Posterior blepharitis help

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Hi all.

I have been suffering from posterior blepharitis for 3 months and I am feeling hopeless. All the information I find seems to be about curing anterior bleph which I don't have at all.

My eyes look normal from the outside, except the lids are pretty swollen, but not red. On the inside of my eyelids near the margins by eyes are inflamed and bright red.

Doctors gave me some fucithalmic acid which helped a bit until I had to stop with it. I recently went back for more but have been told by every pharmacy in town it's no longer being made by the manufacturer, so that sucks...they also put my on doxycyline for a week which brought down the swelling a lot, but they wouldn't give me any more :S

After coming off the doxy my eyes are almost worse than ever. I am in a lot of pain, my eyes constantly burn and feel very dry.

Does anyone else have this? Can anyone offer advise? Thanks.

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi luna, I'm sorry you are having such a rotten time.  Do you use an ocular lubricant for the dry eyes?  That would help with the burning and relieve the dryness.  I can't remember what the bottle tells you regarding dosage but when my eyes are particulalry dry,  I use the drops very often and 'squirt' them rather than instil a single drop.
    • Posted

      Thank you mrsmop. I use an eye gel called GenTeal which is the best lubricant I have found so far. I does make my eyes a bit less dry but not so that it relieves the constant burning feeling.
  • Posted

    Hi Luna,  I have suffered from blepharitis for many years.  I have it under reasonable control now.  Symptoms in the past have been as you have red rims,

    swollen lids, dry eyes, burning, gritty feeling, light sensitivity, little ulcers on inside of rims etc.  I am in the UK you don't mention where you are.  What advice have been given for daily cleaning regime. On this forum you find lists of what others do for this condition.  The usual is hot compresses following my eye lid massage

    and thorough cleaning of the areas around the eye lashes.  Different regimes and products works for different people.  Have a look on this forum. With regard to lubricant for dry eyes I use celluvisc preservative free individual phials.  Hope you can find something which works for you.  Take care.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that you have the same symptoms, I know it can be painful. I am in the UK too.

      I clean my eyes when i wake up and before I go to bed, but to be honest it doesn't seem to make a difference.

      This all started 2 months after I went back on the contraceptive pill to help with my acne. I'd been on it before for years with no problems, but as my acne had gotten worse again I decided to go back on to it. Just before my eyes started hurting I don't my skin was incredably dry. It had never been this dry when I was on the pill before. Usually I have pretty oilly skin, and now all of a sudden I could go a full day out and not have to blot once. It was so dry I was having to use extra oily moisturiser for the first time in my life. And then this happened to my eyes...when I made the connection I came off the pill but unfortunately it does not seem to have reversed the damage done sad I am so annoyed with myself for ever having gone back on the pill!

    • Posted

      Can I ask what you use to clean your eyes.  The standard advice has always been cooled boiled water with baby shampoo.  A lot of people find this drying and it can sting even with just a tiny drop of the shampoo.  I have changed over to the boiled water with half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.  I find this much better.  I also take a cotton wool make up pad and wipe it over each eye lid after cleaning with the solution and q tips.  There is also a solution called blephasol which the opthalmologist at the hospital said his patients were saying it was good.

      I bought a bottle and to be honest nothing wrong with it but did not make any difference that I could see.  Also there are the wipes which lots of people say are brilliant.  Look at other postings for info.


    • Posted

      I am using boiled water with a bit of sea salt in it. I will try baking soda though, that sounds interesting! Thanks.
    • Posted

      It is bicarbonate of soda  you need 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon in cup of cooled boiled water.  I think it is the same as baking soda but I just kept to what  was told.  You can but try hope it helps.
  • Posted

    libralady you have reminded me, I am allergic to hypromellose, which is the main ingredient in GenTeal, so I use Liquifilm and Lacrilube but for my other drops, I use Minims preservative free.
  • Posted

    Have you read this luna?  I would be surprised if every ophthalmic eye drop containing fusidic acid had been withdrawn.

    It could be that there is a manufacturing problem.  I had that last year with my Cosopt eye drops and I was being given Cosopt from Spain and France!  It is now avaiable in English again.  They told me it was a manufacturing problem with that.

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      I asked at the pharmacists and with my doctor and they all said that there's only the one drop sad the alternative they recommended was the over-the-counter types of anti-biotic eyedrops which don't help me at all. It's very frustrating!
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      The only other eye drop that I can think of that is similar, is chloramphenicol


  • Posted

    Hi luna222

    I have been reading the posts sorry to hear you have not found something to ease your eyes yet,Have you tried wet ones if you are based in the uk they are the ones with benzalkonium chloride in.They are be fresh originals antibacterial and also wet ones be gentle sensitive i also use optrex eye drops for tired eyes.I to suffered since 2003/4 and now i clean my eyes only twice a day (morning/night).I used to clean my eyes with cooled boiled water and baby shampoo but when i found this site they said baby shampoo could dry your eyes out as if they werent dry enough!! I found posts by Lynda79 and honjon were very helpfull. but there again you will find a few helpful hints on here from different people  if you decide to try the wet ones wash eyes 4times a day to start with but only use enough to put on your finger and wipe the rim of your eye not in the eye but make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients first so good luck and look up Lynda79rolleyes   


    • Posted

      Thanks Jeanette. I have read the posts about wet ones, but they seem to be for anterior bleph? I don't think that would help me too much since I don't think my problem is caused by bacteria.
    • Posted

      I've been using the wet ones for a few days and haven't noticed a difference. Like I said I don't think they can be much use for posterior blepharitis becuase it's not caused by bacteria. I'll keep using them anyway to stop anything else going wrong with my eyes.

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