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Has anyone tried Prozac foe depression? If so, how was it? I'm on Trazodone currently, but I don't think it's working anymore and I refuse to take a higher dose.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    I've never taken Prozac, but I had a friend who took it for a while.  She did okay, but decided to quit it cold turkey and ended up in the hospital.  I would suggest Zoloft, which I took for about a year (family issues).  I was able to gradually wean myself off of it when I no longer needed to take it, with no problems.  

    You should know, however, that with both Zoloft and Prozac your sex drive ends up in the cellar.  At the time I was taking it, sex was the least of my concerns.  Hope this helps. xx  

    • Posted

      I was on Zoloft and had to get off after three days. I was shaking, had flu like symptoms, and felt like I was going through some type of withdrawal.

      I guess everyone is different when it comes to their sex drive. I know a lady that has been on Prozac for years and it has had no effect on her sex drive. It's a side effect of Trazodone, but hasn't bothered my libido one bit. I may just be going thru a phase. I'll probably stick with Trazodone and slowly wean off under a doctor's care. Thank you for your response.

  • Posted

    Hi Juanita, I was given trazodone few weeks ago,and was put on a high dose get me off to sleep as well,I took it and went to bed and was woken out of a sleep..and it seems it made my palpations worst and my heart start beating really fast and my mouth was dry and I was scared so I call out the emergencies but it turn out heart was fine,but not taken them anymore.
    • Posted

      It's not for everyone. It's probably working, I'm just more stressed than normal.

  • Posted

    Hiya Juanita .. I was on trazadone for 15 years for depression, and it was good for me with no side effects and it gave me great sleep, I was on 300 mg .. but it just seem to stop working for me..

    I’m now on Prozac for depression, and once again for ME it’s great, and it as worked, My depression as all gone away now ( yeah ) I do have the odd day where I have a blip, but that’s just life, and I’m going through the menopause, so hormones are all over the place ...

    it’s been 9 month now since starting Prozac and I’m on 60 mg.. Prozac is a very slow working med, and will take up to 10-12 weeks for it to kick in proper, but when it does it’s great ( for me that is ) it’s just getting through those side effect at the beginning of Prozac that you have to over come, but I’m glad now that I stuck it out..

    Good luk on what you decide to do,  unless you try diffrent meds, you will never know if they will work or not big hug 🤗x

    • Posted

      I just got back from the doctor and she is going to put me on 20mg of Prozac. She said it would take about four weeks to kick in. She didn't want to start me off on a high dose because she said that may trigger weight gain and low libido(which were the two side effects I was most worried about).  I was only on Trazodone for three years and at one point I was taking 200mg for a few months. But I noticed 200mg wasn't making any more of a difference than taking 100mg. So I just went back to taking 100mg. The Trazodone does help me sleep so I'm a little concerned about how my sleep will be. I also had no side effects with Trazodone, except for the stuffy nose and that went away.

      What side effects did you have at the beginning of Prozac?  Thank you for your response.((( Hugs ))))

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita ... yeah I started on 20 mg if Prozac for 4 weeks, then went to 40 and finely 60mg ... 

      it’s not effect my weight at all, and hard to say with sex drive as I’m going through the menopause, so hormones are flying all over the place 🤨...

      Trazadone was great for me and if it had not stopped working I would of stayed on that, as no side effects, great sleep every nite, but ha ho..

      Since Iv stopped trazadone my sleep as been bad every nite, I don’t sleep good at all, and for ME it’s not the Prozac caursing this, as my sleep changed long b4 I started this med... as far as Prozac is I think all doc say it take 4 weeks for it to kick in, as they just read from what the book says, it will start to work in 4 weeks BUT you will still have good and bad days, always up and down, that’s why I went higher as I wanted the good days more then the bad ones...

      For ME and Iv heard many others too, the first two weeks CAN turn you inside out, my depression got a lot worse, and I mean bad, but I had to keep it  in my mind that’s once Iv got through this first few weeks all will be ok... try and really grip your teeth on Prozac for the first 2/3 weeks and don’t give in, it’s hard as you will think u can’t take any more, I was like that, I was on here after 6 days asking for help, as couldn’t face another day, and it was lovely Laurie who spoke to me, and told me to just carry on as I will be ok.... and she was right, after those few weeks, things slowly got better, and 9 months on it’s great, depression gone, still no sleep ( think menopause for me) but im out of that black tunnel I was in... 

      so all I can say is you will feel worse b4 you get better, but it is so worth it at the end, as for ME it really does work, just slowly..

      Good luk keep talking on here, and some one will always be here to talk to you 🤗x

    • Posted

      Hey Dawn! Thanks for the information. Since Prozac is in the same class of drug as Zoloft, I will have to steel myself for the worse. My experience with it was awful. I lasted three days. I had crazy thoughts, chills, shaking, and actually missed a day of work.

      This may sound crazy but I last night I decided not to take the Trazodone, because I knew I would be starting the Prozac today. I slept okay, not great, just okay and I felt good this morning. I wonder if after so many years(three)on the Trazodone if maybe it was the problem. 

      Suicide is at a high rate right now so when you go to the doctor now(at least my doctor does now) they give you two different questionnaires to see where you are on the depression scale and the anxiety scale. I'm more anxious than depressed, so she did give me some anxiety meds also. She isn't going to keep me on the Prozac or the anxiety meds. We're just trying to get me over this menopausal hump and go from there. She was thrilled to learn I'm starting yoga classes next month because that will help me.

      I'm so glad I found this forum and I will come on here when I need to talk. Thank you Dawn! ((((hugs)))

    • Posted

      Since for some reason, my reply to you is being moderated. I will just say Thank you (((((hugs))).
    • Posted

      Lol Iv had one like that, and god knows why they checking it as nothing there really... that’s fine chic.. hope you ok any way 🤗x

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita ... your post came through at last lol... I know what you mean about menopause, so crap with what we put up with..

      When I came if trazadone I left it for around 3 months to see if I’d be ok and not take meds any more, but unfortunately I went down hill very quick, for no reason at all, so that’s why I’m on Prozac now... hopefully Wen I come out the other end of this so called crap ( memo) I will give it ago again see if I can go with out it, as depression and anxiety are so alful to live with, as no one can see on the outside what we are going through.. but good luk chic any way, I do hope it all works out for you in the end, keep intouch 🤗x  

    • Posted

      The sad part about it is I stopped my period in 2010 and had no menopause symptoms until 2014. That's what got me. I guess I had enough estrogen to carry me for four wonderful years then BAM! Depression, anxiety, health anxiety, and all sorts of weird sensations. Your body goes wild! Thanks Dawn! You keep in touch too!🤗🤗

  • Posted

    Trazodone is a good antidepressant and it is good that it has worked for you. It is also great that it has no side effects.I used it from time to time in a very slight dose for sleep. It worked very well untill menopause when it stopped helping me to sleep-just gives me hallucinations.  The lower the dose of trazodone, the more sedation.. The higher ,the more antidepression action.  Try to wait and see if the depression lasts, it might be a phase only. It may no be easy to shift form one AD to another, who knows. 
    • Posted

      We'll see. I take my first dose of Prozac tommorow. The doctor said give it four weeks to kick in. Surprisingly, she told me to take Evening Primrose Oil and to dance for five minutes a day. Dancing has been shown to lower blood pressure and enhance your mood. My doctor is very progressive. She doesn't plan on keeping me on the antidepressant. She just wants to get me over this "hump" and then we can go from there. I'm starting yoga classes next month and she was thrilled. She said that would help too.

    • Posted

      I'm starting to wonder if I need to be on antidepressant at all. On the test I took at my doctors office . I was only considered mildly depressed. As a matter of fact she said my score was more like "normal". The Prozac is giving me diarrhea, nausea, and headache. I know that people say grit your teeth and the side effects will go away, but the diarrhea is aggravating another condition(anal fissure, sorry TMI).

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