Pre-op Assesment nightmare.....
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Hi all, today finds me to be not in a very good place at all.....
Went for my Pre-Op assessment this morning, the usual blood pressure, ECG, blood work, MRSA swabs etc.Blood Pressure showing high, as it has been for a couple of months, and I have been taking meds for it, and beibg monitered by my GP. Actually got the numbers down at the past 2 readings that she did.
Met with a Registrar, and also the Anaesthetist, Stan. Stan and I had a good chat about what my options are follwing a failed (and, for me, traumatic) Spinal at my first TKR in March. He was happy to go straight to General Anaesthetic with me, as the thought of another Spinal is stressing me out. We even discussed whether I should take my Blood Pressure medication on the morning of the surgery. Confirmed that I will have a catheter placed, the same as last time, and told me he'd see me on Thursday.
Waited around a bit longer, and a Healthcare Assistant-type nurse came in to check that everything had been done, and to tell me I could go home. She then looked at my BP figures, and took a 3rd reading, which was still coming in elevated. At which point she said "Thats too high for us here, ITLL HAVE TO BE CANCELLED!!" Bearing in mind not 30 minutes previously Id been talking to the Anaesthetist himslef and he was aware of my numbers! She then started going on about having my BP read at my GP surgery and phoning in the result (Phone in? No confirmation required from the GP?) and if it was still high then I would need to get 3 separate readings on 3 separate days, before they could look at rescheduling! I explained that my surgery is scheduled for Thursday, and she just shrugged.
Needless to say I burst into tears (have barely stopped since to be honest....) gathered my belongings and headed off to the loo. On my way there, the Staff Nurse who had done the majority of my Pre-Op work saw me, asked if I was ok, at which point the "bad news nurse" said no, shes upset cos her blood pressures up and her ops got to be cancelled". Look of disbelief from Staff Nurse Denise, who told me to hang on, and she would go and have a word with Stan. i locked myself in the loo and tried to sort myself out (fat chance of that!!). when I came out, Denise told me that I was stil to go in on Thursday morning, but it was important that I get my BP read at my GP's before I go in.
I managed to get an appointment to see a Nurse at my GP surgery a couple of hours later, and she also "thinks" that its "probably" too high, but only took one reading as my Anaesthetist appeared to be happy! Going to have it done tomorrow and also Wednesday, and then Thursday arrives. With me not really knowing if the surgery is going to take place or not.
I thought Id just about reached rock bottom a few days ago, been very emotional and stressed, but had started to come out of the other side (especially after reading how well Cheryl is doing after knee #2!). Now Im worse than ever, cant stop crying, feel sick, and havent got a clue whats going to happen!
To anyone still reading (sorry its so long), thank you. I guess you guys are the only ones who will understand how bad this feels.......
2 likes, 41 replies
peg57 terri59470
debz13 terri59470
Like all have said, relax as best you can. My bp was a bit elevated the morning of my surgery, but thankfully it went down.
Hang in there, this will pass. For whatever reason your surgery was meant for another day, and it will be an excellent success!
pru57396 terri59470
Hi guys n gals, bit of an update today....I went to my GP surgery and had my BP checked by the Practice Nurse - its come down a wee bit but not hugely.
When I got back, I decided on a new course of action - I've spoken to my Surgeons' Secretary. When I rang and asked if my Surgery had been cancelled or flagged up as a potential cancellation, she said "I bloody hope not!" Yeah, me too love...Anyway, I explained yesterdays drama with the nurse who I will, from now onwards, always think of as Nurse Ratched (One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, if you havent watched it, you should).I explained what shed said and done, and Dawn (the Secretary) said to ignore her! With pleasure, I thought! She said that nothing at all had been said to her, either by the Registrar or more importantly the Anaesthetetist (Stan Stan the needle man ) and that I was NOT to worry, and they'd see me on Thursday.
Im still remaining realistic, and understand that there is still an outside chance of it not going ahead, but I feel much better about it all.
BUT.....I woke at 2am, and all the power was off in the house! We've narrowed it down to a problem with the downstairs lights, everything else is now functioning, so were working on that little drama now.. Never rains but it pours.....These things are sent to try us.....What doesnt kill us makes us stronger......Any more, anyone??
Thank you all so much for your support, kindness and good wishes. You talked me back out of a very unhappy place yesterday, and I am so grateful.
Ill obviously keep you up to date with what happens on Thursday, but lets just go with "quietly confident" for now.
Youre all the best xxxx
patsyrose terri59470
I know what you mean about other dramas...I woke up the other day to my central heating boiler making the most awful noise and I've notice that it's losing pressure again (which normally means a leak...again). Not really what I need at the moment!
Had my Physio this morning and I think that she is a little concerned that I am still struggling after having the scar tissue removed, so she's going to write to my consultant...who I'm due to see again next week. I'm still walking with a reasonably straight leg, but the vertical lifting is proving to be a problem
wishing you all the best.
cheryl90571 terri59470
Sorry about the power issue, though.
I DO believe that each challenge we FACE and conquer DOES make us better prepared for the next one! Funny how that works...
Stay positive. Stay relaxed. BREATHE!!!
debz13 terri59470
We will all, I am sure, be waiting to see how it goes.
I like to think I have enough character, thank you very much, to not need more trials or tribulations. Evidently the universe does not agree though.
Wishing all will go well!!
irish_linda terri59470
Peglegbev terri59470