Recurring Red Rash and Red Bumps on Penis Head, and over three months.

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Hello everyone,

I'm just about 30 years old and I am uncircumcised. My foreskin is a bit tight, but it is easily pulled back when flaccid. I've been having this same issue for a few months now. My meatus (urethra) looks slightly inflamed. There’s a red rash of red bumps that show up on my penis head and it varies on where it shows up from time to time. There is no discharge anywhere. I’ve noticed it can get worse after taking a hot shower/bath/masturbation.

Pictures provided below without using anything below.




Picture after using Nystatin below.


Picture after using CeraVe moisturizer below.


Possible remedies

Nystatin 100,000 unit/gram topical powder - helps keep the redness down when applying regularly.

Diflucan - haven’t tried yet, but might help, apparently it could have worse side effects than the above though.

Diflucan vs. Nystatin

CeraVe moisturizer - applying this 2x daily helps keep the irritation down to a minimum.

This unknown issue started occurring a while back around June. On 07/02/2020, I got a full STD test with blood and urine that all came back NEGATIVE for the following;

Chlamydia trachomatis RNA, TMA, Urigenital

Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA, Urigenital

HIV AG/AB, 4th gen

Hepatitis B surface antigen

Hepatitis C antibody

HSV 1 IGM screen (herpes)

HSV 2 IGM screen (herpes)

RPR (DX) w/refl titer and confirmatory testing (syphilis)

Later that month, my symptoms were not improving, on 07/23/2020, I went to a GP and he looked at it and said it is just a case of balanitis/jock itch. I went to the store and got Lamisil like he suggested. However, I didn’t notice much of an improvement so I then filled the prescription he gave me for (nystatin 100,000 unit/gram topical powder).

I’ve read many forums like this one searching for answers as to what it might be. I also read online that balanitis could last for a month or so. It has been going on a few months now, but It’s still not gone, so I went back to the GP again on 09/21/2020 and did a urine test for the two listed below not previously tested for after it being mentioned on some forums here as a possible cause, but both came back NEGATIVE, specifically the following two;

Trichomonas vaginalis RNA qualitative TMA, males

Mycoplasma genitalium, realtime, PCR

Trichomonas is hard to detect from what I’ve read. If I’m not mistaken, a urine sample is better than a swab test concerning the detection rate.

Within the week of 10/05/2020, I did another full panel STD blood and urine test for peace of mind, and it all came back NEGATIVE again. The below list was what was tested. However, it didn’t include herpes, but I tested negative for that a few months back anyways.

RPR (DX) w/refl titer and confirmatory testing (syphilis)

Chlamydia trachomatis RNA, TMA, Urigenital

Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA, Urigenital

Hepatitis C antibody

Hepatitis B surface antigen

HIV AG/AB, 4th gen

Trichomonas vaginalis RNA qualitative TMA, males

Mycoplasma genitalium, realtime, PCR

To sum it up, The nystatin powder helped to keep the redness down, but if I stopped using it then the red spots/redness came back. This makes me think it is some kind of fungus, but I’m still unsure because moisturizer also seems to help keeping inflammation to a minimum?

Another guess I have is that it could be a chronic case of zoon’s balanitis?

Some people here think it could be a strain of HPV (could last a few years)?

My GP also suggested circumcision possibly, but I’ve seen others on here that are circumcised that also have issues like mine and I’d rather not go the route of adult circumcision anyways.

11/07/2020, latest update: I stopped using Nystatin back around the beginning of October, and instead, l just put CeraVe moisturizer on my penis once or twice a day. I’ve noticed the redness doesn’t get inflamed and there’s less occurrence of red bumps. I am holding off on going to a Urologist my GP referred me to for the time being. I’ll update this post later if I find out what else it could potentially be when I end up going to a urologist.

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    ive dealing with this for more than 5 years now! this year I got done a biopsy and it came back with non especific dermatitis. I regret have it done, now i have a red rash and a visible scar down there 😦. Please let me know if you find the cure. by the way, the most "succesful" treatment i've had is mupirocin with aqupahor applied twice for 2 weeks. the problem is that the redness will come back in one day or two when cutting all the creams.

    and by the way, one of my sexual partners got infected by ureaplasma and mycoplsma after having unprotected sex with me, however urologists have always dismissed that possiblity. i've never undergo a robust antibiotic treatment, just the topical mupirocin.

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      5 years is a long time! Hopefully we’ll all have some kind of solution sooner than later. I’m starting to think mine is also some form of non-specific dermatitis. I’ve thought about a biopsy myself, but scarring would be an issue, and you say it’s quite noticeable?

      Also, I’ll have to look into mupirocin with aqupahor possibly, but moisturizing seems to keep it non agitated for the time being, and I’m going to try to lessen products first rather then switching to another, because maybe now it relies upon products too much which isn’t good either.

      I did get tested for mycoplasma twice and both came back negative, but I also read that it’s hard to detect in general. I haven’t looked into testing for ureaplasma though, I’ll have to look into that some more later and mention it whenever i do go to a urologist. Like you, I’d rather not go through antibiotics if possible, especially me not knowing exactly what is causing the issue.

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      If helps I've tried mupirocin plus a number of antibiotics (Doxy, Co-Amoxy, Levo) none of which have made any difference. Doctors state its a skin condition

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      I've been using CeraVe moisturizing cream which you can easily find in your local walmart, target, market since it's over the counter.

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      im going natural right now since OTC creams are producing more irritation rather than relief in my glans . The best one so far has been jojoba oil, twice a day, definetely worth the try. im convinced now that my problem is a skin issue rather than infection. my skin barrier has been compromised so i need to restore it. natural oils are great for this. cheers guys!

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      I'm also quite convinced that my issue was a skin condition caused by an outside source too. Ever since I've removed what was making me sweat more than usual while I slept, I've not had an issue with red bumps at all even after a hot shower/bath/masturbation/sex which has been a great relief to say the least.

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      Hi Boss .. I have just posted elsewhere JENNY ... take a look at simply very mid natural anti inflammations like oat meal / garlic etc and avoid any hydrocortisone and other creams until settles don - Jen

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    Hey i'm in the same position and desperate to go back to how life was. I've changed as a person because of this. Been 9 months and no resolution.

    NHS have been poor and left me just saying it is in my head. Its not. I have gone private and have an appointment with urologist this week and also a gastro specialist in a couple of weeks who will test stools and put a camera up my bum i think. I have anal issues, such as loose stools and hurts slightly to poo and feels like burns after. I also have the inflamed dry glans mainly when erect.

    This 100% started when receiving owo nothing else.

    I have tested positive for ureaplasma but the GP said everyone has it and left me there. So could be associated, although seen others have smashed some hard antibiotics which havent worked.

    Tried 400mg of Acliovir for herpes supression as thought it could be that. That didnt help. I personally think hsv related. They dont test for this generally in the UK so unsure of my status, also if it did come back saying i had it i could of had this from other past encounters.

    I will keep you updated. After this im not sure where to go. I'm hoping the gastro sees something as not seen many people exploring this option.

    Good luck and please keep me in the loop.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about NHS, but I hope your visit to the urologist or gastro specialist has some kind of solution. Please update me as well if you find any possible solutions going forward.

      I tested negative 2x for mycoplasma, and from what I understand ureaplasma is a subset of mycoplasma basically, but still hard to detect in general. "Ureaplasma belongs to a class of bacteria known as Mycoplasma" per a quick google search I just did.

      I probably won't go to a Urologist until at least December, but it largely depends upon how bad COVID-19 is. I'm also going to research a good one to go to beforehand since some aren't that great.

    • Posted

      i have a new theory because of one of your comments. i am probably wrong but i have to hope otherwise id be done in.

      did you mention fucidic acid and mupriocin (spelling error sorry) helped you? if so part of me things it could be related to bacteria staphylococcus or a strain of it. Most people ive seen in threads have taken antibiotics like cipro or moxfloxin and doxcycline which from reading are strong and should clear bacteria but do it in a different way to antibiotics like penicillin and amicillin. Different drug families with different properties so must work in a different ways? So my theory is try a penicillin type drug along with the cream and see what happens. I am no doctor just reading and hoping. I will run it past my urologist.

      Only done 7 day doxycycline this far which by a lot of reading wouldnt often sort ureaplasma if thats what it is.

      Shame its so hard to get antibiotics ha.

  • Posted

    Update 12/02/2020: I think I found my issues root cause, and it's a rather strange one. Back around the time when this started occurring, I got a plastic mattress covering that zipped up so that I didn't have to worry about stains. I didn't think much of it, but my partner would often sweat after having slept in it and I thought it was strange. I also noticed myself sweating like while watching TV in it over time. I assume I also sweat while sleeping. This would also explain why rashes would come and go over time.

    Why does my mattress cover make me sweat?

    The waterproof barrier provided by the mattress protector can make some people feel hot or sweaty, especially if they are already prone to overheating whilst sleeping.

    Anyways, we recently switched to another mattress without the plastic covering and I can’t say I’ve had a penis rash breakout since then. However, I still moisturize for now, but have slowly been using less without issue. It makes me think I kept getting a heat rash while I had the plastic sheet covering.

    Can you get a rash from night sweats?

    Skin rashes can come from a number of causes, including eczema and contact dermatitis. Night sweats can be related to many medical conditions. If you are concerned about your symptoms, you should contact your doctor.

    It does surprisingly make sense to me, but I’ll update further after the upcoming holidays again.

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    I have had identical problems to yours. I have also had the same STD test's done, with all of them coming back negative.

    I seen a couple of urologists' and dermatologist who've had the opinion that is a form a Balanitis.

    Have gone through many cycles of creams and antibiotics and none have really helped out.

    This has been going on for almost two years now.

    I can say things are looking a little better with using CeraVe moisturizing cream (very little application twice a day).image

    As you can see from the photos, things have gotten progressively better over the months, but I still feel tits not back to the normal state it was two years ago.

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      CeraVe moisturizing cream does seem to help the most. The redness is subdued as long as I use that 1-2 daily like you say as well. However, I also feel like it is becoming dependent upon it now too to not breakout in a rash, so to speak.

      Also, removing my mattresses plastic sheets a while back helped, but the issue is still around. I feel like most urologist/dermatologist's will say the same as yours have regarding it being a form of balanitis, but I might look around for one that specializes in what issues we have more so in future. I also appreciate the reply and images you provided. Have a happy Holidays.

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