Recovery tips for laparoscopy and/or hysteroscopy?

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I'm now less than a week away from having both of these procedures.  I went for some required pre-surgery testing today and they gave me lots of information and instructions.  It will be an outpatient/day surgery.  Does anyone have advice to share about recovering from either or both procedures?

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Elizabeth, 

    Mine is scheduled for the 15th. I hope everything goes well and recovery is a breeze. And hope that once they get these nasty cysts out we will have an easier time in peri. Im scheduled for outpatient as well. Please keep in touch an let me know how your recovery is going. I will keep you in my prayers that surgery and recovery goes well. Take care

    • Posted

      Hi Snowbell, I will do the same for you and hope that everything goes well!  Hard to believe it is getting so close.  I do hope that we'll feel a lot better once this is all over.  Will keep you updated on recovery... can't wait to get there!  Talk to you soon.  Elizabeth 😊
  • Posted

    Hi, Ive had both. The hysteroscopy was under general anaesthetic as a day case. It was so straight forward, honestly. Was in theatre for no more than 15 mins, woke up quickly afterwards, felt fine, went back to work the next day. I had a laparoscopy to have my gallbladder removed, day case again, took about an hour in theatre. Felt ok afterwards, not much pain, what I did have was easily controlled by paracetamol, but very tired for a few days. Yours could be a quicker op, with a quicker recovery. I was hugely relieved at how easy both ops were. I would be the first one to moan if they had been a bad experience. Hope it goes well for you, try not to worry. X
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      Hi Debbie, it is good to hear that you did so well.  I will have them consecutively under general anesthetic.  Your comment that you'd be the first to moan sounds like me, too.  Thank you for sharing about your experiences! 
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      Dont know if I was just lucky, bit remember waking up after the laparoscopy smiling and feeling really dreamy. I had to touch my belly to see if Id had the op. These drugs are great! Cant say the same for the paper pants. Good luck. X
  • Posted

    Hi elizabeth and snowbell,

    hope your op goes well. please do write in this thread about your well- being when you feel up to it again, which i hope will be soon.

    may i ask what tests and symptoms determined for you that you need these ops ?

    did you experience severe symptoms of perimenopause during the last few months ? are you expecting these to minimize after the op ? from what i read on net usually the symptoms increase but not for everyone. my colleague had laproscopy and hysteroscopy and she was back to work in a months time.

    some patients have reported that they woke up with a hrt patch attached to their thighs- have you considered use of hrt ?

    hope my questions are not silly and out of context

    thanks for your post


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      I had a CT scan that revealed an enlarged ovary and ended up having ultrasound that confirmed a mass inside my right ovary and a uterine polyp.  The lone symptom was frequent urination - the ovary was/is pressing on my bladder.  They could not determine the content of the mass except to say that it is complex.  I don't know if peri symptoms will change or not and don't want to go the HRT route if it can be avoided.  I just want to feel better and don't know if just having one ovary changes anything - posted an earlier discussion with that question and really didn't get any answers.  Hoping for the best.
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      Same as Elizabeth, but my MRI revealed the cyst was now septated, and thick walled. Due to this, they could not rule out malignancy. Not a good thing to leave inside to brew, so its now coming out. Praying its benign. I really did not have any symptoms, but painful periods. So they did an ultrasound initially and found this large cyst. They have been monitoring it for awhile now and its not going away and becoming more and more nasty.

      I started getting the anxiety, depression and panic attacks out of nowhere 6 months ago, along with changes in my cycle coming sooner, and my periods are lighter and less painful. Occasional night sweats and nausea and lack of appetite, which has led to a lot of weight loss.

      Cant wait for this to be over with. Thanks for the positive thoughts. I hope the surgery helps. Im leaving one ovary, as the plan is to only take my left ovary.

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      Does a specific type of testing have to be done to see inside a cyst, like an ultrasound with contrast?  Even though all of my lab work was normal, and the doctor said she is "not suspicious", she also reminded me that they can't rule out malignancy yet in my case because they don't know what is inside the cyst.  I don't know much about the different types of scans, just that I had pelvic and vaginal ultrasounds after the CT scan.
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      Hmmm, I may need to have a scan done. Sweats, nausea, and no appetite for months now, and no answers! Gyno didn't even do a pap.
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      I had MRI with contrast and still they can't figure out what it is sad
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      Sadly only pathology will determine what our cysts are. So wish there was a better way.
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      Me too!  Can't stand the waiting!  Want to be done with this mess.  Gyn made a big deal out of that, too, about how long it will take to get pathology results back after surgery because of how she wants it all to be handled.  Feel like screaming.  😮
    • Posted

      It is frustrating. Unfortunately we are at their mercy. I just hope that this surgery helps.

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