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Posted , 13 users are following.
if you are awake at 3:30 (again) and cant go back to sleep!! racing heart, racing mind..
ugh ....
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Posted , 13 users are following.
if you are awake at 3:30 (again) and cant go back to sleep!! racing heart, racing mind..
ugh ....
2 likes, 29 replies
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lynn41704 pam90720
I regularly wake up every two hours during the night feeling hot and have a sense of panic. I have seen a cardiologist as I was convinced my heart was beating too fast, but my heart tests were fine. I just need to find the off switch to turn my overactive and worrying brain off to allow me to sleep. Take care.
Sassyr12a pam90720
Yes pam, if I can ever get to sleep I always wake at 3am. No racing heart or anything, just feeling really uncomfortable.... I could sleep for a month 😴 xx
Jaynie12 pam90720
yep was just gonna ask and saw ur post. racing heart panicky. cant breathe. hate it !stomach ache. will this pass or am i really craoking???
christine-Perim pam90720
yes. i just accept it now and binge watch my favorite shows.
leisa56147 pam90720
Hi Pam;
Should have called me (lol). I was up at 3:05 with the WORST stomach pain which really scared me as I had just got out of the hospital for 3 days due to (what they thought) was colitis caused by food poisoning from the cruise (Carnival - don't go!!) we were on. That pain was the worst pain EVER (10X worse than child birth) and I was literally pooping solid blood.
So far so good this morning and praying it was the nuts or something I ate.
I am reading that ice cream, coffee is no good which is going to kill me as love my coffee in the morning and my ice cream before bed.
Do any of you ladies have issues with these awful bouts of gut pain??
I have a fullness feeling by my liver and the CT scan I had done while in the hospitals showed a 1 cm lesion on lobe 7 but the doctor was not concerned. I have had every lab done possible and all came back perfect so not sure what is going on but would like to hear I am OK and not dying of something.
I also have issues with my throat, ear and neck on the right side and shoulder-blade pain which I am pretty sure is from my sitting slouched over my laptop 10+ hours a day.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Jaynie12 pam90720
im slouched over my games trying to focus o. something else other tgen my breathing or not breathing the panic tge headaches the cramped legs. u name it. dont kniw why its worse at night. tge sh....litteral wakes me up in a panic!!!
nancys21 pam90720
Every day for about 2 years now. It is awful! I've taken an anti histamine, which just knocks me out, but at least I get some sleep. This is no way to live!
angie24800 pam90720
I wake up everyday at 4am and can't sleep been going on months, I ve suffered with panic attacks ever since peri started it's exhausting
Jaynie12 pam90720
do uhave the feeling of suffocsting all the time too?? im really so tired of all this. it seems by reading all the posts onhere the ladies are tryi g one vitiam ir another. there is nothing not even the hormone treatment that helps. this is crazy. its not living its torture
Beverlys1 pam90720
Hi Pam, wake up all the time at 3 and 4 and now the only thing that gives me alittle relief and enjoyment is my happy hour wine.,,, AND GUESS WHAT!!! now it is making the waking up worse so now no more happy hour,, this is all so very draining!!!!Im so depressed from the lack of sleep, mine is really not night sweats when it happens its adrenaline! My epstein barr is off the charts...take care girl, try to stay happy...xxxx
Jaynie12 Beverlys1
i read ur comment a while back but i meant to ask. u said u liked ue happy hour ..i myself love my little wine but have been afraid. what happened that u cant enjoy it???did it give bad anxiety??
Beverlys1 Jaynie12
Hi Jay, having bladder problems with blood in my urine and I have to get all the tests at the urologist,, I did a good post on all the details yesterday so if you are lookingon the forum ck it out,, alot of us ladies have a problem with our bladders...xxxx its the inflammation!!!
It also messes with my sleep alot and my hotflashes....xxxx
Jaynie12 Beverlys1
im having a problem with it all outta the blue. right down to heart palpitations and the worse feeling like im not breathing. it has affected my whole life. i have the opposite i hardly pee and im constipated. im 51 and i feel like im dying everyday ..this is bad. i have several drs appts i swear tgey are looking at me like im crazy. i hope u are ok. lots of prayers.
rebecca_68782 pam90720
Well this morning it is 130. Heart flutters, achiness, stomach issues. ugggg....so tired of this.