Reaccuring sore throats?
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Hi ladies! On top of every other miserable symptom...I seem to be getting a sore throat every couple of months like clockwork. 2 mo ago it ended up being strep, which I had never had before in my life! Nobody in the house had it. Then, 2 days ago, I had a horrible headache, night sweats ( nothing new there). Yesterday, another sore throat! I’m going over to the walk in clinic today just to make sure it is not strep again...I am hoping not because no fever this time. Soooo incredibly sick of this. My immune system is trashed! Anybody else with this problem?
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evi75119 Guest
I had sore throat yesterday after a long time..
I think the culprit is that I ate sugarplum with milk chocolate. It irritates my throat every time I ate this kind of chocolate. But I was also wondering that it may be due to season change
or a combination of two
I ve been diagnosed with bile reflux since I entered perimenopause which can cause sore throat sometimes.
I took riopan gel and today I feel my throat better
our system is in complete mess due to hormonal imbalances and a lot of weird symptoms may arise
pamela2016 Guest
I don't have the sore throats but since June I keep having stuffy nose and drainage that's hard to clear out my throat allergies who knows but it's driving me nuts it will clear up to just come back a week later no fever no signs of infection not sure what's going on there I think hormonal crap just doesn't have a limit on what it effects on us women
michelle92591 pamela2016
Guest Guest
When all this started two years ago, I had a month long sore throat which prompted me to see an ENT, he scoped my throat and didn't see anything. But before that I had myself convinced I had throat cancer or lung cancer. But anyway, that lead in to lump in throat and felt like I couldn't swallow, then it all finally cleared up. Now I realize that the sore throat was probably the first symptom of the EBV reactivating when my immune system dropped because of my hormones.
I still get sore throats now and then, sometimes I think it's from me keeping my a/c so low at night that I'm drying out. IDK, I have a sore throat right now. It comes and goes.
The funny thing is, this whole time, two years, I have never once had a fever. I used to check my temp every day because I was convinced I had to have a fever because I felt so awful, but it was always sub, like 96. So weird.
Anyway, I guess it's good to check it to see if it could be strep. Hopefully it's not.
sideways67 Guest
I did have all that but it went away after being tested for food allergies and changing my diet. I have EBV and if I don’t watch my diet, and take sublingual b12, D3, zinc daily, I have issues. My lymph nodes would stay swollen for years and I’ve always had chronic sinusitis. Take allergy shots also. I’m Peri and have severe moods and PMS most of my life. I felt like if my hormones were still okay and I felt this horrible already, what was I going to be like?! My pms issues got a lot better when my food allergies were worked on. My body just had too much attacking my immune system. I take wellness formula by a well known company sndvit really helps at the first sign of throat soreness. It’s rare I have swollen lymph nodes anymore. 💕
andrea05399 Guest
Guest andrea05399
That is horrible! I just posted that indeed I have strep again! I may have to see an ENT. I went to one in January after my sinus infection. He was very dismissive, lazy, barely checked anything. I had issues with GERD awhile back...seems to be ok now that I’m on an AD. I just don’t know! I feel like death all the time😩
Just came back from the clinic. I have strep again! Grrrr! Again, nobody else in the house has it. Back on the antibiotics I go. This has got to be tied into why I get tired and dizzy, etc all the time. I had a blood test a few months ago that showed past EBV infection. I am going to push more on cannot be right that I am constantly getting these viruses. I barely even got colds before! Hopefully my tonsils do not have to come out. 😭
andrea05399 Guest
Guest andrea05399
andrea05399 Guest