Put me in a spin!

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Good Afternoon Ladies

Hope that you are all coping with each issues that arises on this journey.

I was at work yesterday and was having a conversation with a colleague and she took it upon herself to say that menopause symptoms are all in my mind (her brother is a gynaecologist) and that I have been feeling this way for a year!

I already second guess everything I say or do since I've been peri as it has knocked all my confidence.

She said that coming on here and reading these posts wasn't helping me!!

I have spent the day in bed crying and feeling a failure!

Being on here gives me hope and can I personally Thank each and every lady on here for sharing and being honest about every aspect of the menopause.

Thank you Ladies...I salute you 💗

3 likes, 29 replies

29 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow! How inconsiderate of someone's feelings. How old is this college? Can age really speak for your body. It's top doctors and scientist that know these symptoms are real. It's the reverse of when we went thru puberty, was that all in our heads too??? My daughter went thru hell going thru puberty was that her imagination too?!?! Being on here helped my diagnose my premenopause before my doctor dis...don't listen to her!
    • Posted

      Sorry for my grammar mistakes college should be colleague* age should be *she and dis should be *did 😊
  • Posted

    How very ignorant ,a non listening ,non sympathetic being indeed and clearly also that shouldn't judge until they have walked in another's shoes.
  • Posted

    Hi Marley

    The good thing is you choose who to listen to and which sites to visit. Not her. If this site helps in a positive way (it does me) then visit it and use it to support you as you go through the menopause

    You should have asked the name of her brother so you know which OB/GYN NOT to visit smile 

    You (and we) know that the perimenopause is not all in our minds as does any doctor worth  their salt.

    I find comfort that this is a journey that millions of other women across the world and for generations have also made. Usually us women are pretty good at supporting each other I find. Better than men but it sounds like your colleague is not like that. Poor her when she comes of age.

    Take care and stay strong

  • Posted

    It's not in your head. I'm thankful I found this because I thought what I was going through didnt effect other women. I'm not alone, I'm not going crazy, and I'm learning how to cope here.
  • Posted

    Hi Marley - poor you and how dare she ! She obviously has no idea what we go through and you're right coming on here keeps us sane through this nightmare and hell we go through on a daily basis. Please take no notice of her and don't let her upset you or stop you coming here we are all here for the same reason - to help each other. She may be eating her words one day if she goes through what we are, it was insensative and insulting of her - take no notice , we are here for you xx 💐
  • Posted

    All I can say in reply to your colleague is 'Horse Feathers'! So her BROTHER is a Gynaecologist and that makes HER an expert. By the way - how old is she? Give her a few years - she'll change her tune.

    (Hugs) to you girl. Don't let ignorant people get you down.

  • Posted

    Hi Girls,

    Well, my brothers an electrician - does that qualify me to advise people on rewiring their house?  Peri/menopausal symptoms are very real and can be totally debilitating, anyone who believes that "it's all in the mind" is a dinosaur. 

    Look after yourselves and, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it really doesn't last forever, you'll come through  it eventually feeling better than ever.


  • Posted

    I'm sorry that you have an insensitive colleague. If this site is helping you then continue to come. This site has helped me and still helping me. I have come across a lot of people who just don't understand for their lack of knowledge, have not had the same expierences, or just plain ignorant. I don't even bother to discuss it anymore for getting the snide comments, rolling their eyes, or just not listening. You know how you feel and don't let anyone make you feel bad for their ignorance. We have different bodies and go through things differently. We are here for each other and to share anything that may ease this process. You won't be in it forever and your colleague will have a turn and she has no clue how it may be for her. Pay her no mind. She doesn't know everything and apprently neither does her brother. Just be sure not to visit him for his services.
  • Posted

    Thank you Ladies so so much.

    I appreciate all of your replies more than I can Astor express.

    Love the comment about the electrician!!! That made me smile for the first time today 🙂

    I will continue to cone on here and read all of your experiences and how strong you all are....it empowers me 👍

    Thank you again Ladies and love to you all 💗

    • Posted

      Stay with us, Marley... we're in this together!  😊
  • Posted

    what a stupid person she is!  Why on earth, gynaecologist or not, brother or not, would she listen to a man over us women!  Just goes to show just how little is known about the effects of menopause. 

    how annoying, 

    take care Marley and don't listen to her.

  • Posted

    I can tell you and many of us can these symptoms are very real and debilitating right now as I write I'm having horrible hot flash and clammy hands pain in the mid chest and under ribs which I have been told is all due to fluctuations of hormones been to ER nothing wrong upper and lower GI study normal I have done everything and nothing seems to work what until she goes through this and watch how she reacts
    • Posted

      Misty, I am dealing with the same thing right now mid chest pain and my shoulder has been horrible all day, its so bad now that its swollen and tight at the shoulder blade, I get this EVERY day.  Its real
    • Posted

      I to get this everyday and it sometimes scares the crap out me comes with a hot flash or flushing felling hands get clammy I wish there was a manic cure for all this sh*t we go through!!!

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