Pre-op Assesment nightmare.....
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Hi all, today finds me to be not in a very good place at all.....
Went for my Pre-Op assessment this morning, the usual blood pressure, ECG, blood work, MRSA swabs etc.Blood Pressure showing high, as it has been for a couple of months, and I have been taking meds for it, and beibg monitered by my GP. Actually got the numbers down at the past 2 readings that she did.
Met with a Registrar, and also the Anaesthetist, Stan. Stan and I had a good chat about what my options are follwing a failed (and, for me, traumatic) Spinal at my first TKR in March. He was happy to go straight to General Anaesthetic with me, as the thought of another Spinal is stressing me out. We even discussed whether I should take my Blood Pressure medication on the morning of the surgery. Confirmed that I will have a catheter placed, the same as last time, and told me he'd see me on Thursday.
Waited around a bit longer, and a Healthcare Assistant-type nurse came in to check that everything had been done, and to tell me I could go home. She then looked at my BP figures, and took a 3rd reading, which was still coming in elevated. At which point she said "Thats too high for us here, ITLL HAVE TO BE CANCELLED!!" Bearing in mind not 30 minutes previously Id been talking to the Anaesthetist himslef and he was aware of my numbers! She then started going on about having my BP read at my GP surgery and phoning in the result (Phone in? No confirmation required from the GP?) and if it was still high then I would need to get 3 separate readings on 3 separate days, before they could look at rescheduling! I explained that my surgery is scheduled for Thursday, and she just shrugged.
Needless to say I burst into tears (have barely stopped since to be honest....) gathered my belongings and headed off to the loo. On my way there, the Staff Nurse who had done the majority of my Pre-Op work saw me, asked if I was ok, at which point the "bad news nurse" said no, shes upset cos her blood pressures up and her ops got to be cancelled". Look of disbelief from Staff Nurse Denise, who told me to hang on, and she would go and have a word with Stan. i locked myself in the loo and tried to sort myself out (fat chance of that!!). when I came out, Denise told me that I was stil to go in on Thursday morning, but it was important that I get my BP read at my GP's before I go in.
I managed to get an appointment to see a Nurse at my GP surgery a couple of hours later, and she also "thinks" that its "probably" too high, but only took one reading as my Anaesthetist appeared to be happy! Going to have it done tomorrow and also Wednesday, and then Thursday arrives. With me not really knowing if the surgery is going to take place or not.
I thought Id just about reached rock bottom a few days ago, been very emotional and stressed, but had started to come out of the other side (especially after reading how well Cheryl is doing after knee #2!). Now Im worse than ever, cant stop crying, feel sick, and havent got a clue whats going to happen!
To anyone still reading (sorry its so long), thank you. I guess you guys are the only ones who will understand how bad this feels.......
2 likes, 41 replies
granmonica terri59470
terri59470 granmonica
I've just rememberred that I was taught some breathing exercises by a counsellor after an "incident" at my old place of work, maybe I'll revisit those.......
Thanks for your kind words xx
ElaineA terri59470
I really think everything will be ok. People with high BP must have this happen. That bl**dy nurse! What a 'jobsworth' ! Keep your chin up. Feel positive, or your blood pressure will soar. Deep breathing and wonderful thoughts. Calm, and meditate to get that blood pressure on an even keel.
I am sending positive calming vibes that all goes well and that you have your op as scheduled on Thursday. It is the Aneasthetist's decision at the end of the day.
Hugs hugs hugs,
Elaine xx
terri59470 ElaineA
Im trying to remember to breathe, and hubbys just come in from work and Im banned from doing anything more strenuos than making a cup of tea, and as you say - at the end of the day, its the anaesthetists decision. If it comes from him that we have to cancel then Ill have to take it on the chin, but we'll see.
Thanks again xxxx
ElaineA terri59470
richard68654 terri59470
i think the answer, and it's easy to say 3 months after my op, but leave it to the experts and take their advice however upsetting it may be. TKRs are routine but they are major invasive surgery and they will not take any chances - if they di then you would be at risk, they would only be sued.
i feel for you as you are having a tough time but think positive it will all be over soon. Best wishes.
terri59470 richard68654
Feeling a bit more positive now, so all I can do is wait.
irish_linda terri59470
terri59470 irish_linda
I agree the nurse should have been more considerate - she was almost dismissive, as if to say "Not my problem" and walked off!
Im seeing my (lovely) GP on Wednesday, so hopefully I'll be nice and calm, and we can rustle up a decent number! xx
veronica91735 terri59470
I am going in tomorrow, for the much awaited (but still terrifying) revision. My BP is up as per usual - they have told me to take my BP pills (2 different ones) with water at 6.30am before I go in (have to be there at 7am) - at the moment they are going with a spinal again, but reverting to a GA if they have to. I am totally on edge today as I know what to expect tomorrow, so maybe reading all these posts is the last thing I should be doing - but it DOES help to have someone else in the same boat.
Good luck - Veronica
irish_linda veronica91735
terri59470 veronica91735
I had 3 readings at Hospital, 156/105, 161/106 and 174/100 - and the last one where the bottom number is lowest is the one that "Bad Nurse" (haha love it!) chucked her toys out of the pram at! I also went to my GP surgery, and the Nurse there got 160/100.( She looked about ready to call the undertaker!)
I know these numbers are classed as "high" but the way she was going on at the hospital I was about to keel over in the examination room!!
Interesting what you said about your BP going down when the Spinal got put in - thats the reason I had to have an Epidural years ago when I had my daughter, as I was told it would bring down my high BP from Pre Eclampsia. Maybe if we are still looking dubious on Thursday, Ill say to Stan that Im even willing to let him try and place a Spinal if it will be beneficial (he knows Im terrified of it so at least he'll know I mean business!)
Thank you so, so, SOOOOOOOOO much, youve really helped to calm me down.
Are you in the Uk? If so, I might jsut tell that ruddy nurse about "my friend Veronica who had higher numbers than me and still had it done so there!!"
Joking aside, I wish you all the very best for tomorrow, and really hope you get the best result possible.
Terri xx
veronica91735 terri59470
Bags packed & ready for the alarm to go off at 5am, for my shower & hairwash. I am expected just before 7am. Fun isn't it!! I am very grumpy with my husband today - hope he understands why!!
patsyrose veronica91735
Will be thinking of you.
terri59470 veronica91735
And I bet you hear this all the time, but you lucky thing, living in Cornwall! I took my first steps on a Cornish beach, and never miss a year. If I leave it too long I get withdrawal symptoms lol!
So that can be one of my happy thoughts - Cornwall!