posterior Repair - Update
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I had my operation some 9 weeks ago now and had followed everything that I was told to do to aid my recovery, keeping hydrated, going for short walks and then increasing these over the weeks, gentle cycling and swimming and resting. 8 weeks down the line I developed pain in my left leg but thought that I probably had overdone the exercise and so ignored it and just carried on! 2 days later I couldn't put my foot to the ground - I recognised this symptom from some years before when I had a DVT following a long haul flight - so booked myself an urgent appointment with my GP. My GP agreed with me and put me onto Apixaban immediately and did an initial blood test. Later that day it was confirmed to be a significantly high reading. I've attended hospital where I was scanned, blood tested again etc., resulting in a definite diagnosis and am now to continue on Apixaban for the next 3 months when the hospital will see me again.
I had returned to work on a phased back to work basis part time and only managed 2 mornings when this all happened. I am now back off of work at home resting my leg until the pain and swelling goes! It's so frustrating up until this point my recovery had gone quite well just the usual worries, pains and setbacks that everyone seems to have experienced. I am am still trying to recover from the surgery and now the DVT - not being able to do any exercise at all grrr!
Throughout all of this I must say that it is so important to listen to your bodies and only you know when you feel something is not quite right and never be afraid to get help and advice.
Hoping that all you lovely ladies are doing well on your journeys to recovery.
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Fi-45 annette65260
But have to say well done to your gp for not fobbing you off and getting you treated ASAP. So many people go untreated and auffer tragically. Xx
annette65260 Fi-45
My GP was good and acted quickly thank goodness 😊. X
phyl_40063 annette65260
So sorry to hear of your set back especially as things were going so well.
Really surprised that you have had DVT problem in later weeks, especially when you have followed advice and built up regular walks etc.
Never had this problem before but due to go on holiday around 16 week post op, flight around five and a half hours, so reckon I will have to wear my post op knee highs then, we must still be at risk then even after all these weeks!
I do hope the pain and swelling goes down quickly for you .
Healing hugs, look after yourself,
Phyk x💖
robyn94818 phyl_40063
Fi-45 robyn94818
annette65260 robyn94818
Fi-45 annette65260
annette65260 Fi-45
phyl_40063 annette65260
Fi-45 annette65260
phyl_40063 Fi-45
I think they generally sat 12 weeks or more before attempting low impact with exception of swimming.
I did not start cycling last time until well past 12 weeks, can't remember just how long but waited till I seen my phisio and had some intensive physio lessons, waited until she said my pelvic floor exercises were strong enough; anyhow it was too uncomfortable on the seat.
Didn't have posterior repair last time , so will take even longer this time. Got a stubborn stitch at posterior end that causes discomfort when on feet too long, will see what consultant says when I see her appointment on 23 may
Phyk x☺
Fi-45 phyl_40063
phyl_40063 Fi-45
Had some spot bleeding from there every now and again (think I was rubbing too hard after toilet) and was a bit nippy .
Has finally healed but feel like the perineum area is thin and weak. Time will tell I suppose.
Matron will be able to suggest a suitable cream for that area!
Phyl x☺
Fi-45 phyl_40063
phyl_40063 Fi-45