ppi drugs and hiatal hernia
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finally after months of being in severe chest pain,heart palpitaions and severe vomitings and zero appetite i got the diagnosis of small hiatus hernia...i was put on ppi drug and told to take it just for 2 months..after 20 days of taking this drug i suffered from intense nausea and vomiting which i blv is the side effect of ppi..i was vomiting too much and feeling sick with body aches..he prescribed eto od which is a domperidone along with ppi for 30 days..i am doing well now..eating well no nausea and finally gaining weight which i had lost a lot in the past few months..my question is i was reading that after the treatment of ppi drug is over will the symptoms reoccur??i was reading a lot on internet that symptoms come back after stopping ppi drugs..is this true?? is it really a short time treatment and i.will begin.vomiting again??and by the way i follow a good diet pain ajd avoid spicy foods and caffeinated drinks...
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pippa58442 rabiya27671
Some people get acid rebound after stopping a PPI cold turkey; however, not everyone gets this. I was on a short term PPI years ago. I came off them quickly and my heartburn did not get worse; in fact it was better. I find over the counter antacids just as good. Try coming off the PPI slowly in case you get acid rebound. Whether you will start vomiting again, I don't know. Ask your doctor if you should continue on PPIs long term if it has helped your symptoms.
rabiya27671 pippa58442
pippa58442 rabiya27671
Surgery wraps sometimes cause complications. I was offered this procedure for my acid reflux. However, I opted for medication which I take as when I need it because I am intolerant to sedation and I take a long time to recover mentally and physically from invasive procedures. Even a simple blood test has left me in permanent pain. After chiropractory and deep tissue massage, I had exhaustion and constant joint and muscle pain for nine months followed by costochondritis and finally stress related IBS.
If you can tolerate milk, this is a great natural antacid if you can't take PPIs or antacids.
rabiya27671 pippa58442
rabiya27671 pippa58442
pippa58442 rabiya27671
I haven't got a hernia. I was given a PPI for acid reflux. Nothing was ever found on my endoscopy so it was assumed I had a weak esophageal sphincter that was opening and allowing the acid to escape. I got acid reflux because of exam stress. The acid did improve from what it was, but it has never fully gone away. If I get silent reflux, I start to cough until I take an antacid which stops it.
The chiropractor left me in a lot of pain after just 3 sessions and I think the existing old injuries got worse, some that were in remission recurred and I developed new ones. Even though, my treatment was adjusted to make it less rough, the damage was already done. Only mild side effects were listed on their leaflets and the really severe ones were kept hidden. The same happened with the massage which was supposed to correct the chiropractor's damage. I was not told about the intense fatigue, nausea, joint pain and anxiety rebound that it causes. Since, I told them that I suffer from
anxiety, I should have been advised I was not suitable for this treatment. At least I got my money back although I was never the same afterwards.
bb123 rabiya27671
I have been diagnosed with both a small sliding hiatal hernia and with GERD. Was put on PPI's (40 mg twice a day) and Ranitine (Zantac) at night. Was a huge help but was concerned about the side effects of the PPI so went off of them. Last month got pains at the bottom of breast bone area and to the left and right, so went back on them for short while at less of a dosage requested by me. I get pain in the front and into back at times especially if I deep breath(same area) I wonder if it is due to the sliding hiatal hernia working its way up and down. It's a scary feeling for sure.
rabiya27671 bb123
bb123 rabiya27671
When this all started a few years ago I didn't remember any vomiting but did have nausea from time to time. I tend to drink coffee which is acidic. When mine first hit me and I wasn't taking anything I'd actually feel the acid tickling my throat like the Pop Rock Candies. I read where one poster (senior moderator)on another health forum couldn't drink water without it hurting as she had sores in her esophagus. Nasty stuff.
bb123 rabiya27671
The first prescription they gave me a few years ago was 40mg twice daily. However, there's been studies done since that time that may be pointing at some bad side effects of long term use that made the news. I recently questioned my GI doctor and he said the full verdict isn't in as of yet on it. Out of curiosity I called my pharmacist and he said that he still takes his but only every 3 days but suggested I go with what my doctor recommended. Afterwards, I spoke to my GI and asked to get the dosage lowered to 20mg. And he obliged me, however my insurance company would not pay for 2 PPI's prescribed per day. Personally I think the insurance company did that because of all the mystery that revolves around long term use. Would like to have the term "long term" defined to me on this one but in the meantime I found that for me, doing what the pharmacist said he did works ok. Now if I've irritated my stomach by drinking coffee, fish oil supplements, hot peppers and get gastritis(which I do at times), I take it for a week till it clears up. Also take Zantac at night and keep Pepto on the night stand. Had the scary squeezing again just below the breastbone a few minutes ago and thought it was a heart attack. Hope someone else joins this thread to share more of their hiatal hernia and GERD stories. It sure helps sense they don't seem to experience exactly the same things.
rabiya27671 bb123
bb123 rabiya27671
I was afraid of it coming back with a vengeance too after tappering off the meds but knew I could go back on them if need be. The pain scared me so bad one day that I asked my dad to take n to ER, but he asked that I wait a few hours to see if things got better and it did so I calmed down. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety as well and feel these illnesses feed each other?
Have you checked out the other threads here in the forum with "Hiatal Hernia" in the title? I'm reading one thread now that has had over 200 responses to it that is interesting that may help us both. I stopped a bit to pop back here to this one to see if you replied to this post. I may put a response in that thread later on.
rabiya27671 bb123
pippa58442 bb123
pippa58442 bb123
bb123 rabiya27671
I think the mods delete links, but just look under the "Hernia" forum and you will see several discussions...one has over 200 and I think it's on the first page. The person that sorted it is "2eddie" and the title is "Sliding Hiatus Hernia"
bb123 pippa58442
This GERD stuff is the pits. By back hurts from sleeping on a wide wedge pillow and it's such a thick wedge rolling over on my side isn't comfortable at all, so I got out my thin wedge pillow and put a pillow on top of it...smart right? Wrong! My reflux volcano erupted taking full advantage of my reclined state and aspirated into my lungs. I hacked for an hour getting that acid cleared out of there. So, I'm back to sitting straight up in bed again.
pippa58442 bb123
rabiya27671 pippa58442
rabiya27671 bb123
pippa58442 rabiya27671
rabiya27671 pippa58442
pippa58442 rabiya27671
rabiya27671 pippa58442
pippa58442 rabiya27671
Try the anti vomiting drug all the same. Side effects don't happen to everyone. You won't know if this medication works without trying it first. If it doesn't work for you or you get bad side effects, go back to your doctor again and push for something else. If you still sre getting nowhere, change your doctor.
rabiya27671 pippa58442
you know what..nobody supported me in my hard time..thankyou for messaging me and supporting me and for your advices..i am left by everyone..even my husband..but advice amd support from someone who doesn't know you means a lot to me right now..again thankyou pippa..i will keep posting and updating!!
pippa58442 rabiya27671
I do hope you find a solution. It must be so hard when you've tried all the usual treatments and they don't work.
rabiya27671 pippa58442
it is hard..and to all those who find this post..help me find a solution..and i pray for death if solution couldn't be found..for death is the other name of relief!
pippa58442 rabiya27671
rabiya27671 pippa58442
going private??if u mean privately visiting a dr then yes i have visited them..no use..ppi drug is the only soluion that they have..else they can't help much..
pippa58442 rabiya27671
rabiya27671 pippa58442
Happyhacker bb123
rabiya27671 Happyhacker
peter72238 rabiya27671
I am so sad to learn that your health problems have such a profoundly negative effect on your life, and I truly hope that you are feeling much, much better now (it is currently Sept 2020 as I write this).
I am trying to learn about ppi's and hiatal hernias for my own health problems, and discovered a different page at patient.info (https://patient.info/digestive-health/acid-reflux-and-oesophagitis/hiatus-hernia) where it describes some of the more uncommon symptoms of hiatal hernias, and mentions that vomiting may be linked, in rare cases, to "a para-oesophageal hernia, the symptoms can be those of a part of the bowel being blocked (obstructed)."
I mention this because I was surprised, and dismayed, to learn that you have so much vomiting from your hiatal hernia, and I wonder if the above info may in some way be connected to your situation.
I've posted it here, 3 years after your original posts, just in case anyone else reads this thread in search for help and information as I am doing in 2020.
I'm not a doctor, and I don't have the severe vomiting you experience, but I couldn't help but wonder if there's a connection.
Again, I hope you are feeling much, much better now.
(from Nevada, USA)