red spots on penis no treatment has worked
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i have visited 3 different doctors and tried alot of antibiotics,anti fungals oral and topical told me is candidal balanitis and the three of them sugested me the same thing to get circumcised.what do you guys think? i have these for at least 6 month.and they are getting worse.when i squeeze my dick it looks like bumps.
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yes sometimes when i ejaculate i have a burning sensation...i read somewhere here i cant find the post anymore that a man with similar symptoms found out that he had some coccus bacteria i dont remember which one,but his dermatologist prescribet him mupirocin 2% i am going to try it too before i get circumcised.
jake28951 b60661
I have the same thing and I am circumcised. I wouldn't expect that to help.
b60661 jake28951
can you send me a picture?
and do you know what these are?
jake28951 b60661
It really does look identical so there's no need for me to send a picture. I'm still trying to figure it out. I've been tested for every STD and it's all negative. I'm quite certain it's also not dermatitis or prostatitus because I've done treatments for both of those. The internet says it could be HPV and although it COULD, no doctor (I've seen many) has said that to me so I'm not going to go down that road based on amateur internet theories.
My best guess is that it's some sort of fungus/yeast infection that's hard to kill because there are so many stains of them. I think Wee_Dugie is probably right and it will just take a looooong time to sort out and return to a normal appearance. However, because I still feel some dull pain sometimes, I think the fungus is still alive and I need to find the solution to get rid of it. I am also aware that creams could be making the appearance worse so I'm holding back on those for now.
I'll see a infectious disease doctor next week to see if they can help at all. (I've already been to 3 urologists, 2 dermatologists, 1 GP and 2 STD clinics).
Currently, I'm on coconut oil only and it does seem to be helping. Really the best thing for me seems to be to do my best to not think about it and that's really hard to do.
Keep us updated on your situation. I think there are a lot of people that could benefit.
kim12266 jake28951
its not hpv
b60661 jake28951
same man,i have been to different doctors,andrologist,urologist,infectionist,dermatologist tried them all.the infectionist said its balanitis and the andrologist with the urologist said its candida on the glans and told me to get circumcised but i did not want to...i am trying coconut oil too which seems to be helping me,i will stay like this for some time then i will try and go to a dermatologist in a private clinic,to take some tests and maybe a biopsy if he sees it necessary..if i have something new i will update you...but please you too if you find something.
b60661 jake28951
what i was thinking is that when i took some tests for bacteria in the beginning,at the lab they told me they found staph aureus growing in urine and on penis also with ureaplasma with mycoplasma but both doctors said staph doesnt make these spots and it is not a staph infection/urea/mycoplasma and they insisted it is only candida.i was thinking maybe it is staph aureus because i read here somewhere that another person got an infection from having oral sex with a "cocci" bacteria and my and that his doctor prescribed him - mupirocin - for the infection and he got cleared up.i was thinking to get that topical treatment but i cant seem to find it here on my country yet.
jake28951 b60661
That sounds reasonable. Personally, I'm going to try to avoid topical solutions for a month because I think it could be thinning. The bumps don't look like growths; they look like goose flesh. In other words, maybe they're always there but we're just seeing it more now.
The pain I experience is definitely there but mild enough for me to ignore it which I try my best to do. Do you have daily pain or just after ejaculation?
My last diagnosis was yeast and, like I said, I'm going with that for now. I'll even start there with my appointment next week. But the antifungal cream didn't help the bumps but it did help the mild pain. I figure coconut oil absolutely can't hurt. I'm applying it 3 times a day and am having early success.
jake28951 b60661
Also, safe to assume you've been hugely stressed out? That's something else I've found in common with everyone dealing with this. A couple of doctors have told me that it's in my head and I know they're not right but that's why I'm trying to ignore it. My stress isn't helping for sure.
b60661 jake28951
hello,well i think topical treatments have caused thinning,and the bumps i don't think are growth because as one of the doctors said if it was growth it would have other symptoms like getting bigger everyday or they could pop or anything.but,they are just there.they don't get bigger or pop or have liquid inside or anything...I ALSO have daily burning sensation mostly on the foreskin,one day less one day more.SAME to me,the antifungal cream helped to relieve burning not the bumps...and i have been really depressed this entire time but i think the coconut oil is helping a little bit.
however please tell me if you find anything.i really dont know what to do anymore.
jake28951 b60661
I went to an infectious disease doctor and felt really confident in them. No real news as far as diagnosis goes but I got some steps to try to solve this. First, they gave me calendula ointment. I mentioned that I've had some success with coconut oil and they told me this ointment it better. So I'll try that for a week or so. From there, I'll move to more aggressive fungal treatments. A cream and then a pill. If those don't work, I'll head to a dermatologist for a scrape. Sounds like a good plan to me as I already feel improvement overall. Diagnosis is still that it's likely a stubborn fungal infection and more serious things have been ruled out.
I can tell you that looking at your photo, objectively it doesn't look that bad even though it does look just like mine. We'll get out of this. Let me know if you have any updates.
b60661 jake28951
at the moment i dont have any update,i am considering getting circumcised because everytime i masturbate my dick flares up and patches of reddish spots show penis is red,like inflamated,but its i have some tiny white patches when erected...i guess the white patches are the area where my glans are ok and not irritated....also i read somewhere on reddit that a guy fasted 10 days straight drinking water only and it solved his balanitis.he said 3-5 days should be enough,cause thats when celular autophagy kicks i am preparing for at least fasting 3 days and if i see improvement i will continue it...have you tried fasting?
b60661 jake28951
also - he said he only had water,salt,and potassium (cream of tartar) but i dont know where to get it so i will go 3 days water only
jake28951 b60661
Wow that's extreme. Not sure I could do that but I suppose it's not as extreme as getting circumsized. Let me know how that goes for you. For what it's worth I am circumsized and have the same redness after masturbation so I'd keep trying anything else before that. Unless of course, you want to be circumsized. I would just hate to see you do something permanent without getting to the solution unless you wanted that anyway.
b60661 jake28951
i am preparing,eating everyday less and less until i can see i can do it,but mostly i think all this penis problem i have caused it to myself more cause i kept using a sh*tload of different topical creams and for long periods,i did not have some of the spots before using a topical cream called travocort,i applied it once at night which burned alot and the next day i saw some spots which werent there i think and i think caused a bad thinning from overuse....however i am not taking any topical creams anymore....please keep me updated if you find anything.
jake28951 b60661
How are things this week for you? I got done with a huge dose of fluconazole. 250mg for 5 days. It seemed to help a lot. I'm very cautious still and not convinced I'm cured because the bumps are still there but the burning and irritation is almost completely gone as of now. Ignoring it as best as I can seems to be the best thing I can do still.
b60661 jake28951
hello jake,well its the same as before i havent done anything yet just let my penis as it was not even washing it which caused it to he more irritated than before,i tried fluconazole for 3 days 150mg,but did not seem to help.we have a whatsapp group where we discuss our problem there are about 40 people,if you want to join or suggest anything in case we find a solution.
jake28951 b60661
That sounds as good as anything. How do you find it?
jake28951 b60661
I also went back and reread your post because I couldn't remember if you experienced any pain or not. It looks like the anti fungal solved the pain for you as it did me. I can only guess the bumps are residual and take more time to go away. If it's only a superficial problem, I'll take it!
b60661 jake28951
hello,someone here invited me to the group,where we talk about this or give any opinions what is helping or what are they trying i will private message you the whatsapp invitation link...also i had a burning sensation on the right ride of the penis skin but for now it went away,i want to stop using topical creams because i think they cause thinning....the bumps i think the bumps are only superficial,the only problem i have is the redness that goes away for some time and then turns back,and my penis head becomes inflamed
b60661 jake28951
also i don't care about the bumps,i just want my penis not to get inflamed red anymore 😦
jake28951 b60661
My saga comes to an end after 6 months. After every test under the sun has come back negative, I went to another dermatologist who is regarded as one of the best in the world. I thought he could swab me to finally tell me what's going on. The first question my doctor asked me was if I had a sexual encounter that created anxiety in me. Absolutely yes. An encounter that I regretted to my core was rotting me inside out.
Long story short, he insisted there was nothing wrong, nothing contagious, nothing abnormal and nothing to swab. I've been told this before but apparently I needed the credentials and conviction that he had before I believed it. Also, I've tried everything already so it was either psychosomatic or a mysterious virus at this point.
I know it sounds impossible because the pain is real, the irritation is real, and even a change in appearance is real but I have no doubt anymore that I can put this behind me after he told me I have nothing to worry about.
The endless doctor appointments and fixation is a downward spiral that needs to be broken.
I'm going to stop posting here to help myself to stop fixating on this problem. Thanks for trying to solve this with me and I hope you find an answer for yourself that you're happy with. Hopefully this post can help anyone who is also anxious, neurotic and prone to depression. The problem might actually not be some medical anomaly and could very well be your head.
LSal b60661
hey mate how are you? My name is Luis and I am facing the exact same issue as you. I wonder how you have been and is you balanitis problem going? would you be kind in sharing the whats app group with me please? I am desperate. no treatment works with me and doctors want to circumcise me. i think my case is worse than yours from what ive seen in the pictures as I also have my foreskin really inflamed. Help me please brother, from a guy that is suffering a lot 😦