Post-surgery update - completely unexpected results!
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Hello Ladies... just got home a little while ago after a 10-hour day at the hospital. For anyone new to my situation, I was supposed to have an ovary removed that appeared to contain some type of mass, in addition to having a couple of small uterine polyps removed. My doctor ordered lab work on hormone levels and cancer markers that was all normal. She said that the mass was contained within the ovary and appeared to be solid. So this is everything we knew going into surgery.
Well, I had the surgery today, and guess what... there was nothing in the ovary!!!!!!!!! I was awake in the recovery room, and extremely dizzy, when my doctor came in with a big smile to tell me. She explained that I have a benign "floating" fibroid outside of my uterus that has been positioned in such a way that it has been pressing on the ovary. The ovary itself was a yellowish color, not the whitish color that it should be, but she said it was not the color that it would be if cancer was present. However, to be sure, she removed it and a frozen section was done on it that confirmed no cancer.
She also removed the two uterine polyps, in addition to a cervical polyp that also turned up, and these are all expected to be benign. The other ovary has a functional cyst present that she said will be gone in a few weeks. She also did a D & C as expected. The pathology results will be back on Monday or Tuesday.
I am still in total shock about the ovary. Since I was so dizzy when she told me, I couldn't process what the doctor told me at all. After they put me back in my day surgery room with my mom (I was allowed one person with me there), she explained it all to me. They gave me a pain pill and I slept for about 2 hours and then a nurse with really cold hands came in to wake me up. I had some juice and crackers, and a couple of cups of water, and after a while they made sure that I could urinate and sent me home. I'm staying with my family while I recover and they are a huge help.
So that is everything for now! I learned a lot today. It has been crazy and the outpatient day surgery unit was very noisy, so I am grateful to be home. I will have a follow-up appointment with the doctor on May 4, assuming that no emergencies or complications arise.
Time to rest more now, feeling sore and a bit yucky. Thanks again for all your support!
Elizabeth 💕
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