Prednisolone should I start taking again last few days feel bad no energy

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was on prednisolone for kidney transplant come off for few days but last few days have no energy light headed should I restart my prednisolone I am also on estrogel for menopause for 3 weeks

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Kim I agree with Colleen, i think its probably best you discuss with your doctor as you have the kidney transplant issue to deal with. one other thing that switched a lightbulb on for me is when i started hrt in april, my doc said to keep an eye on blood pressure as it can raise when on hrt (not everyone, but needs to be checked regularly to make sure hrt not affecting it) I'm no doc, but could low or high  blood pressure cause  lightheadedness???  best wishes, & let us all know how you get on . x

    • Posted

      Hi looloo43  I take my blood pressure every day and it come down after starting oestrogel normal its high and on atenolol but have stopped it  I don't know but I started my blog about prednisolone and if to restart it cause of lack of energy  and it went onto my Menapause  which also helps

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