Random spots of warm sensations on parts of body???

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Has anyone ever experienced warm sensations on a part of their legs or arms or anywhere else??? It's not warm to touch but an internal warm sensations that feels like you put a warm cup of coffee against a patch of skin for a sec amd then it goes away. Its not painful at all just annoying and it is really sending my health anxiety off

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    I am getting it on inside of right thigh. Feels like spilled some hit liquid then gone in few seconds. Scary. Also have legs being stiff and achy.
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    Just read through this whole thread, holy s**t, it’s happening to me too. Where you were having the sensations! Side of knee, inner shin. It’s weird spots of warm that feel like someone pressed a warm mug of something against you. It’s not externally warm though when touched, just internally. Anyone have this happen too?? Im so freaked out now...
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      Same here.... massage the area. This would helps and look up some accupressure points for anxiety
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    Assuming you’re reading this you’re probably worried about your health and anxiety. I’ve had incredibly bad anxiety lately and panic attacks, I’ve gotten cold spots, warm spots and sometimes my legs will fall asleep. The first thing you need to do is not panic an realize there’s a reason for what’s happening, the worst thing you can do is panic. The main reason this is happening is because you’re anxious or possibly dehydrated. Don’t panic, drink some water and know that you’re gonna be fine because I’ve stressed about this for a long time  and I’ve found the best thing to do is distract yourself, watch a YouTube video, call a friend, make some food ????????????????????? If it really bothers you all too much schedule an app with your doctor, but I can guarantee nothing bad is happening

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    Hi I feel warm sensations on my body, the only thing that bothers me is when I feel that my throat is closing on me ;(
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    I have a spot on the back of my hand in the soft area between thumb & forefinger that occasionally feels like someone holding a lit cigarette to my skin. Happens 2 or 3 times a week.

    Also a spot, about the size of a lemon, on the skin in the crease where leg turns into torso. That one feels like I have my cell phone charging in my pocket.

    I have no anxiety when this happens. I do have obstructive sleep apnea. I went through early menopause 15 years ago. Also, overweight & high blood pressure. I haven't mentioned it to my doctor. I don't want to bother her in case it's nothing. It's a bit annoying but only last about 30 seconds each time. Just thought I'd check here to see if anybody knew the reason. Looks like it's still an annoying mystery.

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    I have had this heat sensation on my thighs, stomach  and sometimes back. Doctors knows nothing. It happens mostly in the evening. I have gotten to the point that I pay it no attention. I  also suffer from anxiety for the past 5 or 6 years.  had surgery on rotator cuff in september and did not have any for three months. Now it is back. Guess I was too busy concentrating on recovery.


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      Seeing this whole thread was created two years ago but some of y’all are still commenting and wondering I thought I would share my views... I have had anxiety since I was 11(more like birth but that’s when I realized what was happening to my body) and now I am 24. I get these hot sensations sometimes and this is what I try to tell myself of what it really could be.... if it’s hot spots out of no where then it could be something else but if you get them when your even the slightest anxious or thinking about worrisome things or just feeling overall uncomfortable then it very well could be just the anxiety itself... our body temperatures are set to how our bodies are. Mine is actually lower than most around 97.4.. now when we get anxious or have panic attacks our levels rise our cortisol and other hormones are being released in order to defend whatever is about to attack. We heat up to protect. It feels almost like a fever but it’s not. At least this is what I feel and actually just felt hence how I found this thread.. my back was getting really warm especially against my blanket yet I had the fan on me and my window slightly open(tis winter) so I was getting cold and the warmth and those mixing being different levels of temperature makes for the body to feel very odd... distract that anxiety !!!!! I’m here to fight it with you all! 
  • Posted

    Hi everyone am a guy age 21 of aga am having this same feeling sometimes on my face sometimes chest sometimes sometimes thigh at first it started as a flash sensation but now it just feel it's dere but a little distraction sometimes help reduce effects.. Am not too good at typing in English but I will try and explain in details my situation and see if anyone feels same way. It all started when I had gonorrhea started went first for an hiv test at first because I was scared but was tested negative I treated my gonorrhea and chlamydia after a week or two I notice some swollen on my jaw was painful it later move down to my throat position was scared maybe my prostate infection was still there so I went back for a test I did VDRL, URINALYSIS, URETHRA SWAB and URINE all test was negative expect so I bought some pain relief drugs after sometime I had dry mouth I was

  • Posted

    Hi everyone am a guy age 21 of aga am having this same feeling sometimes on my face sometimes chest sometimes sometimes thigh at first it started as a flash sensation but now it just feel it's dere but a little distraction sometimes help reduce effects.. Am not too good at typing in English but I will try and explain in details my situation and see if anyone feels same way. It all started when I had gonorrhea started went first for an hiv test at first because I was scared but was tested negative I treated my gonorrhea and chlamydia after a week or two I notice some swollen on my jaw was painful it later move down to my throat position was scared maybe my prostate infection was still there so I went back for a test I did VDRL, URINALYSIS, URETHRA SWAB and URINE all test was negative expect the URETHRA SWAB test which proves moderate growth of S AUREUS was given CIPROFLOXIN as medication for 7days morning and evening hours bt was just 10 in a pack Was not enough for 7days so I bought another 10 I bought some pain relief drugs for the swollen jaw after sometime I had dry mouth I was uncomfortable but it lasted for few days was still on my infection drug when I notice some light green-yellowish sperm mind u I didn't have unprotected sex after my gonorrhea infection I finished my medication and few days later I stop seeing the green stuff my sperm is okay but feel some little pain sometimes in my testicle and later I can feel some flash beat under my shoulder blade like a fast plus lasted for just a sec comes nd goes feel I specifically when am alone and now this hot flash sensation and I see some two to three red dot just on my arms only it clears after some days and another a raise from different spot am really really scared anyone here experience these because seriously it's just freaking me out and I need some medical advice sorry for the long story just wanted to make everything clear THANKS.

  • Posted

    I'm having exact same issue! Wow, that's wild. Put my symptoms in Google box and this link came up.

    Unless I missed it, no one has mentioned diabetes? With my family history, that's a symptom. But considering my feet and hands aren't doing this, just the body parts you mentioned, I'm baffled. I'd be more apt to get my blood sugar levels checked, can't hurt!

    *Hope this helps*..

    (I'm thinking he's going his answer, after 2yrs, but maybe someone can help me out)? TIA.

  • Posted

    I'd like to thank everyone for sharing. I thought for sure my body is riddled with cancer or something. I have been having these heart sensations on and off for years and thought it was causing anxiety. Now I see it's the other way around.

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      Heat, not heart. Geez
    • Posted

      yea I think it anxiety it's been a year for me anxiety came when I quit smoking cigarettes

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