Really scared omezaprole might be masking cancer
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I'm new to this group, and just wondered if anyone might have had similar/relevant experiences to my own. I started getting indigestion symptoms a week ago, and didn't think anything of it at first, but after 3 days with no sign of it going away, I started to worry, whether it's a symptom of cancer (stomach or oesophagal). I went to my gp to voice these worries, but was told that "because I'm not 55" (I'm 52) he wasn't able to send me straightaway for a gastroscopy. Instead, I was prescribed omezaprole (20mg) for 28 days. The dr told me that he would refer me "if the indigestion returns after I've finished the medication". I'd never heard of omezaprole and am not sure why I've been prescribed it at this stage, so I looked it up on the internet. I'm now really worried that it could mask the symptoms of a serious illness like cancer and lose me precious time for getting my condition further investigated.
The indigestion symptoms I felt at the start are best described as "constant low level discomfort with occasional burping". I have rarely suffered from indigestion in the past and it has certainly never gone on for days.
Right now, I'm feeling nauseous and not sure whether it's a side effect of the medicine or down to the stress and anxiety I'm feeling. I'm sick with worry and planning to return to the gp on Monday and insist that I'm referred for a gastroscopy straightaway.
I'd be really grateful to hear from anyone with similar experience to my own
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Guest jane28286
Your Doctor has prescribed this medicine for Gastritis (as it certainly sounds like you are suffering from Gastritis), this is possibly just a spontaneous eruption or it is caused by an overgrowth of a bacterium called H.pylori :
I don't think you have anything to worry about, certainly nothing more sinister than a stomach bug
gary92477 jane28286
derek76 jane28286
I've been taking omezaprole or other PPI's since 2001 and they mostly help.
Look up functional Indigestion and you will see your symptoms and more. I've had it for most of my life as well as two duodenal ulcers.
In the first three days did you take anything for it? I find that Bisodal tablets are the most effective of the over the counter remidies. You can back up the
omezaprole with gaviscon liquid at night.
derek76 jane28286
Guest jane28286
derek76 jane28286
She got me an appointment for the next week.
The registrar welcomed me with. "So you think you have cancer"
I said that I did not think that and did know what it was but that I did not think that it should go uninvestigated for months.
Of course the investigations did not find anything really serious apart from worsening diverticulitis and again I was told that my other symptoms were caused by hiatal hernia and functional indigestion.
stella19032 jane28286
Just to put things in perspective though, I have terrible trouble swallowing, food gets stuck, I have had this problem for 6 months now, and yesterday's gastroscopy showed that my oesophagus was normal. Not everything is cancer, in fact it rarely is. Doesn't stop the worry though, especially when you consult Dr Google.
Good luck with your GP. Hopefully you will get a quick referral. If you do go down the two week route, then you need to stop your ppis two weeks before the gastroscopy as they can alter the results of the H Pylori test. If you are still worrying, please be in touch, I completely understand where you are coming from
Good luck with your ongoing treatment.
derek76 jane28286
Did you not get any reason for your swallowing problem?
stella19032 derek76
Can I just ask whether diverticulitis can affect your upper bowel ( the bit that runs horizontally) I've got a lot of pain there and I'm wondering if it's that. I wish I'd had a full colonoscopy instead of just the sigmoidoscopy. I might ask for one next time I'm in clinic. Funny really cause up til last November I thought I had guts of iron!
jane28286 stella19032
stella19032 jane28286
derek76 stella19032
I would not go running to have a colonoscopy. I had one in November and during it my BP went down to 40/27 and my heart rate to 30 bpm.
They panicked, I told them that I felt OK but to get a move on. They pumped some drugs into me and gave me water to drink. They called for an anaethist who pumped more drugs into me. They said it was caused by either dehydration, the sedative or that the probe had stimulated my vagus nerve. They kept me all day until my BP was nearer normal.
Two days later I felt my heart racing when walking and realised that I was in atrial fibrillation. It was the probe that caused it, according to the arrythmia nurse at the hospital it often happens. Result on warfarin and amiodarone (and side effects) and then a four month wait for a cardioversion and of course still on drugs.
You could ask for a virtual colonoscopy (CT scan) but of course they are not able to take samples. When I told my GP that I was going to arrange for the Virtual colnoscopy privately rather than have the usual NHS wait he wanted to save me the money and sent me to a local private hospital who take NHS patients. How I wish that he had let me spend my own money.
My wife has had at various times peptic, gastric and a duodenal ulcer. However with two other sets of symptoms that had her hospitalised in extreme pain nothing was found after two endoscopies and a CT scan. That is when they give up on you.
stella19032 derek76