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Hi. I have been using Preg for 4 weeks now for neuro pain. Started at 25mg twice daily for a week then to 50mg for 3 weeks with some effect. Increased last nights dose to 75 with great effect. As well as taking most of the pain away it had a great calming effect. I woke this morning with the sorest head. Felt like it was going to explode. Headache as well. Now i have had a cereberal aneurysm double clipped so my brain works differently than most. I do not drink alcohol but last night my wife asked me to taste her wine. I had a small mouthful. Could that one mouthful of wine cause the strange head this morning or could it have been the Preg increase. Thanks
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elizabeth85938 noel11736
Not the wine, increase in dose more probable. Although it is best not to touch alcohol (read leaflet) at all whilst on this drug. I was on 100mg x 2 in the end and found myself sleeping 10/12 hours at a time, groggy, dreadful headaches, loss of balance and brain fog, memory loss, loss of language. At the beginning I was ecstatic that it dealt with the chronic nerve pain but in the end I decided that the side effects outweighed the loss of pain and I am now slowly and carefully coming off it. I am down to 40mg x 2 a day now and the side effects are slowly disappearing although I do suffer withdrawals to a small degree. Pregabalin changes the brain chemistry and central nervous system within one week of starting it, after which the body becomes dependent on it. Doctors will tell you that there are no side effects and you can stop cold turkey with no consequences. Whatever you do, if you decide to stop taking it, do NOT go cold turkey as this can cause seizures (again refer to the leaflet).
At the end of the day it is your choice whether or not you continue to take this drug and put up with side effects, some of which have yet to manifest themselves at this early stage. I do wish you all the best whatever decision you come to. Post again if you need more information, please
DanHAus elizabeth85938
Guest noel11736
leanne51294 Guest
elizabeth85938 Guest
No this is not good for Fibro in teens. The brain is still forming and Pregabalin changes the brain chemistry and central nervous system. In my view no GP or Consultant should ever offer this drug to under 25's (at that age they can make a qualified decision for themselves after doing necessary research on this drug). There is little evidence available that it helps Fibromyalgia at all and I question why it is used for this. It is given out for so many health issues now, as if it is a wonder drug. It is not as the testimony of many patients tells. There are some people who do benefit from taking it without the side effects taking hold but far fewer than those who suffer from using it.
Guest elizabeth85938
Do you know any good drugs for fibro on teens? they'll probably have to mix with 10 mg amitriptyline and 40 mg propranolol per day.
elizabeth85938 Guest
Guest elizabeth85938
That would be really helpful if you could. I hope I'm not being a pain. Anything that could help. Thank you!
elizabeth85938 Guest
Give me a couple of days as I have to go for a Scan tomorrow. I don't mind at all if you don't mind waiting![cool](
Guest elizabeth85938
That's completely fine, good luck with your scan
Bear in mind I'm 13 (probably the youngest person to exist on Patient)
I am so sorry to bother you but I really need some help as I'm only getting 2 hours sleep a night and in incredible amounts of pain! I hope you are doing OK.
leanne51294 Guest
elizabeth85938 Guest
You are not bothering me at all, just that something went wrong at my scan and I had to stay in hospital so only just home. Now, I am very concerned that being 13 yrs old and your body and brain still forming (which as I said was a big NONO to being put on Pregabalin) that even some natural remedies may not be good for you either, including herbal remedies. Natural supplements have to be purchased from UK Companies that comply to the letter with our Laws etc. and can be expensive. I notice, bless you, that you are doing your own research to try and help yourself but may I ask if your parent/s are on board with you taking supplements? You can private message me if you prefer as I do not wish you to give private information about yourself on forum if you do not wish to. I am 68 yrs old (ancient to you I am sure LOL) and as much as I wish to help you I have to consider your circumstances and very young age. You are already on Amitriptyline and Propranolol....Amitrip is a very old drug (over 50years) and was used as an anti depressant initially but found to also help with sleep, which does not appear to be helping you, and some kinds of pain. Thankfully you are on a low dose but I would caution you going on a higher one! There are certain supplements that do not mix with certain drugs and that has to be researched. Please understand that if any advice I gave you resulted in doing you harm 1) I would never forgive myself and 2) I could be charged in Law.
I am so very sorry that you are in so much pain and wonder if you have been diagnosed with any other condition/s? Is it your family GP who suggested you go on Pregabalin? Without more information I'm afraid I can't offer the help you so clearly need. I am still gathering information on supplements used by my Fibro sufferers, but it will need research before I can pass it on and more info from you personally. Have you looked on Fb to see if there any any Fibromyalgia Groups that you are able to join? These can be very helpful but you will need to admit your age. Pm me if you feel you can.
Guest elizabeth85938
ok i'll pm you tomorrow
elizabeth85938 Guest