as my ultrasound is not until next Thursday. I still have the same pelvic/back pain and occasionally down my left leg. So, basically waiting and taking it day by day. Aspirin helps to lessen the pain. I hope you get your results soon as I know the waiting is frustrating to say the least. Thank you for your kind thoughts! Good luck with your consultant. Again, ask any and all questions that come to mind. Writing them down before your appointment might help, so you don't forget to ask. Please keep us posted. You are in my thoughts and prayers, too! God Bless <3
kerry_89290 KatPure27
Thank you Kat for your kind words xxx you are in my prayers along with many on here bless 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
lynda20916 KatPure27
Hi, Kat,
I started to spot on April 14, this year. Got a diagnosis of endometrial cancer on July 11, had total hysterectomy on the 18th of July. Cancer was still confined to uterus. I think that you will probably be okay, but by all means mention the spotting to your doctor during your Tuesday appointment as well as your other symptoms.
My GYN tested me for ovarian cancer markers, human papilloma virus and did a pap smear. Those all came back okay. I was sent for an abdominal and vaginal untrasound to check on my reproductive system and assess the width of the tissue in my uterus. Mine was at 8mm, and they usually test when the width is over 4mm. My doctor did a biopsy in the office.
You know your body! So, your GYN should address all your concerns. Feel your fear, but don't let it get in the way of having this addressed.
I am also wishing you good health, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know how you do! xx
kerry_89290 lynda20916
Hi Lynda sorry you had to go through all that xx they couldn't do my camera inside apparently she said my cervix was strong and pushed it so I had biopsy and appointment on 2 weeks to try again I'm worried sick and lost 10lbs in weight as I can't eat x take care xx
lynda20916 kerry_89290
Hi, Kerry,
It was just one of those things,,,,you're living life and then, uh oh, still it got sorted. I am going to be on an estrogen reducing drug for the next couple of years, just in case.
I was so very worried, too, and when I got my diagnosis, I was truly afraid, but I got lots of support, from kind people like yourself, and from family and friends. Just try to feel your feelings, and be strong enough to do what you need to do to get yourself well.
Best of luck, Kerry, you're in my thoughts and prayers! xx
Kris1012 kerry_89290
kerry_89290 lynda20916
kerry_89290 Kris1012
KatPure27 lynda20916
Hi Lynda, So sorry to hear of what you have gone through. The information you are sharing is priceless and I thank you so much for that. I will ensure my GYN knows all my symptoms. Come Tuesday, I hope to have some answers. I will let you know how things go. Thank you too, for the good thoughts. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as well <3
lynda20916 KatPure27
Hi, Kat,
Good to hear from you! Thank you for your kindness. At my final post op check up last week, my doctor suggested that I might want to take an estrogen binding drug for the next 2 years or so, just to make sure, even though I was at 1a. He said that he wasn't sure that I needed it, as statistically the rate of return is rare, but wanted to give me the opportunity.
So, now I'm getting ready to start it. My daughter made me promise that I would do anything extra the doctor asked me to do. I'm worried about the side effects and would rather start feeling well right now, but I'm scared that if I don't my cancer might return. Radiation and chemo aren't indicated precisely because I'm at 1a. I'm glad I don't need either of them.
So, your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated! Please let me know how you do on Tuesday! xxx