postmenopausal bleed
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I'm 51 and not had a period for nearly 3 years. Last week I had all the symptoms leading up to a period and now I'm bleeding. My Dr examined me and said she couldn't see or feel anything wrong and thinks that I am just having a period. Do why have I now got to go for a scan. I'm so worried. Thanks for listening.
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jayneejay lyndaE
try not to worry..
could be a number of reasons.. do you take HRT or any other things that may affect you..
a scan is most important ..
a few ladies have had this happen post meno as i have seen their posts on here before..
big hugs jay x
marlene21102 jayneejay
jayneejay marlene21102
even vaginal dryness post meno can cause bleeding ..
was reading about that the other day infact ..
hence me having my Ovestin Estriol ovules .. when needed ..
havent had any beeding though.. only discomfort some times
jay x
Jan999 lyndaE
jayneejay Jan999
good lord thats a long wait ..
i get mine explained there and then and photos to take home
no waiting ..
jay x
Jan999 jayneejay
jayneejay Jan999
i dont live in UK .. i am from UK though..
here i pay to see my Gyno, have everything checked, even a 3D breast scan
yes they give you all your results here, had a scan vaginally in Aug
he showed me my ovaries on screen. and uterine lining, told me i was post menopause as uterine wall thin and 4mm ( but may thin abit more) said my ovaries were non functioning no follicles ( post meno)
had smear, also all inside vaginal area checked and cervix, magnified and checked all the cells close up too, pretty thorough ..
then they give you your results and talk to you, and send you home with all the pictures 😳. ( i didnt frame them) 😀
and all for 150€ ..
told me i had vaginal dryness and suggested Ovestin Estriol Cream or Ovules just for vaginal discomfort ... and how they work etc..
i only use on occassion if feel discomfort ..
we had the natural progesterone cream discussion and when i told him what happened to me.. he went on to say how dangerous it was .. and how it messes women up.. how it shouldnt be easy to buy like it is ..
he was amazing 😀
jay xx
Jan999 jayneejay
jayneejay Jan999
yes i remember and i was a nurse for the NHS years ago..
went into management years after for hospital and dental etc ..
know the score ... dont miss it ..
jay xx
Jan999 jayneejay
jayneejay Jan999
yes it certainly has ..
takes forever to get a doctors appointment now doesnt it ..
my elderly parents always moaning about it ..
it is a shame ..
jay x
marlene21102 Jan999
jayneejay marlene21102
chiefs and indians ..
i only said that other old classic the other day..
speak to the organ grinder hahahaha
jay x
Jan999 marlene21102
marlene21102 jayneejay
marlene21102 Jan999
Nurses are payed a pittance ,long hours .again winds me up . Yes matrons were strict ,they ran Hsp ,even Drs use to jump to her tune .,about time we went back to those days in my view ,sooner the better .cleaners spent long time cleaning,then they handed that out to private sector. So we've got what we've got get what you pay for ,grubby Hsp's ,terrible .
Jan999 marlene21102