Progesterone cream useful?
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I'm going thru worst symptoms of peri for last 14 months. daily headaches, neck pain, head pressure, ear ringing and pressure, worst anxiety, heart palps, low energy, down feeling, crying spells, sleeping problems and so on. I try to deal with it with natural remedies and healthy diet and exercise but it's just not responding to anything. My periods were irregular for a while but last 5 months they've been regular. how do I check for hormones levels at home (my doctor won't check since my periods are regular for few months) ? I have read about natural progesterone creams, but are they any good, do they help? has anyone used it successfully? please share your experience/opinions. Thank you ladies:)
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sakura26 ampat1
I was same and still dealing with a lot of peri issues esp anxiety, pain and weight gain. I tried progesterone cream and for me it weirdly made me more anxious. I also tried compounded natural progesterone 50mg and made me gain a ton more weight but I was calmer. Currently I'm taking a low dose progesterone only mini pill which has helped me with sleep anxiety, if that's an option for you. It's called Joviette I think. Good luck. If you find a doc that knows anything about how to balance hormones please let me know. They are all useless morons so far. Like after decades women are still some sort of effin mystery to them that they can't bother to figure out, because we're not men and it's "lady troubles".
AJacynM sakura26
I'm feeling similar at the moment - oh, and I have the overwhelming desire to punch something... which is not me at all really.
So fed up with feeling crap. 😦
lori93950 sakura26
i did 50mg too of progesterone i must have gained 40lbs in 5 months ! been off both estrogen and progesterone for almost 2 months now and the weight is NOT coming off ! i barely eat due to mono its so frustrating ! did the low dose progesterone also put weight on you ?
its depressing me as no clothes fit!
sakura26 lori93950
Yes sadly same!!! I gained a ton of weight on the 50mg progesterone and now I just feel like I can't lose it. Starving myself, super strict keto (tho have ALWAYS been paleo for like 20 years+) and trying fasting, and weight not budging. So fed up. Too tired to work out lately because of giant fibroid, again thanks to peri. But I will not stay fat if I have to stop eating for a month ...
lori93950 sakura26
gosh i thought the weight would just drop off once i quit it . i cant workout apart from short walks as i have mono ... i used to workout almost 2 hours a day but even when i didnt i was never fat !
this has nothing to do with calories ... its all water weight !
sakura26 lori93950
For me it feels like hard hormone fat. 😦 And working out hasn't made much difference when I had the energy too.
ampat1 sakura26
thank you so much. I'll ask my doctor about mini pill.
Guest ampat1
I can definitely sympathise with you, as I am struggling with very similar symptoms. As a result, I ended up seeing lots of specialists and have been put on Nortriptyline. I know that many try to avoid the anti-depressant, but I have found this to be great for me. It is one that has been around a long time and I take under half the dose that one would take for depression. It helps with my head pressure and pain, it also helps me sleep at night without being too tired in the day (I did have to switch from Amitriptyline as it made me too spacey and sleepy during the day). I haven't tried HRT or BHRT yet, but I am reluctant to as I just want to see where I am at naturally. I do know of many women who have success with these though, so hopefully they will respond to you too. I also take fish oil, a good probiotic, a combination B complex supplement and magnesium each day.
lori93950 Guest
does this new drug give you anxiety ? all the ones i have tried for anxiety ... give me anxiety !!! i just want something to calm me ...stop the anxiety and panic attacks
Guest lori93950
Unfortunately, it's hard for me to say how you will react to it, but it seems to help with my anxiety as it is also an anti depressant med (I just take a lower dose). Before I started on it I was having panic attacks too, but haven't had any since I've been on it. It's a trial and error though, as with all meds and HRT/BHRT.
sakura26 lori93950
Jen is right Lori. It's all different for everyone. I took Amyitriptaline and it made my PTSD and anxiety worse and gave me strange bruising on my hands. I would say try anything that might help but tell your doctor and get off it immediately if you know it's making worse. I'm the same as you. Most anxiety meds make my PTSD worse. However low doses of clonazapam and xanax sometimes help some. My doctor also gave me a low dose of Doxepin (about 3m) for sleep which helps keep me from waking up a lot. The brand name is Silenor but it's hella pricey.
lori93950 sakura26
yes right now i dont want any ups or downs just in the middle would be fine ! so starting another pill ... i cant handle it with all the side effects .
i will ask about sleep medication though as if i get a good sleep makes a huge difference . thx !!!
crystals51917 Guest
I experience all the symptoms +
Thank you for this response. I noticed you take the Fish Oil, Magnesium and B. I take the FIsh Oil, Magnesium and D. Are those vitamins likely to throw your kidney levels off slightly?
lori93950 crystals51917
try to take flax oil instead of fish oil was told this is much better for us
Guest crystals51917
They certainly don't for me, all of my bloods have come back in normal range, including my kidney function. This may be different if you have issues with your kidneys. You might want to check with a naturopath or functional medicine doctor as general GP's have little to no knowledge of supplements and their effects.
crystals51917 lori93950
OK. So does the Flax Oil still have the same benefits? THANK YOU!
lori93950 crystals51917
yes definitely ! fish oil has too many pollutants !
plus your nails and hair will grow strong and healthy !