Recurring Red Rash and Red Bumps on Penis Head, and over three months.

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Hello everyone,

I'm just about 30 years old and I am uncircumcised. My foreskin is a bit tight, but it is easily pulled back when flaccid. I've been having this same issue for a few months now. My meatus (urethra) looks slightly inflamed. There’s a red rash of red bumps that show up on my penis head and it varies on where it shows up from time to time. There is no discharge anywhere. I’ve noticed it can get worse after taking a hot shower/bath/masturbation.

Pictures provided below without using anything below.




Picture after using Nystatin below.


Picture after using CeraVe moisturizer below.


Possible remedies

Nystatin 100,000 unit/gram topical powder - helps keep the redness down when applying regularly.

Diflucan - haven’t tried yet, but might help, apparently it could have worse side effects than the above though.

Diflucan vs. Nystatin

CeraVe moisturizer - applying this 2x daily helps keep the irritation down to a minimum.

This unknown issue started occurring a while back around June. On 07/02/2020, I got a full STD test with blood and urine that all came back NEGATIVE for the following;

Chlamydia trachomatis RNA, TMA, Urigenital

Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA, Urigenital

HIV AG/AB, 4th gen

Hepatitis B surface antigen

Hepatitis C antibody

HSV 1 IGM screen (herpes)

HSV 2 IGM screen (herpes)

RPR (DX) w/refl titer and confirmatory testing (syphilis)

Later that month, my symptoms were not improving, on 07/23/2020, I went to a GP and he looked at it and said it is just a case of balanitis/jock itch. I went to the store and got Lamisil like he suggested. However, I didn’t notice much of an improvement so I then filled the prescription he gave me for (nystatin 100,000 unit/gram topical powder).

I’ve read many forums like this one searching for answers as to what it might be. I also read online that balanitis could last for a month or so. It has been going on a few months now, but It’s still not gone, so I went back to the GP again on 09/21/2020 and did a urine test for the two listed below not previously tested for after it being mentioned on some forums here as a possible cause, but both came back NEGATIVE, specifically the following two;

Trichomonas vaginalis RNA qualitative TMA, males

Mycoplasma genitalium, realtime, PCR

Trichomonas is hard to detect from what I’ve read. If I’m not mistaken, a urine sample is better than a swab test concerning the detection rate.

Within the week of 10/05/2020, I did another full panel STD blood and urine test for peace of mind, and it all came back NEGATIVE again. The below list was what was tested. However, it didn’t include herpes, but I tested negative for that a few months back anyways.

RPR (DX) w/refl titer and confirmatory testing (syphilis)

Chlamydia trachomatis RNA, TMA, Urigenital

Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA, Urigenital

Hepatitis C antibody

Hepatitis B surface antigen

HIV AG/AB, 4th gen

Trichomonas vaginalis RNA qualitative TMA, males

Mycoplasma genitalium, realtime, PCR

To sum it up, The nystatin powder helped to keep the redness down, but if I stopped using it then the red spots/redness came back. This makes me think it is some kind of fungus, but I’m still unsure because moisturizer also seems to help keeping inflammation to a minimum?

Another guess I have is that it could be a chronic case of zoon’s balanitis?

Some people here think it could be a strain of HPV (could last a few years)?

My GP also suggested circumcision possibly, but I’ve seen others on here that are circumcised that also have issues like mine and I’d rather not go the route of adult circumcision anyways.

11/07/2020, latest update: I stopped using Nystatin back around the beginning of October, and instead, l just put CeraVe moisturizer on my penis once or twice a day. I’ve noticed the redness doesn’t get inflamed and there’s less occurrence of red bumps. I am holding off on going to a Urologist my GP referred me to for the time being. I’ll update this post later if I find out what else it could potentially be when I end up going to a urologist.

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50 Replies

  • Edited

    So, quite a lot of information here - which is helpful in terms of useful information, unfortunately this is really difficult for me to do, to reflect upon and give you meaningful suggestions. So, from what I can gather:


    • are you sexually active, if so do you have unprotected penetrative on a regular basis, such as the time during which this issue has existed, or do you always use condoms?
    • NEVER let HOT water contact your penile skin, even hot in a shower or bath can be too much for the much more sensitive skin of the foreskin, and particularly, on the head / glans of penis
    • have you seen a Dermatologist
    • try to avoid masturbation or greatly restrict until this is resolved

      A dermatologist who has a detailed understanding of the issues involved in genital skin problems would be the most helpful - these are often based at the largest sexual health service providers or at larger hospitals where specialist treatment facilities and units are based .....

    • Posted

      • Yes, I am sexually active with one partner, exclusively, for a number of months now. However, neither of us have a high sex drive I'd say, and no, we don't use protection when we do have sex.

      • I have always taken hot showers and baths, but as of lately I've tried to keep it to a minimum because of this issue.

      • I have not yet seen a dermatologist, but should I see one before seeing a urologist?

      • I don't masturbate much, and more so less because of this issue.

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      So to briefly make sense of why I asked: condoms could have been particularly harmful in terms of what you have going on.

      I would say it is an essential to avoid hot water completely - this would cause distress to any penile skin, when you have issues going on this impact is multiplied several times, at least.

      Yes, if you can see a dermatologist that has particular knowledge of sexual health related issues that would be most helpful for you - you may need to have an ongoing working relationship with a urologist and dermatologist. If you have not seen a dermatologist then I would say this is a critical element of getting to terms with what is going on, and is currently the highest priority I would suggest.

      And again, sex and masturbation will only further exacerbate problem issues

      Good Luck !

    • Edited

      hey wee ,, i request to you.. you replied a id name ishan123 .. he cured by a treatment,, i missed that post and unable to search again,, please you can provide.. please please

  • Edited

    im in the same boat to a certain extent. Mine was triggered by receiving oral sex earlier this year. Spoke to alot of health care professionals took a number of tests and nobody can help. not sure what else i can do.

    most red, bumpy and inflamed when erect and then wrinkled after masturbation. Please let us know if you work it out.

    what caused tours to start? could it be trauma related?

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      I'm not sure what caused it to occur to be quite honest. For all I know it could have been while receiving oral as well. I'm hoping a urologist or possibly a dermatologist would be able to help more so over my GP.

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    Hi mate,

    Also in the same boat. Only ever had the one sexual partner, mine started after a bit of a rough session. I recall on the night the skin had been damaged, almost like friction burns. Thought nothing of it, it healed a few days later but then eventually I've had nothing but this rash for 18 or so months..

    I've tried antifungal creams, pills, antibiotic creams and pills. Antifungals with Hydrocortisone, some strong strength steroid cream (fucibet) nothing has worked.

    Been back and forth the GP's a few times, they're not concerned, told me to moisturise and it'll go, yet here I am.

    Paid to see a dermatologist who just prescribed another steroid, said it's dermatitis and friction could aggravate it.

    Running out of hope at this point. I've cut out masturbation and sex for the last week or so in the hope it's just that I've been causing continuous trauma with that and not allowed adequate time for healing.

    Also worth noting I've been screened for STI's/STD's and they're all clear.

    I've also tried applying nothing, feel like if I don't moisturise, retract foreskin when urinating and wash with water afterwards that the symptoms just get worse and worse!

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    Yep a year down the line here and still no resolution. If anyone finds a decent private doctor then let me know. Im running out of ideas. Have thrown antibiotics at it to no avail. Told its not likely to be fungal and doctors dismiss viral ie. HPV. Not sure what Im left with.

    Recap - red rash, primarily under foreskin, can go 'shiny', looks like small cracks in glans, settled in the morning but gets worse throughout the day

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      Have you seen a dermatologist or a urologist? After my last dermo only offering a steroid cream I'm thinking if going to a urologist next (not sure if they'll offer anything further).

      The last few days I've abstained from any sort of creams. Honestly, it's been 1.5 years of constant application that I just thought my skin needs a break. First two days the area was really red. But it's somewhat settled now, by no means cured but not as bad as the initial withdrawal of creams.

      I'll keep you posted how it's going, I'm not expecting a miracle. May try and get another GP appointment before paying for a urologist privately. Ideally, I think after dealing with this for 18 months and trying a vast majority of treatment avenues, I need a biopsy. I may mention this to the GP and see what he/she says. I've seen others with similar symptoms on this forum have biopsies done and it's just come back as nonspecific dermatitis/balanitis. Who knows.

    • Edited

      Just thought I'd keep you all updated.

      So here's a summary of what I had been doing previously:

      *Applying creams, whether this be steroid, fungal, antibiotics or just moisturiser pretty much daily since noticing the red patch. Not all together but just some trialling through the 18 months.

      • Every time I would urinate, i would draw back the foreskin to prevent urine getting on the head and would clean the area every time with cold water and pat dry. Stopped using soap as soon as i noticed the red patch in the first place.

      I figured that my skin was becoming reliant on creams and not producing its natural moisture as the foreskin was sticking to the glans on retraction without creams. This got me thinking is the constant "peeling effect" of this aggravating the glans? Obviously masturbation or sex would then be a nightmare!

      So i ditched the creams, went cold turkey, the head was very red and sore for about 2 days, settled somewhat on the 3/4th (when I last posted). Now I'm on day 6 and the glans seem normal, maybe a little pink than i remember (but it's been so long of it being red maybe I've forgotten how it looked?).

      I've also stopped retracting the skin to urinate so its not drying out the area's natural moisture and I've also stopped washing after urinating. Just once in the morning. Trying to check it less also as the constant retracting of skin will aggravate.

      I'll check back in again but it's looking promising.

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      hey man! dont do it!!! i had the same thought after dealing for 5 years with this and got the biopsy done on september. Worst decision of my life. as you said, it came back with "non specific alterations". so now i have a red rash AND a visible non stethic scar down there. however, ive read a lot of forums, and some guys refer to have cured their recurrent balanitis with a robust antibiotic treatment. have you undergo some antibiotics?

    • Posted

      This might be completely unrelated, but late last year around October I did move from a very humid and sea level area that I’ve lived my whole life to the opposite, which is specifically a high elevation and very dry place. That’s why I’m thinking it might have to do more so with dryness. Although this issue started earlier this year...

      Also, I might clean too much down there and irritated it enough to make it like this now or by being too rough one time or used some product to damage the natural skin possibly.

      That’s why I’m thinking that moisturizing helps keep it down, and like you say maybe now it relies upon products too much to keep moisturized. I’ll try to slowly use less and less moisturizing products and see if there’s any improvement without the aid of products along with less retraction of my foreskin. When I do get erect it does retract though, well to at least the bottom of my glans.

      I’ll eventually go to a urologist once corona calms down again some and see what they say.

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    Symptoms sound like mine.

    have tried oil, moisturiser, anti fungal, washing often, no soap, drying after pee, no masturbation or sex, walking all day with foreskin retracted

    Tested all available std tests here and urine culture, nothing

    Nothing seems to remove it fully but moisturiser and no friction is working fairly good.

    its very stressful and steels alot of focus.

    do you think you can infect others?

    Hope one of us can find a cure.

    • Posted

      I'm thinking it's more so a skin condition, but I've yet to figure out what exactly. Moisterizer does help, and given the pandemic I've held off on going to urologist I was referred to...eventually I'll go though. Although, a dermatologist might be better as some have mentioned.

    • Edited

      Sorry chaps, been a bit distracted over the holidays.

      Thought I'd give you another update. Completely agree, I think this potentially was a dryness issue. Perhaps my frequent washing (although only with water) was stripping the natural oils. As noted above, i just stopped the creams, stopped the unnecessary washing, stopped the drawing back of foreskin every time I had to take a leak. Granted it was sore for the first couple of days, the skin even appeared to peel. But I am so much better for it now. The glans are normal pretty much all the time! (except maybe post sex or masturbation) then its a little red but returns to normal promptly. I appreciate doing nothing sounds counter intuitive, but it worked for me and maybe it'll work for someone else.

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      Have any updates on this? I wish I had this resolved by now, but I don't as do many of us suffering with whatever this is or isn't. It definitely recurs after friction like with masturbation or otherwise. Clears up within a day when it is moisturised. Such a pain to deal with. Someone on another thread mentioned it could be bacterial, but hasn't specified which. I never did a swab test myself. Urologist just said it looked to be balanitis or whatever and didn't offer much if any help.

    • Posted

      Sorry for not responding sooner.

      I've not ridden myself of it completely, as I said above, I pretty much only get flare ups post sex or masturbation, but it's relatively "normal" otherwise. Still a slight pink hue about it, but it's not red and blotchy always.

      I never had a swab, was urine tested for STIs/STDs as the gum clinic figured as I'm presenting with anything such as discharge, the swab wasn't necessary.

      Urine analysis came back fine, also had some general urine bacteria checks with the GP. Also fine. It was a while ago now, but GP also did a "scrape" test on the area to check for fungal. came back clear.

      Quite bizarre, I'm not sure what's causing the flare ups. Paid private for a dermo appointment who noted some tightness in the foreskin and essentially believed it to be friction related (doesn't seem logical to me, but I gave up in the end).

      I've mentioned everything I've tried in previous posts, antibiotic tablets and creams, antifungal tablets and creams, steroid creams of varying strength. combo creams. general stuff like vaseline or aquaphor. Nothing rids it completely for good.

      I saw somebody mention it potentially being Trich and that its not usually tested when testing for STI/Ds, but I've only been with one partner and she's not had any issues, so seems unlikely to me.

      Saw another who mentioned pudendal nerve issues, now that could be quite interesting as I do have a few other issues down there that could correlate to this. But it really does seem like a skin issue, so I don't know.

      I thought I'd check in on here again to see if anyone had a definitive answer but doesn't look that way. If anyone does or has the answer, please comment

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