Reducing on Citalopram 20mg to 10mg

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I thought I would start a new discussion to share experiences of reducing on Citaploram,I was put on them after a relationship break up and put on a repeat prescription which I just didn't stop,so this summer I want my feelings back instead of numbness. I have been on 20mg for the last 4 years and tried to stop before but felt terrible, this attempt so far is sort of going ok, I have done 20mg - 10mg every other day for 2 months and now and been great , for the last 3 days I have been on 10mg which I plan to do for 2 months before reducing again.The doctor basically said I can come off them at my own speed, I want to make it as easy as possible.

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    I stopped Citolopram also. My problem is every time I get past 5wks or 6wks. (Like its in my system all the way) I have very bad almost horrible side effects physically and sometimes mentally. Citolopram was medication #7 for me. I took it for 6 wks. Suicidal thoughts started after 4 wks then severe lethargy. Didn't want to do anything. I felt aweful. Called Psychiatrist an she immediately told me to stop Celexa 20mg an start straight on Effexor xr 37.5mg . Took it for 5 wks. Yet again difference in symptoms. I have fibromyalgia an began to have severe all over body pain. Joints hurt bad. I didnt want to even get up in mornings. It was terrible. Mentally numb. Iv stopped myself. On day 9 of no Effexor. I feel aweful of coarse. Muscle aches, crying, bowel issues, anxiety has slowly crept back in. I have GAD an Depression. Effexor was med #8. So I dont know what to do now. Discouraged. Goodluck on your tapering. Sounds right to me. Slowly.

    • Posted

      Hmm it is certainly tricky, I used to think is it an imbalance or do I need therapy, IU live with someone much worst than me and am convinced meds and therapy together are good, I do know a few people who have been on one med and the doctor changed them to another and they literally go downhill fast , I think because they were not taopered off and just stopped, maybe its a case of taking on emed that works a bit and saying ok this is as good as I can feal with meds , what else is there, I did therapy for 2 years 4 days a week , took my childhood apart and worked through the hurt and pain , has taken 5 years to get a good balance emotionally but been progressive, I hope you find your way
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    I've come off these twice - first time halved each time and took around 6 months to stop. Still had withdrawal effects. Sadly after a pill free year I had to restart and second time I withdrew I did it by 5mg each time and did 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 2.5 / 1.25 spending 1-2 months on each. I did it with a pill cutter and the last 2 doses I crushed. Took a year. I had no withdrawal at all that time.

    Some people do alternate days which is good, but I always felt nauseous if I missed a dose.

    Since I've been off (last August) I've taken 5-HTP bought over the counter (completely natural) and I feel great still. There's no side effects or withdrawal on these and can start / stop anytime. Good to take if you feel not right when you've stopped the prescription meds (can't take both together).

    K x

    • Edited

      Thanks I will look into 5-htp,my main reason for stoipping citaloram is the nubbing, I cannot feel that spiritual sort of feeling on a summers day in the coutryside or get happy about much, I noticed this as soon as I started them that I would get a thought like oh its my birthday next week, or the f1 is on later and then wait for that happy emotion and nothing came, so anything natural would be great,thank
    • Posted

      Yes know that flat dull feeling, though it didn't affect me that way when I was on them - only when starting them up.  Not nice losing that 'warm' feeling I know.

      Yes 5-HTP has been good for me - good that these don't need to be weaned on or off of.


    • Posted

      hi wounder could help me with advice taking cilpram for 10 weeks stsrt at 10mg for 3 weeks then 20mg for rest just cit down to 10mg 5 daus now as 20mg made me confessed couldnt think or talk eue pupils large couldnt get out bed still cant just dont wont do anything is anyway could get myself motivated or do think best come off tablets as feel numb dont known if thats down me being depressed was in November started feel down then my brain just shut down couldnt talk still cant just on text stop cigrectts since November cold turkey horrble thing is cant get out bed dont wont do anything though after 8 week more active

  • Posted

    Hi Rich. After reading your post I felt a little better knowing other people where trying to come off Cit. I have only been on it for seven weeks. I spoke to !U doctor today and she said just come off them,this I found odd,so I asked her if I should just cut them down! Until gone. She said yes, so I am going to take one every other day then cut them in half.a


    • Posted

      Good luck Pat, withdrawals are certainly real but nothing to be scared of, for me they have been pretty managable, just need to watch my temper.

      I have reduced to 10mg for a week now and feel a little better.,why don't you do 20mg and 10 mg every other day rather than 20 mg 0 mg, not telling you what to do but its not a race and Im sure your gp will hapily give you another prescription after if your still reducing, its not an expensive mediacaltion at all. 

  • Posted

    Thanks rich, I have bought some 5 HTP so I will give them a whirl. Over the week end I have only had one tablet 20m

    .I was just so surprised that the GP told me to just come off them she said I had not been on them that omg 7 wks. I will just try and cut down . But I want to start taking the other. Thanks

    • Posted

      Just wanted to say that you can't take 5-HTP it you're still taking prescription SSRI's.  They do the same job, so you can't mix the two.  You need to have stopped Citalopram first.

      K xx

    • Posted

      Hi Katecogs.  I have been on Cit for 18 months and have now almost completed my "taper off" and as you once said, I am feeling a bit like a drug dealer now and crushing the "grains" lol. !! I'm wondering how long should I leave in before trying 5HTP, and also did you have any side effects when on it ? That would freak me out cos I never really got rid of a lot of the side effects of Cit, they just didn't want to leave me !!! Thanks Kate; Take care, Lily x

  • Posted

    I was on these for 7 years they were great ..stick with them worse thing I did was come off ..i started having panicks again .I'm going to go back on them for good

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    Keen to know how people are getting on with this now. I've reduced from 30mg to 20 over 4 weeks and as side effects had evened out I started reducing to 10mg a few days ago. I feel pretty crap today- having crazy dreams, my head is all over the place and got a bit of a sore stomach which I hope isnt ibs returning or I'll be going straight back to 20mg.

    • Posted

      Sounds like side effects from dosage reduction.  When I dropped from 15 to 10 over the course of 4 days, I had a dull headache/slight dizziness that went away after a few days on 10mg. 
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    I’m just starting to ween off at the mo, nervous but I’m taking CBD oil its amazing all natural  I hope your doing well 😁

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