Postmenopause, pain and depression.
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I am really going to try and keep this short. I am 51 and 2 years postmenopause. My body has turned on me. I had a terrible perimenopause. It gets worse the older I am. When my periods stopped for the last time (though at that time I didn't know it.) Hell like I have never known has unleashed on me. Pain is the name of the game and I am it's unwilling player. I thought it was supposed to get better after menopause?
I used to go into the doctor at any signs of weirdness. But now because there has been no help for me (and my doctor quit her practice)I don't see the point. I just am slowly very painfully dying.
Middle right side terrible back pain, moves to the side and then front. My rotten husband Googles symptom which I hate because I refuse to. So I can't get away from it. Kidneys, cancer, etc. Now I am worried it is my kidney. I have leg pain. Left ovary area pain, that goes away then comes back sharp and then just aches. . My Gyno says even though I have cyst on my ovaries they wouldn't cause me pain. She says you have something else to worry about and to get a colonoscopy. Is that her way of calling me a lying hypochondriac? I would gladly give her or my husband my pain. Now I have stomach pain because of the ibuprofen and stress from back pain. Pain moves through my body like blood moves through the body. Then to top it off I am pretty sure I have either a BV (no odor) or a yeast infection. Great.
I have my annual pap tomorrow afternoon.
Bought a new bed about two months ago and I HATE it. To soft. the bed I we had for several years was really hard.
I realize there is no hope for me. This is it. I am doomed. It just keeps getting worse. I have lost 20lbs. Difficult for me to lose weight but my thyroid is fine. (Still need to lose another 40lbs) I feel worse instead of better. How is that possible?? I am afraid to eat because of reaction to food. No sugar, no caffeine, no dairy and now low fat and low carb. I drink only water.
I don't have children and I don't live anywhere around friends or family other than my dog and husband. I don't work outside the home. I have been on bp meds and cholesterol meds for years. A true sad sack huh? lol.
I am sorry for being so negative. Pain and stress has consumed my personality. It has eaten it whole and now I can only function on a very basic level.
Thank you, and Bless every single one of you.
2 likes, 16 replies
jude84900 Keljo48
Is there a reason your on a statin? Have you studied the side effects on them? Muscle aches and pains etc . My husband had a heart attack 11 years ago. We saturated ourselves in information galore on the use of statins. It goes against the standard dr prescribing them to everybody at a certain age but unless you have had a heart attack already statins do more harm than good. Some cardiologists have written books that women and children should never be on them. Have you tried stopping them for a week to see how you would feel without them? My husband had the same issues you describe. He hated those side effects and won't take them anymore. I'm not a dr but if i was in your shoes I would get off the statins to see if you feel better in body then get to a natural or holistic dr type medicine and get on some bio identical hormones. Women do think when they hit that magic 12 months without a period that they will go back to normal only to find it gets worse for most of us. I was one of them. I'm 59, post menopausal for over 4 years been on bio identical hormones almost the whole time and will take them for life now. What you describe your life being is not quality of life. You have many good years ahead of you with some tweaking in the way you look at your health and doctoring. We really have to take a active role in our health and what we want even if its changing doctors and getting things right. Again I'm not a dr but my personal belief is you can get yourself feeling good again .
Guest jude84900
"bio identical hormones" how do you get this? I can't take hrt because of blood clot hit my lungs and extremely high blood pressure from them , SO will the same thing happen on "bio identical hormones' ? Is this a pill or cream or injection? How long does it last in your system?
jude84900 Guest
Not sure where your from but in the states we have docs that do bio identical hormone replacement. Its important to get one that is well versed and does proper blood work to get you om just what your body needs. I started on compounded creams that worked very well and now do pellets consisting of estrodial and testosterone. The creams you rub on daily. Minor inconvenience to feel good. The pellets are three to four times a year placed in your buttocks. You should be able to find a dr in your area. There is more and more doctors getting on board with this. Also if you call you local pharmacy they should be able to give you a list of doctors you can see. Bio identical hormones do not carry the same risks of synthetic hormones but again a good doctor should be able to answer all your concerns and questions too.
Keljo48 jude84900
The statin is because about 6 years ago I didn't control my BP and I ended up in the ER and then hospitalized with an acute attack of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). I ended up with a Cardiologist. They do cholesterol check and mine was/is high. Also I failed a treadmill test. Apparently I didn't recover well. Since I am built like a Hobbit I was never meant to run. lol I was lucky enough to hold on for dear life. So I had a Heart Cath to check my heart. I had 20% build up other than that my heart was good. So they put me on atoravastatin. I have been on it ever since. I have also read that it wasn't good for you, so I took myself off of it for awhile. Until my Dr. did bloodwork and checked my cholesterol. It was elevated. So I went back on it.
I went to Urgent care this afternoon. Apparently I have a possible bladder/kidney infection. Urinalysis showed everything normal except my leukocyte esterase was 3+ which it should be negative. Protein and Blood were negative. My vitals were good except my temp was 99 which is high for me. So I am on an antibiotic and she gave me meds for yeast infection for before and after. I am not taking the yeast meds until after I have my pap tomorrow.
I made an appt with my NP but it isn't until the 14th. Either that or tomorrow same time as my GYN. I chose to keep my GYN appt.
I think I will go off my statin for awhile and see how pain does.
Urgent Care Doc agreed with my GYN assessment that my ovary cyst aren't causing me pain. She said cyst are pretty normal. She said there are other things in that area that could cause me pain.
Of course. 😦 Hopefully the antibiotics do more good than harm.
I am not sure about the bio hormones. My Dr. (the one that quit, lol) said I am not a good candidate for hormone replacement because of my heart history. IDK. It's hard to find a good Dr. in my area.
I had my hormones tested earlier this year and all but my Estrogen was low. Estrogen was high. I believe like 124?
Anyway thank you for your reply.
I didn't take my statin last night and I will go off it and see if it helps.
jude84900 Keljo48
I'm going to send you a private message because the board won't allow me to use names of books
lisa95354 Keljo48
Keljo please be careful when you speak of taking yourself off the statin, you do not want to have a stroke!! what frustrates me about the cholesterol is our body needs it to function, if it’s borderline will they let you take supplements to help it, oh yeah I my crazy ...doctors suggesting Supplements ...that’s unheard of. just please be careful 😉
NothinforNothin Keljo48
I would get another GYN. I would not put up with any sarcasm when it comes to my symptoms. There is hope for you! You are not doomed! Time to look for another doctor if yours quit her practice. I don't settle for any I don't feel comfortable with. Try to keep some humor during this time. I know how hard that is to do. I REALLY do but, staying positive and maybe taking on a different direction when it comes to your health may help. Take up a hobby. Don't sit around just thinking about your aches and pains. It's really hard to do but, you have to rid yourself of so many negative thoughts. It is great you are reaching out for support on this site and shows you are being proactive and looking for help at this time. It will help. Has helped me tremendously during this time. You are so young at 51 years old and you have so many more wonderful years a head of you with your husband. Try to take each day as it comes and go with the flow. This is right now but, it is not going to last forever and this too shall pass. ❤️
Keljo48 NothinforNothin
Thank you.
It is just the pain talking. When my pain level reaches about a 7. Ugh. It is hard to cope. I have been looking for a new doctor. Good ones are few and far between where I live. My quitter Doc went to work at the VA hospital. She was a great Dr and the vets are lucky to have her. She's young mid 30's. She probably quit to get away from me. 😃 - I am kidding with that lol. So now I have to find a Dr that doesn't take forever to get an appt and is good.
I have a craft room crammed with crafts, that I can't get in the frame of mind to get anywhere besides add to my craft hoarding. I am shameful. I really am. I am really disappointed in myself. My husband is a retired career Marine (27 years) and I ran our lives. Kept them going. I was always in charge. I am not that person anymore. I live and breath my issues, and I hate it. I am all doom and gloom because I haven't felt well in at least 4 years. Before I knew what any of the "pauses" were anything but hot flashes, I told my husband I think my coping mechanism is broken. Ugh.
I do have a saying I cut out of a magazine years ago.
I know. this too shall pass. I need that tattooed to my forehead. I have to tell myself. "Let it go Kelly, don't let it control you" That works until I have to whimper through pain. lol.
NothinforNothin Keljo48
You will get through this. I feel the same though sometimes. I was large and in charge running my house. I was then in a bad way for months and could barely answer a phone call! Things do get better though. Get in your craft room and start making something! Small accomplishments help. I've recently added a probiotic to my never ending list of otc supplements I take. It has really really helped me. Otc Estroven too. You don't even want to know all the supplements I take ha! but, those two just added have made a world of difference. You haven't lost your sense of humor I see. You will eventually be just fine! Don't lose hope. You can whimper through the pain. Most of us do!
kelly55079 Keljo48
Do you take magnesium or Vit D?? They could help with the pain. Have you looked into Turmeric? That's great that you are eating a great diet. This may sound odd BUT if you near a pool, I would try to go. We have a public indoor pool and just getting in the water feels awesome. And many do go to the pool for that reason to feel better about their pain or aches. My spouse is on statins and he too has problems with his arm or leg, etc,.... You might want to take a look at your meds that you are on. Prehaps now that you have lost weight you may not even need BP or cholesterol meds. Take care!!!
Keljo48 kelly55079
Thank you,
I do take chelated magnesium every day. But I don't take Vit D. I have Turmeric curcumin though I haven't taken them. I do admit to having a phobia of mixing meds or vitamins, or fear of taking to much of something. Certain vitamins are fat soluble (can't pee out excess) D, K, E and A are fat soluble. They aren't lost when food they are in are cooked, the body doesn't need them everyday and excess is stored in the liver and fat until needed. So I take a multivitamin (though I have slacked on that.) I also take evening primrose It got rid of my breast pain that and magnesium.
I am going to go off my statin to see how that works. Hopefully when I lose more weight I can have my bp meds reduced! 😃
Guest Keljo48
I have that SAME right back pain so BAD that I scream and cry with it any movement is like I hit a nerve ! I am way post menopause and I seen no relief in sight in fact PAIN is increase and pretty steady in menopause MUCH more so then preimeno ! I seen online doctor for my right back pain even showed her the area ! She called in some meds for inflammation/nerve pain and possible arthritis! OR COMBO of all 3! Tell your husband that googles does not have a phd! In fact it is not more than a search engines that brings us tons of stuff that many people post that have NO ideal what they talking about! Googles just brings up whatever with whatever tags people added to their post !
Not only am I dealing with back pain 4 weeks on maybe a week or two off and then back again. plus hip pain/leg pain and then bursitis in left shoulder talk about critical excruciating pain and that last for 4 to 6 weeks and then diverticulitis and that is with labor pains non stop until you load yourself up on two different antibiotics for weeks like 2 to 3 weeks! MENO for me has been nothing but PAIN!
Jelly legs when they not numb and achy ! THE horror list goes on! I honestly feel your pain/depression and hopeless with this mess! HUGS!
kim93615 Keljo48
hi, Ms. ladies
I am going through a lot to my doctor told me I am postmenopausal I have all crazy things happening to me upper back feel sore irregular heartbeats my sleep is off both shoulders hurt. I get dizziness feel like I want to the up all type of stuff happening to me I am 50 now this started three years ago do it ever end.
lisa95354 Keljo48
Hey Keljo, I am super sorry you were having such a difficult time. But wait a minute what is the gynecologist talking about that you’re not gonna have pain if there’s cyst on your ovaries? Is this some kind of joke? That’s like saying if you poke someone with a nail they’re not gonna feel it is she out of her mind, certainly sounds like it. I know we have spoke a lot before but you’re not able to go on HRT are you, I think you told me before you weren’t able to. IDK, I’ve been hearing from some people that it can get worse post menopause, but I’m not going to think that way!!! yeah googling symptoms will only have you diagnosing yourself with a terminal illness, it’s no good. and I know you told me before that you cut all the crap out and you’re eating healthy. you don’t think your BP and cholesterol meds are interfering somehow do you? I have strange stabbing pains in my stomach and ovaries, maybe you’re getting sis around when your cycle used to be, that’s when I used to get them. I get confused between cysts and fibroids. you and I are on the same boat, I refuse to go to the freaking doctor unless I have to. I think you also said you have a natural path, have you tried acupuncture. do you know what you need you need to go to a Chinese medicine doctor, i’m telling you try to find one because I think that type of doctor could really help you. Chinese medicine does not want to 'mask' the problem. I know it’s very disheartening but there is still an array of bizarre things post menopause that’s for sure .... like murderous thoughts… Oh wait I’ve had those last 10 years… JK lol! I wish I had some magic words girl, God bless ya...HUGS xo
kelly55079 lisa95354
Yes to acupuncture!!! Years ago I was having back issues and then shoulder issues and acupuncture helped!!! She then would rub this chinese 'ben-gay' stuff on and it helped so much!! Defiantly worth a try..