Really bad anxiety today

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I've read that anxiety is an issue at this time of our lives. Some of you haven't had anxiety till now, well, I always have. Lately though it's through the roof. 

I'm having a super bad day today. I sense my boyfriend is fed up with me. I would be if I were him. 

I haven't been in the UK long and I am pretty isolated. (Which does not help of course). The air feels super dry to me. I don't know if it's the heating or season? Every time I breath in dry air, I feel like I'm going to have a full blown panic attack. Ugh! This is SO hard. I've got lower back pain too. I feel so negative about myself. Sometimes it feels as though the anxiety will swallow me up. I avoid the Doctor since I have a health phobia sad which adds to all of this. Anyone else got their anxiety under control? or having a bad day. xx

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24 Replies

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    Calianne, so sorry you are going through this. The anxiety is rough. I went to the ER last Sunday because of it. Of course, all they could give me was Xanax, which I am trying to avoid taking at all costs due to the addiction it can cause. I did however find that the nurses recommendation of taking liquid magnesium carbonate and L-theanine as soon as I wake up in the morning has helped calm my anxiety to make it better and bearable. There is a product called Calm Magnesium on Amazon that I got and its been the best and fast acting magnesium so far. If it gets unbearable, I will take a Xanax. Xanax works like a charm, but again, the addiction factor is there if used too much, so I use my magnesium and L-theanine first. I also started taking estrogen and progesterone cream, it may be the combination that is helping. I hope it gets better for both of us. I certainly understand and feel for you.
    • Posted

      Thank you snowbell, much appreciated. I'm sorry you are also suffering with it. It's so tough hey. 

       I always think the worst (Like my lungs are collapsing because of the dry air), but it can be anything, you know? Like last night, I thought my back ache was far more sinister than it is. (As I did some yoga stretches and I felt better biggrin. Do you also always think the worst? I suppose I sound like a hypochondriac/neurotic.


      I feel sorry for my boyfriend, so am giving him a break and being on here instead!

    • Posted

      Oh I know it. I do the the same. I panic and think the worst. Today my breathing is horrible and I feel short of breath. It makes my anxiety go off when I can't breathe. Hugs, we will get thru this.
    • Posted

      Hi Snowbell..i take the l-theanine too. It does seem to help take the intensity out of the anxiety. I also use lavender oil to help relax me at night to go to sleep. I have had anxiety and depression when younger and they do say it predisposes you to it during menopause. It is my worst symptom at the moment...followed by aching ribs and chest and indigestion. Perimenopause sucks sad
    • Posted

      Hi Janine, oh yes the lavender is wonderful. I use it too and it does help. Im so sorry you are going thru this as well. It is just amazing how many of us have this nasty peri. I hope it gets better and we can all look back and be so proud of ourselves for getting thru this. 
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      I know is pretty horrific at times...i am having the worst indigestion again today. My friend had an ulcer with similar symptoms so looks like thats another doctors visit smile
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      Good luck at the doctors, I despise going there, I sure hope they can help your indigestion. Im awaiting test results for my thyroid and it gets my anxiety all worked up.
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      Hi all yes perimenopause sucks that's for sure. What form of lavender do you use and how do you use it? I hope everyone feels better soon.
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      Hi coralsue....i use the pure essential lavender oil..any brand as long as its pure not diluted. I just put a drop on my wrist and rub together. Or pop a drop or 2 on a tissue and tuck it inside your pillowcase. It really helps me fall asleep and to have quality sleep.
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      Goodluck with the thyroid test....don't stress too much. My sister was born with no thyroid and has been fine on medication her whole life. Take care x
    • Posted

      Thanks for that Janine. I guess a piece of me is anxious that they will find something wrong, and another part of me almost wants it to be my thyroid so I can have an actual diagnosis for some these horrible peri symptoms. 
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      I know what you mean least you could blame it on would be easier to deal with than 'just hormones'.

      I have had really bad fatigue today...exhaustion for no reason...its scary. I keep thinking there has to be something wrong to feel like does my head in sad

    • Posted

      I so agree with you on the exhaustion. Its debilitating at times. I have a 4 year old and need to ask my mom or a friend to watch him so I can rest. Its terrible.
    • Posted

      I can't believe it's hormones either. I just can't. I'm getting results of MRI today and hoping it's ok but at same time hoping there will be some explanation too.

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