Post recovery .... People with plates and screws.
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Does anyone with plates and screws ever feel like they are pinching or biting your ankle? I get these sharp bites feeling a couple times a day. Pushing on it helps. I am almost 2 years post injury.
Also so still swells really badly when on feet a lot. Still???? This pic is of my swelling recently.
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MsCamboot natava
Oopsy_day natava
Yes I do, infact this is how I joined this group, asking this question. It seems as though there aren't many who are still suffering pain 2 years out, as you and I. I'd love to hear from someone in the same boat.
I think you will find that it is a ligmaent rolling over the plates and or screws....very painful. Add this to stiffness and limited movement....yay.
I tried the chiro, acupuncture and massage all together and I think that the massage worked the best.
Well you showed I'll show you mine
I'll be this 80 year old proudly pulling these Xrays
PrincessBiker Oopsy_day
Here's some bad news for you. I get those sharp intense pains in my ankle to where it feels like it's about to break at random m for no reason.. just because it feels like it can so it does! I have a plate 7 small screws and 2 bolts . my OP was July 4 2002. I dont think it will ever end.
sophia55753 PrincessBiker
I agree, 15 years post op. I have a plate, 6 pins and 2 screws on my left ankle. I also get those sharp intense pains where my ankle feels as if it's going to SNAP! Its weird but I feel my pain more during the Winter time. My pediatrist says according to the xrays it may be early arthritis. My orthopedic doctor said he can remove all the hardware . But, it seems, other than early arthritis there is no other explanation a doctor can give me. I am definitely going to remove the hardware and I'm hoping this will alleviate the pain.
Sandy707 sophia55753
have you had the hardware removed yet ? And are you out of pain?
Bailey12 natava
Yeah I get that feeling too. I was hoping it was just part of the healing process and temporary. I'm only 13 weeks post op and have 12 screws and 2 pins in mine. I've not got a copy of my X-ray will need to ask for one at next check up. That's an awful lot of swelling especially after 2 years. I was expecting that my ankle would be back to normal after that length of time. Have u spoken to doc about it? Im still off work but luckily I'm in an office so don't have to stand a lot.
natava Bailey12
fenkish natava
teresa93024 Bailey12
Hello. Are you still swollen after 13 wks and can u walk? I'm at 11 wks and I'm still swollen and in a boot on crutches .
zena77065 teresa93024
Hey I'm about 5 1/2 weeks.on 1 crutch and boot but in the house a few steps with no boot
edwardCee natava
The doctor offered surgery to remove the screws and plate, with no guarantees of easing my pain. I initially scheduled the surgery for 4 months into the future and i eventually canceled the surgery. I made a change to stop wearing custom orthotics and thought my pain was subsiding. I were wrong. My pain has increased with the same intensity as b4. Increased activity still causes pain and swelling. After walking 10 feet in distance the pain level increases to 9, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst pain.
I'm at a loss as to what course of action is next.
kay36292 natava
Hi! I'm new to this group and like the last reply I saw, my ankle also is causing a bit of discomfort. No where near as much as the injury 4 years ago. But the past years I have slowly noticed the screws more and more. And just as the last reply it's a biting, pain from the inside pushing out. My husband rubs my ankle for me quite often this past years and he is noticing a difference every time.
I also have a sore at the top first screw cite that looks like a small bug bit. My husband has informed me that there has always been a "spot" but now it looks worse to him. I hate that I haven't been paying attention, but usually I just blame the weather.
I am in my 30s and have to respond to questions at the doctors office that "yes I do start to fall" yes I'm in balanced when getting dressed. But have adapted to my situation.
The doctor I used for surgery is no longer available. So starting from the beginning at my family doctor seems so time consuming, but may be coming to that point.
I was under the impression that the metal would never need to come out. But with everything going on, it's probably better that it's sooner than later.
Hope my experience helps with understanding a lot more about this horrible "club"
lisa53096 natava
Went on here looking for remedies for my daughter (13 yr old). Ankle surgery Feb 2017. Her pediatric ortho kept saying: xrays look good & she's all healed. I had enough of that after constant complaints of pain & swelling & things I couldn't understand or feel myself. She has 2 screws. I took her to my podiatrist. She diagnosed her with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. Prescribed Gabapentin (for people with seizures) & aggressive physical therapy. Supposedly the nerve sensors can become all jacked up from the surgery. In PT she does various exercises. Also she's told to rub a towel on the surgery sight or even a crumpled piece of paper. She's been going for 6 weeks. Pain is not as bad but still some. She does get the biting and what she calls seizures. I'll keep looking for more answers.. Good luck to all.
diane_41179 lisa53096
Charbrnt42 lisa53096
vanessa1979 diane_41179
I’m going to try that, I have a noticeable piece of scar tissue on the inner part of my ankle.
(Fibula Spiral fracture, Plate & Screws, tendon repair)