Preparing for lapidus

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hey all this forum has been so helpful and encouraging to read.most forums gave me second thoughts and fears but this one just encourages me and gives me determination! so I am scheduled for a lapidus next Thursday and I'm going in wide eyed and nervous for recovery! I have a couple questions though.

1)how high does the foot need to be elevated and ballpark figure for how long to elevate it for?

2)I've found crutches to be surprisingly difficult! any suggestions on their use? and I am considering a knee scooter for back up as well but have heard it's easy to injure yourself on them.thoughts?

3) what is the stitch removal process like? what's done and what's the pain level?

4) has anybody had to go back to have some hardware that was out in removed?

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    Today i woke up and the one little small part that had been rwd and had the embedded stitch had ywllow puss coming out. Went to the doctor and i had a little infection. They drained it and I started dat 1 of 10 days of antibiotics. Ouch that one spot hurts!

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      oh no so sorry to hear about the infection! good thing you didn't waste time and gotnit checked though.I really hope I don't get any infections they sound you have any tips for first shower without the boot? my Dr just said be gentle for a few days and to wash in a downward motion.but do you use your hands or a washcloth and do you avoid the incision area and mainly wash the foot? wow good job without crutches! that's awesome and another big step to show you're almost done with this you're healing along rather quickly and thsga great.what day are you on now? great experience you're getting for your next one! you're still much braver than me for wanting your other foot done so soon.I couldn't afford the time away from work and wouldn't do it this soon of I could haha I need a break
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      Hi Nemo,

      I wouldn't say brave, just being practical as my insurance company will completely pay for it if I have my 2nd one by December. The cellulitis already feels so much better after 24 hours of antibiotic. As far as a shower I don't know. I've only taken bathes. That way I can control how much water my foot gets. I just use a wash cloth to clean it with water and dab it. I dab the incisions daily to clean them up.

      Today I am 31 days post-op. I started PT today. It went very well but boy is my foot swollen as a result of all I did. They warned me to expect that so I'm icing, elevating, and taking Advil. PT involved lots of exercises, an ultrasound, a heat treatment for improved circulation, and a wonderful massage. I have lots of PT homework. I believe you said you start Thursday. I'm looking forward to hear how it goes for you!

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      washing it was no east task its really challenging mentally and physically.I didn't get too ambitious for the first wash j just lightly dabbed at it.I've been doing more bending of my ankle to increase movement but it is like solid sthck pointing dramatically to the right like towards my my right foot.Thursday is just a consultation so I'm hoping they'll be abe to help me until 6 week mark who h is when j start real PT
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      My first few washings were the worst. After that it gets much easier physically and mentally. It would be delightful if feet looked pleasant after the surgery. It was hard for me to look at my foot at first. I get queasy easy. Either way, a consult is still moving in the right direction. I'm getting mini spasms on the bottom of my foot tonight from working it and moving it today in different ways. The spasms don't hurt but they feel odd to say the least.

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      yes I agree ive never been bothered by blood but I was today lol thankful for family to help.and I had a few scabs which made it look less pretty as well.luckily bruising is yellowish so its old.the hardest part of the shower was not being able to really just out my foot down.a bath does sound much easier than a shower chair.I will have to do that. plus it sounds relaxing.I don't know if you wear one but putting the compression sock back on after is very slides over everything and I am not as fast as rbeg are at the doctors office.that will take a but to get skilled at.once it's on its fine though.and yes I can't wait for PT to start so they can help me with my foot being so far pointed over as j don't see my Dr for 4 is the infection feeling? I did not notice and stitches i needed to cut.
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      oh and I've had those spasms too especially after stretching.its weird but luckily not too painful.what gets me is the sudden kick or twitch of your foot.those wake me up at night but I find them kind of funny haha
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      kaliana hope all is going well with your recovery! I know understand what you always said about it getting better.for me week 1-2 were pure pain and week 3 was a huge turning point.I am now day 29 and can't believe it's almost been a month.I can't even remember life with walking and driving lol I can't wait! I see my car every day where I parked it 29 days ago and smoke knowing I'm a day closer then yesterday.I never told you but my pt ended up not starting until week 6.I go to my first pt appointment the day after j see my Dr at 6 weeks.its weirs to think I haven't seen my Dr since week 2 what a difference.I haven't taken percocet in about a week and even then wasn't much only to sleep.I can go days without ibuprofen and went yesterday and today without icing because behind my knee is getting red and very sore but I need to ice anyway as I feel pain in my toes.I will continue to take ibuprofen anyway to reduce swelling I are you? what day are you at now and is your infection causing you any issues?
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      Hi Nemo!

      I'm doing great. Thank you for asking. I'm 6 weeks post-op now. PT is really helping. I've had 5 PT sessions so far. I've made great progress in my range of motion, gait, and building back all I lost from disuse atrophy. I've been driving again for 8 days. I have a darco velco hard bottomed shoe for when I drive. I'm still in a boot mostly but can walk a little at home barefoot without issue. I see my surgeon next Friday to take X-rays. I hope it's fusing well! If not, my left Lapidus scheduled for November 5 will be cancelled. My infection cleared up within 2 days of the antibiotic luckily.

      I don't have any pain. I have minor discomfort after PT because the swelling increases. I just ice more and take Advil on PT days. I still elevate a lot.

      How's your life and activity progress? Are you back at work? Have you gotten out much? I hope things continue to improve for you! Once I hit week 4 to 5, things got remarkably better for me. I'm hoping for the same for you!

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      wow that's great to hear your life is going back to normal! I hope you next lapidus is just as easy. It might even seem easier since it won't be your first time you'll be a pro! i wonder why some Dr's make pt be after 6 weeks and others start it early.there seems to be so many differences between drs on this surgery.I go back to work second week of November which will be about 8 weeks post op for job is all walking so I hope it goes well.I have been getting out a lot I go somewhere everyday which helps the healing because it helps the pain is really only incision pain and big toe pain but that's about it.the boot still fits me heel is flat now but my big toe doesn't stay down so it will rub so I don't wear the boot unless I am moving.I think my swelling is ball of the foot which would explain why my big toe won't stay flat.and my tors are a bit swollen.did you have this?
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      Hi Nemo,

      Yes I'm hoping for a smooth next surgery too. I think the difference is due to what kind of plate used as to when you can weight bear again. I know the one I got has years of research behind it. I think individual factors makes a difference too. I know I read if someone smokes, has diabetes, or is obese they have to wait linger to weight bear. Some surgeons seem more conservative than others.

      I'm not having the heel and toe issue. In PT I can walk and balance on it where every part of my foot hits the floor and there's no pain. I'm guessing once PT starts, this issue will resolve for you. My toes don't get sore. Did you get a toe separator? It feels delightful!

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      no I haven't gotten a toe separator I haven't been told anything about that.I see my Dr next Wednesday and might ask.i got a small blister or rubbing between my big toe and next toe so that'd be nice actually.I've noticed I can feel my plate when I bend my foot that's been weird.I can't wait to get the hardware out after the 6 months go by haha.yeah I'm looking forward to PT I think it'll help with a left leg has lost so much muscle to it it'll be nice to get help beefing that back up.its so bony its really weird to see haha it happened fast too.
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      oh yeah what you said about the weight bearing is very true.smoking can all around make recovery from a surgery really tough as I've hears it affects tissue really bad.
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      It sure does. My surgeon won't do surgery on anyone wjo was a smoker in the last 5 years. The nonunion rate is very high for them!
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      wow I've never heard of such a standard from a Dr.I don't blame them though! I found myself thinking today since its day 33 post op I almost can't rembed life before this haha! the idea of walking on two feet seems so unnatruak now because I'm so used to babying my foot and having it hover the ground.I am very excited for my appointment next week.I hope I can walk and lose this boot soon! how's your recovery doing? are you in any kind of dressing still?
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      Apparently with Lapidus and smoking the non union rate is above 50% so I understand why he refuses doing a bunionectomy in that case.

      I'm doing well. I'm technically still in a boot until Friday. We've practiced walking out of the boot barefoot in PT and I've done great. 2 weeks ago I had a slight limp, now I can walk completely fine. I'm working on balance on uneven surfaces now in PT. I've walked a little at home without my boot without issue. I try to limit it just in case but I have zero pain at all. From week 4 to now week 6 1/2 I've made tremendous progress! I hope for the same for you!

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      that's so great to hear! your recovery seemed to be much easier than mine but now that I passed the painful weeks they do seem similar so it makes me happy to hear how well you're doing it gives me hope ha! how does it work when you begin shifting weight in your boot? do you still use crutches did they just have you start walking without?
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      I went a week in the boot and still using crutches as my surgeon recommended. Then I went just to the boot. I hope Friday I'll be allowed to transition to a sneaker. Fingers crossed. I walk some without the boot with no issue. What a difference PT has made for me! Hoping for the same with you!

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      beginning to weight bear sounds like a much longer process then I thought.I thought it'd be 6 weeks and boom walk haha clearly not.I go back to work at my 8 week mark and do so much walking.I'm hoping it'll be easy to get back into! I'm nervous for PT but really want to do it for more guidance and'd be tough to figure out how to get your foot moving like it used to on your own.
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      oh question do you still have ink or dye from surgery they use to draw the incision line? I still have the ink and some color from surgery prep its not coming off great and seems like it'd need to really be scrubbed which I don't want to you still have this? I'm almost at week 5
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      had my 6wk check up today and everything seems good so far i got the go ahead to start walking in the boot heel to toe.dr said today i can do 5lbs tomorrow try 10lbs etc and to just see how it feels.not too sure how to know how many lbs i am really doing when i walk lol you cant really weight it so i figure i need to just be cautious of how it feels.i got a good example of a massage PT does from the dr and yeah it feels good and bad at once ha.i start PT tomorrow.wish me luck!
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      Baby Oil took mine right off. I highly recommend using it.
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      Hi Nemo! What excellent news! Yeah the weight things is confusing. I was told to just start walking a shoe. It's been going well for me! I'm finally feelingbetter from the pneumonia and partially collapsed left lung luckily. I hope PT goes wonderful for you tomorrow! Best!
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      it really is confusing its mostly just wanting to make sure to do everything right to get better you're such a trooper through these past few weeks i don't get how you do it..and you have another surgery coming.i hope the best for you and that you're feeling better.seems like it'd be tough to focus on foot healings when dealing with lung issues as long are you doing PT for? my refferal is 2x a week for 6 wks
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      Hi Nemo. Thank you for your kind words! I'm feeling much better. PT continues to go well. It will end up being 7 weeks for me twice weekly. Then I have surgery November 5 and get to do it all over again. Luckily my left foot isn't as bad as my right one was. Plus I'll be able to drive once I'm off pain meds. How is PT going so far? Less pain? I find the mire I mive my toe daily, the easier movement becomes.
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      so happy to hear you're closers to drivng! I too think movement helps keep pain down. I've also found my foot a lot less sensitive to touch before it would bother it to touch it and now I can sleep barefoot and on my side it's also much easier to touch. I've been putting coconut oil on my foot for dryness. it's also really helped the frost bite. pt was just a nice smooth massage and rolling my foot over a stick thing and small syreyches. for the first visit with gentle excercises I was surprised it swelled haha. oh and my flexibility was measured and I have full movement everywhere except my heel is stiff and slightly pointed towards the left but to just from the boot.
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      What about your big toe? How many degrees are you at bending it and extending it. PT has helped me so much with this! I'm now above where my surgeon wanted me to get to.

      The drynessbgets better. I started using a dry brush. I also rub bio oil in twice a day and use E45 cream tons of it abd I put a sock over it daily. It's helped smooth everything out.

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      I'm not sure how many degrees of flexibility my big toe is. they didn't actually tell me the measurements they just said it was great. I had pt today and just did a few stretches and got a massage. again was told the big toe will be babied until my incision isore scared over. my incision is great except still has dried blood by the big toe and the want it to scab over more. but she did bend my big toe slightly today and I had no pain it's scared tiff but moves. I was scared tiff entry home with writing the abc's with my foot and stretching my leg behind my back. pt has been really nice so far I like getting the guidance and the massages don't feel comfortable at the time and hurt my foot later but I know they're helping. she even made the comment when I was on my stomach and she was bending my foot towards my back that it was more flexible after massages than when she started stretching it. I was told when my screws are out later I will probably need pt again but not for long. I assume you're doing pt for our other foot too?
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      Oh wow, so your hardware will come out? Mine will only if my body rejects it. Yes, after my next foot surgery, I'll do PT for it as well. My last PT session for right foot was yesterday. My surgeon wanted me at 60 degress and I'm at 65 which is fantastic. I'll continue my exercises at home.
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      yeah I have 6 screws and a plate and I have very bonus feet so my Dr this they will bother me and should come out which I'm glad for as it will be more flexible! wow that's so great you're so ahead for your motion! I have pt tomorrow so far it has only been a couple streches and a massage that doesn't hurt until swelling later haha. today has been a very swollen feeling day especially bottom of the foot. makes me not look forward to PT tomorrow.
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      Interesting. I have 5 screws and a plate but I'm not having any issues and i jave a full fusion. Make sure you ice right after PT. It'll help! I'm scheduled for my left Lapidus Thursday. I'm hoping my left goes as smooth as my right did!
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      yeah so far I don't think the acres are giving me issues but I still have yet to weight bear outside of the boot. either way I'd rather just have them out to avoid issues. like I said my feet are super boney haha. wow I hope your second surgery goes even better than the first! so since you're doing the other foot I take it you're walking and pain is going really well?
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      Thank you Nemo! Yes I'm completely pain free in my right foot and walking easily. I'm looking for to being completly bunion free soon. Are you getting the boot off soon? My first day out of it felt weird walking at first but I easily adjusted. I'm sure you will too!
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      that's going to be so nice to be bunion free! I've noticed since having my left foot done my right looks so much worse to me now which is funny because it was always the one that wasn't as bad. I see my Dr the 9th so I hope to lose the boot then. also go back to work that week which involves a lot of walking. question though about my ncision it looks great but by the big toe still has a lot of stabbing and dried blood I can't tell if it looks good for 7 weeks. I'll try to attach a photo.

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