PVP Greenlight 12/6/16 My experience!

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Over the next few weeks, I intend to chronicle here my experience following my PVP surgery.  I will attempt to as brief as possible.  I have heard so many horrible stories and warnings from so many men, that I thought I would relay my experience as it happens for those of you who might be planning your own PVP.

Had to be at hospital 0900 today.  Prep was minimal.  first step was to strip down to nothing and remove a wedding band that is now smaller than my knuckle.   Tests for blood sugar (I'm diabetic), blood pressure, and insert IV which took 4 tries.

A visit from the anestesiologist, and then my urologist. I asked him if I could give him some words of encouragement and he said sure.  I said, "Brian, don't f*ck up my dick"!  He gave me a hearty laugh. 

surgery was scheduled for 1200 and by 12-7 they wheeled me out of prep room towards OR, but I don't think I ever saw it.

I woke up at1445.  Groggy as hell and with strong discomfort inside the end of my penis.with catheter inserted.  I got some pain killers, antibiotics, and anti-bladder spasm meds as well as some coaching on emptying the bag.  

The nurse also secured the cath line to my inner thigh so that a tug on the main line wouldn't pull on the line into the penis.  There is not enough lead there and sitting on toilet promotes a pull of it's own.  Can't adjust it because there is a hard plastic connector in the line right there; so no alternative but to leave it be.

Was in the car at 1700  to go home just in time for horrific Atlanta traffic and took 1.5 hours to go 25 miles.

It's 2100 now and am getting used to the feeling of the cath in my trouser worm.  It's very uncomfortable but sensation pain has gone from about a 5 to a 2 or 3.  Bag has been emptied once but needs to be done again before I turn it.  Ate some dinner, a small pasta with broth and an egg around 1930.  Trying to drink plenty of water as advised.

I feel no pain whatsoever except for the point of insertion of the cath.  That is having a very calming effect on me, but, my dick does hurt.

Cath out Friday.  

Report back tomorrow.

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    At 5 weeks and 3 days:

    Yesterday I had quite a scare!  Was already sitting on the throne when a bladder spasm took hold and out came a bloody discharge that streaked down the bowl and stained the water.  It wasn't alot, but I haven't seen significant blood like that since the first couple of weeks.  I figured I'd wait and see what the next pee looked like.  After a couple of hours, I finally felt the urge and went into the bathroom to pee.  It started blood red, but as scabs started to come through it started deflecting the stream left and then right and then up on the seat.  I'm guessing it was one big scab that broke lose and came apart in the stream.  At one point, a scab blocked the exit and I could feel the pressure building.  Part of the scab was hanging out, so I pulled on it and let the dam  break lose.  That gushed everywhere. Blood was dripping in and out of the bowl to the floor.  The lid and seat were dripping and running and the floor had puddles on it. When I thought I was done,I  turned and walked into the larger bathroom area with the sinks and tub are and looked down and saw another scab hanging out.  They are soft and mushy in texture.  I pulled it out and more blood gushed across the room hitting the cabinet under my wife's sink, spalshing the rug, and spotted the floor between where I was standing and the rug.  What a mess.  The 2 rooms looked like someone had been murdered in there.  Well, that was it.  Nothing more was coming out.  I went over to my sink and cleaned up.  Then, I had to call the doc, but needed to leave a message.  while waiting, I cleaned the bathroom up.  I felt like I was destroying evidence.  But it was an ugly exercise in Mr. Clean.

    The doc finally called back 2 hours later.  They said that was normal and could happen as late as 8 weeks post surgery.  It was all part of the healing process and I shouldn't be concerned.  They also told me that orgasms were NOT detrimental to healing and I should not worry about that at all.  That was good because I'd already had 3 this week and when I saw all that blood, I was thinking "what have I done?"

    Subsequent trips to the bathroom were normal the rest of the day and into today.  I might go get off today to celebrate.

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    This sort of flare-up could continue for several months following Green Light. It is advisable to keep a supply of anti-biotics on hand.
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    7 weeks post surgery:

    Urine flow is good!  fewer and fewer scabs being passed; but there remain some.  I still get up once or twice a night to pee, but I do pee.  I am usually drinking fluids right up until bedtime.  There is little to no ejaculate, but the more I orgasm the less ejaculate there is.  Orgasms seem to be more powerful than before and it seems that I can hold off longer.  Don't know if that is coincidence, a consequence of the surgery or just due to new confidence.

    Bladder spasms continue but less frequently and with far less intensity.  I have realized that the pain at the tip of the penis I had was due to bruising from the catheter tube.  It felt like there was something there, just inside the opening.  I could feel like an orb right there.  It has gotten much smaller now and am close to not feeling it at all.  I don't know that the tube was attached properly causing intense irritation and bruising as the tube went in and out with each step I took.  That is almost over.  

    There are time when, and I think they are bladder spasm associated, when I feel the urge to go, it is immediate and need to get to the bathroom very quickly. I have leaked a bit a time or two trying to ignore the urge and then running to the bowl. 

    Overall, I'd say this was worth it to have the PVP done.  Healing does take awhile and I'm not very patient.  

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    I believe it is now 8 weeks post surger:

    Feeling pretty close to normal now.  I still can feel on orb like presence inside the tip of the penis when i squeeze it.  I determined a few weeks back that it was the result of irritation from the catheter hose going in and out with each step I took, even though I'd only worn it 3 days.  the orb continues to shrink.

    The urine stream is powerful and strong, and I have a felling of emptying the bladder.  When the stream is strongest, I feel a little pain at the tip of the penis as if the opening is not wide enough to let it out the pee at the volume it is flowing.There is no lingering effect with this though.  And there remains some passing of scabs as I can periodically feel them pass or see them in the bowl.  But, this is becoming less and less frequent an occurrence.

    While I had some ejaculate weeks ago, I have seen less and less and I am not seeing any at all lately.  I will have to acclimate to this result as I thought once I had it, it would stay and not diminish.  But then I fully expected to lose it after surgery anyway, so, ultimately, not really a big deal in the scheme of things.  I can still orgasm, get erections, and have sex, all just without the splashing ending.

    I don't expect there will be much further changes to my condition.  Although I do see the urologist in 3 weeks, I don't believe there is going to be much more to report regarding my recovery from PVP.  If there is, I will offer an update.  But, baring that, this will be my last contribution to the thread I started 8 weeks ago.  I hope this has been helpful to men who are contemplating PVP Greenlight surgery, and provided some insight into what to expect in the weeks following surgery.  I wish you all the best.

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    9+ weeks out!  UPDATE.

    A curious new "wrinkle" in my progress has developed.

    Earlier in this thread, I discussed the god awful irritation developed at the entrance to my penis from the catheter, which I wore for a mere 3 days following surgery.  During the thread, I spoke of an "orb" or spherical feeling at the tip of my penis and how I felt that somethng was obstructing my urine flow, even though I described the flow as "impressive"

    Well, I saw the URO this week, and I can't believe what he said.

    The orb, which has gotten progressively smalller, is a callous from the irritation caused by the catheter hose.  It does restrict urine flow because it is shrinking the pee hole creating a slight burning sensation when peeing.  Additionally, I can never be sure where the stream is going to go.  First left, then right, then High or low, but rarely directly into the water.  this is always a struggle at night in the dark.

    The bad news is that it can continue to shrink the size of the opening!  the good news is that it can be reversed!  Ugh!  By stiking a "stretching device" up there to open the passage better.  This may take several "applications" and it is something else I can do at home.  Talk about sex toys!

    I am to monitor this and report back in 2 months. I knew that damn hose was not right. Every step was torture.  You may recall I was holding my clothes away from my dick because any contact was awful with the hose in.

    BTW- I am now almost always dry with ejaculation.  If I wait a few days there is more, but I am not one to "sit on my hands", or anyone else's.  when there is some, it drains slowly, after orgasm and during deflate.  But, it isn't much.  There is however, a lot of precum which is always clear and flows nicely.  

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      UPDATE!  So the condition from the callus I discussed earlier has a name.  It is "meatal stinosis"  Stinosis is a constriction and the meatus is the opening of the urethra, thus, meatal stinosis.   the orb I felt a the penis tip has continued to shrink.  I looked up some research online and mostly found "recreational stretching".  The idea that someone will do that for fun is mindboggling!  

      So a follow up visit to the urologist, on Friday, 3 days ago, confirms that the condition is continuing to constrict even more.  2 options: go under anesthesia and have it done, or have him stretch it with a local gel that they use for cystoscopy now.  I opted for now.  Let me tell you the cystoscopy was a cake walk.

      So after waiting for the gel to take effect, the nurse brings in "sounders" or metal rods that do the strecthing.  The doc comes in grabs the penis head and starts inserting the rods into the urethral opening.  Starting with smaller ones, the pain wasn't so bad.  The sounders are round at first and then curve into a more hexogonal looking device.  Well, as the rods got bigger the pain became more intense.  He got to one and said we could stop; but no, I said, "Okay, one more".  It hurt so bad my legs started to curl to fetal position and had to let out cries of pain.  We stopped there and he said we did pretty good and showed me the final rod which looked like about the size of a 1/2" nut.  I sat up and realized there was blood all over the cover pad and the pad on which I was sitting.  He said I'd be sore for a day and there may be some residual bleeding.  I left with one of those pads folded up in my shorts to prevent bleeding into my clothes.  Got home and peed without any burning and the bleeding had stopped.

      Urinating is pretty close to normal now, although squeezing the meatus hurts a little bit; but not much.  The risk is that the stinosis will likely continue requiring further stretching.  I go back in 2 1/2 months.  

      Like so many stories from men with prostate issue, there always seems to be something else.  When does it end?

      I still can't believe some men think stretching is a good time.  Ugh!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much gmoney for the diary of your 'Green Light' suffering. I hope you can give one more update...! How are you now? [I hope you are doing great..!] All the BEST- jon

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      Jon,  Well, 6 months post surgery and:

      Peeing - I have an amazing urine stream.  When outside, it seems to go a good 5 feet from my toes, powerful and strong.  Strangely, I am recently passing something in the urine which occasionaly changes the stream to a deflected spray and, once passed the stream goes back to normal.  I've had kidney stones and this is not them.  Will ask the urologist next  month in a follow up visit.  There is no pain and nothing visible, so unsure as to what this might be.  Can barely feel them come through and wouldn't know they were there if not for the defelted urine stream.

      Nocturia - I still have to get up 1-3 times a night to pee.  This is largely due to a medication change back in February that takes sugar from the blood and puts it in the urine stream.  Consequently, frequent urinations day and night.

      Erections - Good and firm.  Testosterone and viagra don't hurt; but there is no post surgery consequence relevent to erections.  In fact, mighttime and morning wood have returned; but I think that is due to the testosterone shots twice a month.

      Orgasms - As good as before.  Better?  That would be hard to gauge; but there have been some intense ones.

      Ejaculation - I have RE!  There is some to none ejaculate; but if there is some it is always after orgasm and not during.  There is almost always a good bit of clear precum, which makes for a good lubricant.

      Meatal stinosis - I was expecting a repeat of the stretching might be necessary; but right now the first strecthing in April may have been enough.  As I have stated before, the urine stream is quite impressive. And if I can skip another stretching, I definitely will.

      If there is something in which you have an interest that I haven't covered; please feel free to ask a question.  Hope this was helpful.

      Are you planning a procedure?

    • Posted

      Hi Gmoney- Thanks so much for the update..! 

      The one thing I am surprised about in your post is that you have RE, but your orgasms are as intense or maybe more intense as before.

      Also, I am glad that your urine stream is so strong, very encouraging to someone like me that is on the other side of the fence. 

      I have reached the point in retention where I don't trust my body from day to day. I was almost in full retention last nite, but this morning things have loosened up a bit and I can sorta coax it out. I have early trabeculation, but my bladder is still on the small side with no diverticula. I am scheduled for a GL in early July, and my main fears are of course, RE and ED. I have not learned how to self cath either, even though I have 9 'sample' caths from Speedicath. 

      I am in some fear with the GL and potential side effects of the procedure. But I have to do something very soon or I will end up in ER with a Foley. 

      Thanks again for your update and open candor.


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      Sorry to hear of your ailment.  Had to look up trabeculation.  

      There are others on these threads who know about CIC.  I have no experience with it; but it appears it is relatively easy and painless.

       Don't know your age and how important RE might be to you.  Most sexual encounters finish with the proverbial "cumshot" both in videos and in reality.  Thought it would be terrible not to be able to shoot; but ultimately, it is a small price to pay for the new ease of urination.  Fooling around down there with lasers and whatever is a scary prospect.  Hope you find the relief you seek and I wish you well.  I can be available for more info or 1 on 1 discussions.


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