Recurring pityriasis rosea
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I was interested to read other experiences. I am currently experiencing a recurrance of pityriasis rosea. I had the first occurance about 9 or 10 years ago and my Dr too was not only surprised to see a rare disorder but to see it in someone at my age. I was 27 then. Even more surprised now at late 30's!
I too thought there was a patch of ringworm on my arm and recently had an awful cold and took 2 days off work (that's really rare for me as I'm a bit a workaholic). I didn't pay any attention to it at first, the spots that now cover my tummy, and a fear of having chicken pox actually made me look into what I had. When I read the symptons I realised that my symptons are classic. I would have left it at that, because I'm not suffering at all - not even itchy spots, provided I don't scratch the herald patch - I don't even notice it. It was only when I read that only 2% recurs that I read on and found your experiences.
My herald patch and spots has been so typical in both cases that there is no doubt it is pityriasis rosea. My Dr the first time told me that it was most likely to be stress related.
My only curiosity this time is why now? Its made me consider taking a holiday in the sun (how often is the diagnosis to spend time in the sun?) to make sure I'm not opening myself up to to something more sinister - maybe this is natures little warning that I'm over doing it.
Does anyone else think like that?
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lex80700 Guest
Just wrote this to another person who posted and thought I would share with you also:
I just saw your post and wanted to see if I can be of help as you say you can not get treatment. I am currently suffering from a virus which includes sore throat and chesty cough. Yesterday I woke to a second occurrence of PT. My first was two years ago and I was sent to a dermatologist who specialises in PT. he gave me cream and tablets that got rid of it very quickly. I have an appointment with him tomorrow morning and am hoping he gives me the same medication. I can let you know what they are if you like! I can't remember their names now but am certainly not going to throw away the left overs this time.
Hope your PT hasn't returned again.
gloria13921 lex80700
Hi Lex, do you remember the name of the cream and tablets? I also have recurrent PR, unfortunately.
nic876 hjohnst
Bobjoy hjohnst
constable1980 nic876
lex80700 hjohnst
Just wrote this to another person who posted and thought I would share with you also:
I just saw your post and wanted to see if I can be of help as you say you can not get treatment. I am currently suffering from a virus which includes sore throat and chesty cough. Yesterday I woke to a second occurrence of PT. My first was two years ago and I was sent to a dermatologist who specialises in PT. he gave me cream and tablets that got rid of it very quickly. I have an appointment with him tomorrow morning and am hoping he gives me the same medication. I can let you know what they are if you like! I can't remember their names now but am certainly not going to throw away the left overs this time.
Hope your PT hasn't returned again.
elma55 hjohnst
I had it first when I was 17 , a really intense 90% coverage and full fatigue issue for total up to 4-6 months.
Since then (over these 13 years) I have had a familiar patch on my arm that did the same, nice a faded but there. It would come and go but always was a bit present. Over the past few years its been more on the tops of both my hands and more widespread and pimply not as a cluster or patch. It also flares up and goes down but always present. Now I got a new herald patch and that faded and found another herald in my groin and now im getting small patches all over and pimples.
Its reassuring that others also have the reoccurring and constantly there PR reminder. Just so we don't miss it too much
I am hoping that it doesn't flare more. On wards with the self medicating and healing.
good luck!
drew_66454 nic876
dunebuggy hjohnst
Hi, it's the same for me. I first got a herald spot on my upper back between my shoulder blades when i was 14. I went to my pediatrician and she said it was because of sweat drying on my skin and causing a rash. I live in south Florida, so sweating while being outside isnt that abnormal so i rolled with it. she told me to wash my back thoroughly every morning and night with Head and Shoulders shampoo. after about 6 weeks it and two other spot went away. About three years ago, i got a reoccurance on my lower back, right at my waist. I tried to do the same thing with the Head and Shoulders to no avail. I went to a doctor and he told me it was PR. He told me it would go away on its own. It never did. I have now a whole bunch of spots branching out around it up and down my spine from the bottom of my shoulder blades to the top of my hips. its in a straight line, sollowing my spine, almost like a pine tree. Its been three years and it hasnt gone away. sometimes there will only be the herald patch, and then ill get sick or stressed or it will get hot and muggy outside and then itll be back to the pine tree on my back. Im very pale and these spots are kinda dark so they are very noticable. im now 19 years old and these spots make it embarressing to go to the beach or wear sundresses and bikini tops and id honestly do just about anything to make them go away. I have scrubbed my back until its pretty much raw and that doesnt help much. Someone said to mostruize and thats what im gonna try next. the best way that ive gotten them to mostly fade away is laying in the sun but then i get sunburned because i dont tan, so i cant do that anymore. Hoping that mosturizing will do the trick!
jeanie07635 Guest
paige_63501 jeanie07635
I, too, am suffering from PR for the 3rd time. All 3 times have been after having strep throat. After doing research, I have discovered that, fo rme, it is an auto immune issue. As my body goes to heal, the good/healing cells are presumed as enemies by my body so my body attacks itself by releasing histimine, causing the welps/hives. I'm currently on week 2 with it this time. I'm waiting on it to stop spreading before I visit the tanning bed. I live where it's HOT, so I am running out of time before it's extremely hot here and I"m forced to wear shorts and sleeveless tops. Praying it goes away with a few visits to the tannin bed soon. How are you doing now, a month later? Is it getting better for you?
Deb_PR3 paige_63501