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Posted , 23 users are following.
If you ladies were unbelievably unhappy in your marriages on top of all of these symptoms would you have the courage to leave?
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Posted , 23 users are following.
If you ladies were unbelievably unhappy in your marriages on top of all of these symptoms would you have the courage to leave?
1 like, 31 replies
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kelly55079 susan39015
To those-- who are in unhappy marriages... Just wondering if you DREAD going to his side of family functions? I do because his parents think he's a catch and siblings don't really know what's going on. They are nice to me BUT it just feels so fake to be there. Tomorrow I have a party with the family and my anxiety is sky high.. : (
ImagineOneDay kelly55079
Poor you. Good luck and I hope it goes well. Since peri I put my foot down. His side or my side if any situation irritates me or causes anxiety I totally ignore and refuse to go. Good luck!
kelly55079 ImagineOneDay
Thank-you for replying... I too have skipped out on a couple things but 'made' up something so I wouldn't have to go which got me out of it BUT I had to lie.. I should be OK-- I'll take a shot of something before I leave and keep my rescue lozenges in my purse. : )I just hate feeling this way-- it's awful.
ImagineOneDay kelly55079
I agree it is awful to feel this way and we have to lie. Let's hope it passes soon and we feel normal again. Take care. Hugs
kimberly96221 susan39015
My husband is doing ok supporting me while I go through this menopause crap. Our only issue is sex. I can barely function and put food in my mouth and he still expects sex from me and gets mad when I reject him. He makes unnecessary comments as well sometimes and it p*sses me off (nearly threw a pan at him one day)!! Doesn't make my situation any easier thats for sure. My anxiety is unbearable and rn hormones are 40% and he's 60% of it! If a man had to deal with just one of our symptoms they would literally DIE!!!
Vodlsabine susan39015
Hi Susan
I think that Perimenopause is one of those times where the quality of the relationship and the partner shows, comes to the surface. Most of the times, women tend to compansate the unloving remarks or the lack of support and understanding of their partners. They try anything to cheer the partner up, keep him happy and satisfied. They often swallow their thought as to not to upset him. During peri that extra strength and wit falls away. The woman needs all her strength for herself now and can no longer compensate his short comings. So, many times what one sees during perimenopause is simply the actual role that partner plays in our lifes... Just without the modification by the means of the woman. So, perhaps now, where we are now preoccupied with our own Tribble in peri, we simply see clearer what has always been there? And since we are suffering with these damned symptoms, that truth might hurt us even more?
I have separated from my husband actually. We lived each other a lot, but simply didn't fit at all. My children, to this day, they always tell me that they were so happy that we separated. Since then, there were no more discussions in the house. Peace at last. (and I found a new partner that accompanies me in a very loving way through this mess). Think about it.. It's it your relationship, or is it really just peri
JReady64 Vodlsabine
or meno.. I have a funny story..but I won't tell it. I'll just say my ex lives with me.. still expects..blah blah..hasn't happened in a long time. No desire on my part...until I got on bhrt.. that is about the only thing it has helped so far other than going to the bathroom more regularly and sleeping a bit better.... however.. even though I'm feeling more amorous.. I want someone..but it still isn't him !!! so.. you have a great point.. thing is..he is really supportive in what I'm dealing with even though he still wants sex. doesn't throw a fit.. still annoys me for it..still gets rejected.. still stays here...and now I'm developing these feelings again...but still not wanting him ! that tells me a lot ! So decision time I think..
kelly55079 JReady64
Hey.. at least he is supportive and no matter how much you reject him... he stays!!!I think I could handle that. : ) Sooner or later you might just give in.. ha
Vodlsabine susan39015
To all you lovely ladies,
I do understand all the pain, fear and suffering in peri... Believe me. I've been suffering for7 years now. But, still, I wouldn't want to be with a man that I'm not feeling connected to, that I'm not happy with. Even if he'd offer understanding and support. I generally feel that I do not wish to hang out years of my life with somebody I do not really want to be with. When I open my eyes in the morning, I'd like to know for sure, why I chose that guy beside me to wake up in my bed on that given day. Perimenopause or not. If rather suffer alone that having to explain and justify my lying on the couch again, doing nothing. With this partner now I feel loved and accepted every day. Bevor, with my ex, I always felt like I'm not good enough. He didn't make me feel appreciated
Guest susan39015
i too am questioning my marriage. i have been married for 25 years and have known him for longer.i do feel that peri and meno lift the veil so to speak and issues that i was able to sweep under the rug and accept are now no longer tolerable. i am struggling with what to do. i dont want to be alone or turn my grown childrens world upside down but i cannot see living this way for the rest of my life. we are such different people. i really do feel that my unhappy marriage is exacerbating my symptoms. i now understand why so many marriages fall apart at this time of life.
kelly55079 Guest
This is so true.. and exactly on point especially with me... I think many marriages are like this-- where neither party is interested in being alone for the rest of their life or even financially can't make ends meet on 2 house holds..
patti56271 susan39015
That is an interesting question. I was never in a great relationship with my husband as we never saw eye to eye on so many issues but my son is happy loves us both and the good thing was hubby never stopped me from doing what I wanted. I used to be out with my gfs on the weekends partying and enjoying. Now, they call me but I dont feel like going out drinking or dressing up because of the pain. All the things which seemed fun now Feel like a chore as all I want to do is sleep. So I lost most of my friends who dont see the same woman anymore and part of me doesnt even care.
But now I find myself stuck at home with him and he has to deal with me and my frustrations and moaning. I know he doesnt like it, I know he doesnt understand but atleast he tries and hasnt upped and left . so no I wont leave him and a small part of me is glad that he is atleast around cuz I dont know what I will do if I get worse and find myself alone. Even if he hardly hears anything it is reassuring that he is around
kelly55079 patti56271
Yes it is reassuring that he is around.. I feel the same way-- how do I know if I'm going to get worse not being able to take care of my own place or even myself. We've had an odd relationship for awhile now so why not just keep going. When I get totally fed up, that's when I start getting out but really am a homebody lately.. -- too tired to make an effort to go and enjoy something.
patti56271 kelly55079
Hi Kelly,
this is just my opinion and no disrespect to anyone on the forum or women who have the courage to leave when they cant handle a bad marriage and abusive men :.Kudos to all!!
! But my personal situation is weird. Now that my son is over 21 and things have changed I'll be the first to admit that things changed for the better two years ago.I always took great care of myself and my husband just wanted to sit home after work and watch Tv. I was always very family oriented and taking care of my son and husband ..home coooked meals and being there for them. Son did not move out during undergrad so things continued. Then he was gone and I " discovered myself" .. going out, wearing clothes I loved ..getting noticed dancing..it was fun. Then I caught the attention of a 27 year old. He was good looking and fun, it was flattering at 45 and I thought I would be happier instead of staying in a bad situation. and I did feel at that time that I could do good ..enjoy my life since I had a good job .. so I talked to friends who wanted me to meet a lawyer and get a divorce before I got seriously involved with someone.
Then peri hit and things changed overnight..:.Noone understood and the young guy backed off :: and the only one who stayed was my dear old husband.
I am glad I did not get carried away and move on. I am glad that he has been with me all through 26 years of marriage. In some ways am even glad this horrible thing happened .:
Had I been single I dont think a man would stick with me much less be with me. My husband and I havr history maybe thats why I look at it different ..
Why hasnt he moved on and continues to be with me when I give him nothing? I am glad I did not get carried away and do something I would regret..Just my opinion
kelly55079 patti56271
Sounds familiar except for the 27 yr old.. ha I'm nursing 2 tendon tears so even thou he is crabby as hell, it's good that he's here to pick up the slack when needed. At times I do get angry that I'm in this situation (not loving) but then that's when I try to channel the anger into something positive for myself.