Rarest gastro/throat case

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Hello people of the world. I have been feeling unfair and all alone in this world. I don't know where to start it's the first time I'm in on any forums,hoping so much to seek help from you guys. It started when I was just 15 years old. I suddenly started to feel like clearing my throat every 5 seconds forever and specially after I used to eat or when I was empty stomach. I'm 19 years old right now and been to upto 16 different doctors, took their meds still no diagnosis for me. So, for 4 years I have been clearing my throat like that. Doctors told me it was allergy(it might be as my igE test result was 202 iU/ml) but as it mostly happened when I couldn't empty my bowel due to constipation, I personally thought that it's a GIT problem so I went to the best gastroenterologists in my country, but here I am ended up on forums. Guys God bless you, all u can do for me is to try to help me diagnose it. Think, what is it exactly that has made my life worse than hell for 4 years. I can provide more details to my current symptoms if you guys need. Any help would be appreciated sooo gosh much. Thank you.

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    You may have silent acid reflux which can cause a cough; I have this. Try a food diary to identify the foods that may be causing the cough after eating.  Make sure you are eating plenty fruit and vegetables to relieve the constipation and if necessary use a short term stool softener to avoid straining when constipated.  I would see another specialist and push for stomach scans such as an endoscopy or ultrasound to see what is going on with your stomach.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for the reply Pippa. But I don't have the cough after eating. It's just a chronic cough that begins during the night time and ends by morning. And yes, I got all those big tests done except for endoscopy. Nothing at all came in the ultrasound except for excessive gases. I'm so miserable for almost 5 years now. Suffering every single second from it

    • Posted

      Pippa I have acid reflux since 2013 every single day and I keep clearing my throat like a freak, now the symptoms have worsened and I can't have enough sleep. For the last 5 months, I have been sleeping only 4 hours a day and then I wake up with acidity and gases in my stomach and doctors are not agreeing with diagnosing me with Gerd. I have it for almost 5 years. So it's definitely Gerd isn't it? Please help me guys, recommend me something that I can have enough sleep without waking up I'm extremely desperate.

    • Posted

      My GERD started with intense burning in the stomach and chest pain.  I had an endoscopy which showed nothing.  The only thing my doctors could suggest was a weak oesophageal sphincter which was opening up and letting acid spew out. Latterly, it developed into silent reflux and the heartburn cough started.  Some days I can clear my throat for hours and only an antacid or milk stops it. GERD has woken me from sleep too. I know how this constant cough feels.  Sometimes I have to take antacids during the night.  I have had this for years too..

      Fatty, rich and spicy foods can make an acidic stomach worse. For a gassy stomach, avoid broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts which can produce gas. Artifical sugars such as sorbitol and fizzy drinks can also be culprits.  An endoscopy can pick up other conditions like gastritis, hiatus hernia and Barretts Oesophagus and many others which cause reflux.

      IBS can also cause reflux and gas.  Stomach pain that moves about, constipation, diarrhoea and incomplete evacuation are also symptoms. This condition doesn't show on scans and can only be diagnosed when other things have been ruled out. I have this as well.  I only mention this because you said you get constipation.  Other than this, it does sound like GERD if nothing else shows up in an endoscopy. Your symptoms sound very much like mine when my upper digestive tract flares up.

  • Posted

    I have to agree with Pippa, silent acid reflux, it can cause a cough. 

    Do you get a nasty acidy taste in the back of your throat when you have the cough. 

    Could also be a post nasal drip, irritating the back of your throat, husband has a tendency to get that in the spring time, when lots of flowers about, or when grasses in flower.

    Stay away from anything that will over stimulate the acids in you stomach, garlic, onion, cinnamon, spices, coffee, coca cola, and fizzy drinks,  I have listed in order of what gives me the most problems, garlic being a nightmare for me.

    Stick with really bland foods, for a few weeks, and milky drinks, eat things like prunes for constipation (not too many), and or orange juice for breakfast, does wonders for me, in fact I have to be careful I don't have tooo much, otherwise i have the opposite problem, are you drinking enough plain water.


    • Posted

      Thanks for reply but if I had silent acid reflux, I would feel something sour in my throat or something which I don't. It's just the post nasal dribbling. But why does it happen when I eat and I'm totally empty stomach I just don't understand this. Doctors first diagnosed me with allergy so I took anti histamines and anti allergies and they told me that I'd have asthma in a few months and it's been 2 years I'm breathing just fine. No closing of nostrils anymore. I wonder what could it be? I hope someone is able to help me figure out these questions no one could for the last 4 years

    • Posted

      When I get silent reflux, I don't get a sour taste in my mouth because the reflux isn't immediately felt  This is why it is called silent heartburn. I only become aware of it when the cough starts.  If I get a sour taste or feel burning in my stomach, this is classic acid reflux which is the most common form of it. So your symptoms could still be silent reflux. Acid reflux can affect you randomly too; it doesn't always start after eating.  Sometimes I wake up coughing with silent heartburn.  

      My dad gets both types of heartburn as well. He thought his cough was the tail end of his cold but the doctor said to try an antacid because it could be silent reflux.  My dad had never heard of it but when he took a heartburn pill, the coughing stopped. Maybe triy an OTC antacid such as Gaviscon to see if your cough clears up.

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    Have you been tested for Tourettes syndrome? Are you on any nasal sprays for allergy or antihistamines? I know I was put on Flonaise Nasal Spray and Singulair and it helped with my throat clearing, and feeling like something stuck in throat.

    • Posted

      Hey Josephine how r u? No, I haven't been tested for that. Is it an allergy test or something? I was put on xynosene nasal spray and whenever I took it, it felt like something's dropping in my throat but also, it never helped in clearing my throat completely and I clear it every single second. I wonder if it is related with allergy itself or is it an stomach issue(it surely is tho but doctors just keep me on meds)

    • Posted

      Me too with the throat thing. I eat and feel like the food kind of hang out there. Just for the past few days. I had reflux before that and im taking pepcid and have a post nasal drip and cough. Singulair gives off wicked reflux i cant use that. I have to be cautious as i have tinnitus as well. 
  • Posted

    Thank you guys for your replies, I hope you guys can discuss more of your symptoms and experience with me so we can help figure it out what exactly it is. My problem is really rare and extremely complicated to explain all of these symptoms and since appointments with doctors are so brief that they always diagnose me with the first problem I tell them.
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      There are no specific tests for Tourettes syndrome. How you are diagnosed is that both vocal or motor tics must be present.

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      It is very rare and complicated. I will try to find more answers. I just got back from ER with broken ankle, so may take me few days to get back to you. In the meantime, keep pressing Doctor's for answers. Write down a specific list of questions, and make sure they answer each and every one in terms you can understand.

    • Posted

      Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope and pray that you recover from your broken ankle asap so you can start walking again. And yeah I have written all of the symptoms down, even showed it to my doctors. But they say that they are gonna exclude ibs from it cuz there could be so many causes that are causing me this.

    • Posted

      Yes, it could be anything, ulcerative colon, diverticulitis, Chrons, etc. The Doctors just want to treat symptoms, not cause. Frustrating. Well, my ankle is pounding, so going to get off of here. Please keep us updated, and I will keep researching. Might as well put my Research and Statistics classes from college to good use.
    • Posted

      You're a goddess Josephine. Gosh, if you could only help me diagnose this hidden occult issue in my body for the past 4 years, you'd save a human life. I hope you look into my case with whatever research you can put together even though if you ain't a medical student. Thank you so much again.

    • Posted

      Thank you for the nice compliment. But unfortunately I'm no expert and can't diagnose you. My research and statistics classes were more in my Psychology degree rather than medical. Right now, trying to hobble around on a painful ankle and dealing with possible thyroid cancer, so I don't want to make any promises. Just keep researching, asking questions. Something is bound to come up.

    • Posted

      Oh. I can understand it's alright. I hope your don't get a thyroid cancer. I hope you don't get a cancer at all. Just take care of yourself and get screened more often now. We'll figure it out and thanks no need to make a promise or something. You can just try to help me with your own experience

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