Really bad mood swings
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Does anyone else feel like they're going mad. Feel okay for a while then it takes one silly thing and I completely loose my rag. Really feel like I am all over the place. I am 48 think I am peri menopausal, have started taking high dosage of vitamin B6. Doing yoga and a bit of skipping. My moods are all over the place, I am really forgetful and tearful and stressed. Feel quite alone with it all.
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fofoma anne52691
anne52691 fofoma
fofoma anne52691
gill00147 anne52691
anne52691 gill00147
joyyoga anne52691
I do yoga, vits, minerals and have started acupuncture
Had 1st night sleep for 6 weeks last night, i think due to exhaustion!
At least we have support here!
Support to you
annieschaefer anne52691
You are not alone at all. I know it feels that way, but believe me, this is unfortunately something that hits many of us from time to time. I laugh when I read others mention their husbands, mine too- I'm not sure how he deals with the unpredictable nature of this as well. Not such a great feeling being out of control of our emotions, is it?
I will say, while it still happens occasionally-it's not as bad as it used to be.....ouch..I admit, I was quite the witch at times. It seems to be lessening (I hope for good) as time goes on. I also practice yoga (Gentle)-do relaxtion (not religiously as I should) tapes before sleep, walk, take a whole bunch of supplements, some more helpful than others (trial and error, but do stick with the B's and magnesium for certain) and push myself to get out and socialize (I'm worse if I don't).
Hope just knowing you are not mad and others know exactly how you feel along with it does seem to ease up with time, helps.
Take care,
Annie xx
HotDot7 anne52691
susan21149 anne52691
Yes I have had the feelings of madness and rage i am 46 and in menopause at times I feel fine then there are times I feel angry and want to yell or scream at people
then there are days i am crying and stressed and just want to hide away from the world you are not a lone everbody goes through this.
Trevis anne52691
shaznay96184 anne52691
Have you been speaking to one of my sisters by any chance?!
I admit to having a proper good nut-job rant myself to one sister about another sister on Wednesday! Think it was bought on by a 'Light Bulb' moment, when I realised that all the help us sisters give fall on the other's deaf ears!
Truth is Anne, the sister who does my head in actually has long-term mental health issues, big time. When she takes her multitude of meds daily, she's fine. So first hand I see how anti-psychotics/SSRIs work brilliantly for her.
I read on here about loads of ladies who swear by ADs/SSRIs to help them though Peri/Meno symptoms, such as the feeling of hopelessness and terrible anxiety. That's great, but just not for me.
I actually like a good rant, always have, always will. 'Better out than in' as my mum always said. Thing is, I'm one of 4 sisters, all 3 have taken HRT and loved it. I'm not sure my symptoms are that bad at the mo , and the reason why - I'll let you in to this forum's shared 'Secret' - supplements of Vits B6/12; Vit D; Calcium; Magnesium - all tied up in one tab for me = Menopace Original!!
Honestly Anne, I felt very weepy (completely not me!!) and ached like never before, all over my body over Xmas/NY. So much so l'd resigned myself to going to beg for some HRT. But I read a few threads on here about the benefits of these supplements so thought I'd start the year off giving them a try before going down the HRT route.
Also trialled some Bioidentical Progesterone Cream at same time. Result, 8+ weeks later: I'm feeling pretty damn good! Even my husband says I'm doing OK. I've added some more Magnesium to get my RDA of 350mg as I'd read how good it was or so many o my Peri symptoms, and aside from 'Cranky Wednesday Morning', I've been great.
Truth is too, I've done my 14- day stint of the Prog Cream, and today I show signs of a bleed. Not something I normally celebrate but explains my 3-hour blip on Wednesday!!
Anne, there's plenty of things to help us ladies get though this cr*ppy time, and if you feel antidepressants etc might help you, then you take the help you need. But how about trying to lift your mood a bit more 'naturally' with some good Vits & Mins first??
There are some wonderful ladies on this forum who can give you some wonderful advice on this, but know that most of us have felt as you have, and have felt the benefit of sharing our experiences and the advice given.
Chin up kid - no one said it would be easy being a woman. Its a hard job, but someone's got to do it! :-)
PS sent from my tablet so my fat fingers may have slipped making for an odd post! What with that AND predictive text... ggggrrrrrr!!!
I have no real vices, I don't smoke, drink (very, very rarely now), do drugs and use swearing to release tension. It works for me.
No doubt some Qwack will have already clocked-on to this, and charges some overpaid Celebs a fortune to stay at their 'Cussing Retreat! Maybe I should get in there quick. Could be quite a lucrative business!!
But best of all, as HotDot will no doubt agree, keeping a good sense of humour can sometimes be the best tonic, especially if you're having a good giggle with someone you love!!:-)
val50972 shaznay96184
thanks for making me laugh shaznay
shaznay96184 val50972
But it can't beat something I saw on TV recently when some foolish woman allowed her husband to cook Xmas Dinner. All the family invited, and way into the proceedings they realised HE had forgot to switch the cooker on at the mains!!
Now I love my ol' man's cooking, but even I'm not sure I'd risk a big social gathering like Xmas Dinner!
And dya know the best bit of all: they were in their thirties
Enjoy your day.