Post Menopausal Spotting

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I am post menopausal and noticed just two incidents of spotting early in August.  Made an appointment with gyn, but didn't mention spotting, just unusual symptoms.  It's been just over 2 years after my last period.  I see my gyn on Tuesday with other symptoms of pelvic and back pain that is getting worse.  Needless to say, I am frightened and worry I waited too long to get in to see my doctor.  I kept checking the internet, asking friends who didn't seem too concerned and that can drive you crazy. I welcome any feedback and thoughts.   Wishing everyone here best wishes for good health and will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers <3

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  • Posted

    Sorry you're dealing with this! Hopefully, you'll fall into the majority where the spottng is from something benign such as atrophied urogenital (including vaginal) tissues or sporadic ovarian tissue. Thankfully, gynecologic cancers are rare. Do keep us posted. Sending positive thoughts and prayers..

    • Posted

      Meant to say "such as atrophied urogenital (including vaginal) tissues or sporadic ovarian activity."

    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply and for the kind and good thoughts!  I will certainly keep everyone posted.  I believe information is empowering.  Everyone here is so kind and I truly appreciate all the information, thoughts and prayers. 
  • Posted

    Hi, i had light blood loss an couple of times and went to the doctor who sent me for tests at the hospital. Unfortunately mine is cancer. I have a grade 1a, which is the easiest to cure. I had an mri yesterday and am waiting to hear the next step. The week i found out i had cancer sadly my dear mum passed away ( she had dementia) so its been a horrible time and im very scared, just hope it hasnt spread. Your in my thoughts xx
    • Posted

      I am so sorry to hear of your loss and what your going through.  I will keep you in my prayers and wish you a good report on the MRI.  God bless <3

    • Posted

      So sorry for you loss xx sending prayers 🙏🏻 for your health and outcome xx bless you

    • Posted

      Hi, Kim,

      So sorry to learn you're going through this!  It's so difficult! I'm praying fo you that all will be okay!  

      Please try not to get your feelings get in the way of doing what's best for you!  You're in my thoughts and prayers!  

    • Posted

      You truly are in my prayers today

      I am so sorry for all the pain and sadness you are enduring right now .

      My most sincere sympathy is extended to you and your family with the great loss of your Dear Mother

      Then to have this diagnosis looming, is almost unbearable i would imagine .

      From what I've read, 1a has the best prognosis and again only from what i have read most often does not need treatment other than a complete hysterectomy .

      I just know you will be ok

      Again, so very sorry to hear about your Mom .


    • Posted

      I'm sorry for your diagnosis! At least it's early stage and very treatable. I'm also sorry for the loss of your mom... lots to deal with at once! Sending prayers for you.

    • Posted

      Good luck sending prayers. I have pelvic pain,back pain, nausea also have tworked cyst hurt really bad. I'm little worried now.

  • Posted

    Did everyone on here have blood tests done before or after scans,ultrasounds just out of curiosity ❓
    • Posted

      Hi, Kerry, 

      I had blood tests and an ultrasound.  I'd had a CT scan in September of 2015, so the doctors referred to that. I also got a pap smear.  They tested me for, among other things, two ovarian cancer markers that show up in your blood.  

      Hope this helps!

    • Posted

      Hi, Kerry,

      I'm glad to let you know.  Apparently, there are two markers for ovarian cancer that appear in the blood. My GYN explained to me that they're markers, but they're not really the best indications of ovarian cancer.  Still if the markers are elevated, they know to test further.  

      They didn't pick up any cancer in my blood.  I think that if you ask your doctor what they're looking for, your doctor can give you the information better than I could.  Sorry.  xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you that's been very helpful and informative so blood tests are a good indication if there is a problem then xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry.  I have not had any tests yet, but I am sure I will have them on Tuesday.  I know of one that I believe tests for Ovarian, but I am not sure.  It's called CA-125. I will ask for this is my GYN doesn't mention it.  There was a book I was given years ago called 'Is it Hot in Here? Or Is it Me'?  I actually went and grabbed it out of storage the other day.  It's very informative and at times, very comforting.  It was published in 2006, but still relevant. You can pick it up on Amazon for very little.  Just a thought for us when we have so many questions.  Prayers to everyone here! <3

    • Posted

      Hi Kat I had that blood test and a full blood count which was normal and a smear in January this year also but reading into some of the ladies on here it may not be that irrelevant has it still could be something I hope not and pray for us all that we will be lucky xxx let me know how you get on Kat take care God bless xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Kerry.  Good to hear you had the blood test and the results were good.  It's a beginning at least.  The biospy should tell you what you need to know.  Have faith.  You are doing all you can.  Keep us all posted. Take good care and God bless!

    • Posted

      Hi Kat waiting game now xx let's pray we all have good news soon so we can carry on with gods strength we can do this xxx 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry.  Just an update as I saw my GYN today.  She said things looked good, but we must check why I had the spotting with a transvaginal ultrasound.  9/22 is when I will have that.  If thickening (more than 3mm I believe), a biopsy will be done.  No lab tests done.  I hope you are doing well.  <3

    • Posted

      Hi Kat thanks for letting me know I have my ultrasound 14/9 glad your getting some answers xx praying for us all xx keep in touch ❤️
    • Posted

      Hi Kerry.  Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you on your ultrasound.  Remember to ask any questions that come to mind.  It's so very important.  God Bless <3


    • Posted

      Thank you Kat I am fully armed with questions xx I'm praying it's a surge of hormones and not the bigC xxx bless us all xxxx

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