Put me in a spin!

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Good Afternoon Ladies

Hope that you are all coping with each issues that arises on this journey.

I was at work yesterday and was having a conversation with a colleague and she took it upon herself to say that menopause symptoms are all in my mind (her brother is a gynaecologist) and that I have been feeling this way for a year!

I already second guess everything I say or do since I've been peri as it has knocked all my confidence.

She said that coming on here and reading these posts wasn't helping me!!

I have spent the day in bed crying and feeling a failure!

Being on here gives me hope and can I personally Thank each and every lady on here for sharing and being honest about every aspect of the menopause.

Thank you Ladies...I salute you 💗

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya hun don't take any notice of such an ignorant and insensitive woman!! How dare she talk down to you in such an insensitive manner!!!She obviously has her own issues and will no doubt have to eat her words one day. Her time will come hunny.

    In the meantime stay with all of us ladies on the forum who genuinely understand and support each other! Surround tourself with positivity and undrstanding and we are all always here when needed. Big big hugs to you hun lots of love xxxx

  • Posted

    Noticed you said colleague and not friend!! i worked with alady who said, we should embrace the menopause its another chapter in our lives begining not ending, this was after she had told me, she suffered very little menopausal symptoms, and had been post for 2 years, i dont know some people just open their mouths and a load of verbal diahorear just flows out!! 
    • Posted

      Elaine do you remember the show All in the Family, when Gloria told her mother who just starting peri that she should be happy because this is the best time of her life.  I used to hear that crapola too. How great it is that you can't get pregnant and the kids are out of the house, Yeah now you are in misery and hellishness, Hell, getting my period was not bad at all compared ot this.  I have talked to many, many women and the vast majority seem to be like this woman that Marley talked to that they never had all of this, and then I wonder why is it happening to me like this.
  • Posted

    Marley, I dont know this woman and I already dont like her. First of all, how can she say its all in your mind. YOU know how you feel, millions of women are dealing with this, its not all in our minds, its not in my mind that my shoulders are knotty from joint pain and my arms feel like someone punched me and that I have intense anxiety about everything and my breasts hurt. Personally, if it were me I would tell this woman that she does not know what she is talking about and to stay out of your face. I wish it were me, I probably went have went too far.
  • Posted

    I am so horrified to say that I worked for a GYN in my late 20's/ early 30's and when women would come in with peri and meno symptoms, I just didn't understand what was going on and thought to myself, "these women have lost it". Of course I was young and just plain ignorant. Now that I am going thru this, I feel horrible for not understanding what these women were going thru. I am getting payback double right now, as the young medical assistants probably look at me the same way. If people have never experienced this hell, they will never understand it is real and absoultely debilitating at times.  
    • Posted

      Snowbell, I vaguely recall hearing middle-aged women discussing the plight of menopause but mostly it was the hot flashes. That's ALL I ever heard, but as you said I was totally unaware of the avalanche that was going to hit me. 
    • Posted

      I meant Lennie.... Gotta love autocorrect wink
  • Posted

    Hmmm, I guessing she is yet to reach that 'certain' age.  Also I note it is her BROTHER who is a gynaecologist, why men specialise in this I don't know because they will never have that vital first hand experience.  It defies all logic to say that it is all in the mind and that fluctuating hormones don't cause problems, I'd give her a wide berth and make a mental note never to visit her brother for help!
    • Posted

      Again Thank you all so so much!

      I feel much better about it today and have tried to put it in perspective. She is 37 and and I am 52 this year....I need to treat her with compassion as she has no idea what her journey through this maybe like and I'm sure I'll never know.

      The twists and turns in this rollercoaster is enough to deal with, so I am rising above any judgement someone makes whom has no clue of the mountains we climb everyday!

      You ladies fill me with inspiration and motivation to get my achy, exhausted body out the door every morning!

      This I Thank each and everyone of you for the bottom of my heart 💗

  • Posted

    well she will be eating her words when it happens to her!!

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