Problems with blood pressure going mad trying to work out levels
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Hi I had a routine blood pressure test carried out at the Doctors, he said it was high 155 systolic 96 distolic, I am 58 years old male.
He told me to get a lloyds pharmacy cuff machine so i got a lbpk1.
I do precisely what is says to do with cuff, which fits, and position myself and arm correctly.
But when i take my readings, in the morning i come down sit down, relax, then take reading first one is always higher than the 2nd and 3rd, even though their taken quite close together, how can this be.
This morning my first reading streight out of bed was 148 s 95 d heart beat 71 followed by in a short while 137s 88d heart 70, finally 132s 89d heart 71.
later around midday my first was 164s 110d 71 heart followed in a few minutes 145s 98d 71 heart and a few minutes later to 143s 96d 71
all my readings are like this so i take the average, my ears ring all the time and my head feels like its under pressure, not like a headache, but feels like someones blowing it up, proble is i have meneires disease so dont know if it that or blood pressure, also when the weather changes from low to high pressure i get the same problems with my ears aching and feeling full and blown up like head with ringing sounds, my gp says its the meneires disease.
He says he will start me on blood pressure meds after i have recorded a few months of readings, but seeing they differ within a short space of time, and i dont move off the seat where i am sat, its hard to know if the brand new monitor is working corrcetly, what do you guys think, really driving me insane my end.
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MrsO-UK_Surrey michael33268
I also suffer from ringing in the ears and I find that if I take a few deep breaths and relax particularly on the outer breath, the ringing improves.
Rather than leave you for a few months, I would have thought your GP would have suggested fitting you with an ambulatory 24 hour blood pressure monitor, especially as you already have the complicting situation with the menieres disease. Perhaps you can see another Dr at the practice and ask about this so that you can have some reassurance.
Another thing you could do is to go back to Lloyds, with your new monitor, and ask if they will take your BP and compare the reading with that of your own monitor. That will put your mind at rest as regards the monitor working correctly. Lloyds and some other pharmacies do have such consultations with customers, but you may have to make an appointment.
Hope that helps.
michael33268 MrsO-UK_Surrey
I always just take a reading right away, because i was sent to aniother gp in the doctors, and he said that, he sees no point in relaxing befor each reading, he said !!!!!!!! when you buy a car you dont buy it if it wont go up hills would you !!!!! meaning he said ..... that whats the point of chilling out and obtaining a good result if when your walking around taking a pee, or what ever, the rest of the time you bP is high with out you knowing it.
This really put me into a contrary , because, the same dr says he had to put his self on Bp medicine 6 years ago, and i the nsaid i have read so much bad stuff about it, he said well he would have for sure died if he did not go on it. He then said he takes two years to admin the drugs on a patient to make sure none of the nasties take place.
He actually at this point in time sent me home saying he wants me to record tow reading a day one in the morning one in the evening for 5 months !!!!!! and this is the dr in the same practice that my gp said i needed to see because he 's the expert when it comes to heart and blood pressure related issues.
MrsO-UK_Surrey michael33268
michael33268 MrsO-UK_Surrey
alexays michael33268
michael33268 alexays
alexays michael33268
michael33268 alexays
jane243 michael33268
I wouldn't have thought your numbers were so bad, even the ones taken in the surgery although like most of us you perhaps have 'white coat syndrome'?
Your diastolic numbers are high though, I've been told to get an average of 135/85 or below.
If you exercise, give up salt and restrict the booze [!!] and lose weight if you need to, then you may be able to manage without medication. Medication if you do have to take it is for life
michael33268 jane243
Alexandra123 michael33268
I'm in Team MrsO. I would attempt to gain reassurance from another doctor in the practice if at all possible. Also, investigate the links between Meuniers and blood pressure. I'm not a doctor but, if your blood pressure was more stable, is it possible that the Meunier symptoms would lessen? Whatever, there is probably a connection between the Meuniers and the blood pressure. Would just mention that, in the last 12 hours, my blood pressure has varied from 169/96 to 123/76 - and I'm on medication! My GP is monitoring me closely and I am currently seeing him at least once a week if not more often. Yes - get the medical attention you deserve. Insanity isn't a good option! The very best of luck and keep us posted.
michael33268 Alexandra123
derek76 Alexandra123
Who said ? "Lies - damn lies - and statistics," still there are some easy figures the simplest must understand, and the astutest cannot wriggle out of.’
michael33268 derek76
Alexandra123 derek76
derek76 Alexandra123
I always turn my water into red wine:-)
MrsO-UK_Surrey michael33268
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
Add 170 to 165 = 335 divide by 2 = 167.5. if it is .5 I round it up. If less than .5 I round it down.
The same method for diastolic.
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
michael33268 derek76
130/91my 2 was 128/90 and third was 138/90 so whats th workings on that please
MrsO-UK_Surrey michael33268
Do the same for your diastolic: 90+90 = 180. Divide 180 by 2 and you get 90. So your average blood pressure this evening is 133 over 90.
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
gill70346 derek76
derek76 michael33268
MrsO-UK_Surrey gill70346
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
gill70346 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey gill70346
I'm sure you have enough to worry about with your multiple eye conditions alone without the added worry of high blood pressure. Long term steroids can certainly have their part to play in raising blood pressure, especially on the high doses - hopefully you manage to control things mostly on the 5mgs which is generally considered to be a fairly 'safe' dose as far as side effects are concerned. I wish you well, Gill.
michael33268 MrsO-UK_Surrey
michael33268 derek76
jane243 derek76
derek76 michael33268
derek76 jane243
jane243 derek76
derek76 jane243
I like NZ wines but they are also expensive.
We were on an internal flight in Canada and I asked the stewardess if it was a Canadian wine to be served with dinner. I would never give my passengers a Canadian wine she said.
jane243 derek76
derek76 jane243
From Wikipedia:
"Canadian wine is produced in mainly southern British Columbia and southern Ontario. There is also a growing number of small scale producers of grapes and wine in southern Quebec and Nova Scotia. The two largest wine-producing regions in Canada are the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia and the Niagara Peninsula of Ontario. Other wine-producing areas in British Columbia include the Similkameen valley, the Fraser Valley region near Vancouver, southern Vancouver Island, the Creston Valley, in the Kootenay area and the Gulf Islands. Other areas in Ontario include Pelee Island, the north shores of Lake Erie and Prince Edward County"
jane243 derek76
derek76 jane243
jane243 derek76
derek76 jane243
Unfortunately the better wines on sale here are seldom in boxes and when supermarkets give a discount for buying six bottles or more it does not apply the equivelant quantity in boxes.
jane243 derek76
derek76 jane243
There are very few wine merchants where we live presumably due to people like me. Two real ones that were near us closed recently and all the High Street ones like Threshers and Victoria Wine went bust.
We went to a Co-op wine tasting evening and lecture recently where all the wines were Fairtrade. The expert not from the Co-op was interesting but we did not like any of the wines.