Questions about everyone's "anxiety and panic attacks"
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So my question to you ladies is, when it comes to anxiety, is there something that sets it off or does it just come out of no where? The reason I ask is because mine doesn't just come out of no where. I'm starting to look more into things and over think everything which in turn causes the anxiety. It's really annoying.
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nancy0925 valarie24431
Usually it's one 9f the symptoms that brings it on. I get chest pain and then get really bloated and have belching episodes. It brings on pa nice attacks. Stressful situations brings it on too
valarie24431 nancy0925
Indifferent valarie24431
Mine is often set off (like today at the mall, I was starting to get very ansty in the crowds there and had to leave) That one was from too much energy around me I think
But often comes from a thought...overthinking, like you say.
But it can also come from simple things like the television or facebook posts.
I don't get it often anymore, but a couple of weeks ago i had a two day long anxiety attack that I just couldn't shake for anything. A friend finally gave me something that stopped it, thank goodness.
I did go through two years of it straight, and avoiding sugar helped me a lot
valarie24431 Indifferent
Wow...yes, my anxiety is caused by anything from a Facebook post to something on TV to something someone says to something someone does and I've honestly never been like this. It's almost as if I freak out at the slightest things. My anxiety has been manageable the past couple months (for the most part) but today is pretty bad. I'm staying the weekend at my moms and all she drinks is coca cola. So that's all I've drank since yesterday and I'm wondering if that's exacerbating my anxiety. Well thanks for the reply.
Indifferent valarie24431
nancy0925 valarie24431
nancy0925 Indifferent
becky53379 nancy0925
Indifferent becky53379
My whole life I could never handle a movie theater. I have always been sensitive to that. But what you are saying about the lights...YES! me too! I learned to wear sunglasses in stores and that helped alot, but only if there are no crowds. Peri is crazy. Can't wait till it's over, but for now just avoid the triggers that you can...I cut everybody off my facebook except for ten people that i am really close to. The emotional ups and downs in all the posts are nuts, and very much felt by me.
Funniest thing is, I spent 6 years at home pretty much, had anxiety going out and now suddenly I want to be away from the house and my anxiety seems to come on more here at this point. I haven't had anxiety for two years and suddnely the last month it came back from a total different angle. Ugh!
I am determined to just go with the flow, learn who I am for now and flow with it, and when that changes, well, I'll go with that then.
Bubble baths, good books (Amish romances seem to have no triggers)...and whatever I feel I need at the moment. That's it. Find what you need, figure out what the causes are, and avoid them. We will be fine. We will!
becky53379 Indifferent
Hello Indifferent, thank you for your response
I never thought of sunglasses. I just might try that. I am glad that you are able to get out of the house even with your anxiety. I get out at times to but its for a short time. Right now though for the past couple of days I am so frazzled and anxious ....I think that it is because of extra drama, facebook, outside issues and such. Ugh! I believe that I need to start cutting out the triggers like you said. I do take baths, walks, crochet and also read (humor type) mom loves the amish books
I need to take my focus back on myself again and not change it until I am through this. Thank you again and I hope that you are having a great evening 
valarie24431 Indifferent
Omg...I cut everyone off of Facebook as well. I'm down to 19 friends. There were just way too many negative posts that would trigger palpitations (anxiety) or make me feel depressed. Even certain radio stations I stopped listening too and TV shows I stopped watching. I agree...peri is crazy, it's making ME crazy.
Jokey becky53379
and although I initially felt anxious and overwhelmed I got through
it, had to, I go to watch my two little granddaughters dance!☺
I find you have to push yourself to the limits sometimes or you
will end up doing nothing. Really no disaster befell me the first time
although it is hard, it does get easier.
All the best to you☺
Jokey Indifferent
Well said Indifferent, we are on the same page!
Good for you. I have felt all this too, but as I said previously you
have got to push yourself. You are doing all the things I do.
It really does help doesn't it???
Good luck to you.
Jokey valarie24431
It is so weird that we all feel these emotions. I cannot listen to
certain types of music any more even songs I used to love.
Lots of different things now make me feel down and I can only
tolerate classical music, classic comedy or lovely harmless dramas
that I used to watch when I was young.
But do you know what? I love myself for that. I know strange lady😂
I need to laugh and feel good,and when I am down I shop or eat
chocolate lol😂😂
Indifferent valarie24431
Oh the radio, hahahaha! I told my hubby a few years ago "How can somebody listen to crap like that before they even get out of bed in the mornings! It was killing me. I'm loving the radio these days though with all the Christmas Carols. No triggers. Tv I avoid like the plaque unless it is a disney movie we are watching with the kids
Lotti1966 nancy0925
Hi Nancy,
Yours could be a mild form of agoraphobia which is what I have on top of my anxiety. It's a fear of wide open spaces. I have a very hard time with malls.
pinkcatfairy nancy0925