Remeron Withdrawal Abdominal Cramps

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Hello, I have posted here before, and some of you will remember. I am on my third and last withdrawal from mirt. I was having horrible abdominal cramps from the second attempt, and at the advice of my GI doc went back on 3.75. Within a few days, the abdominal symptoms were gone. However heart rhythm side effects force me to drop them after only a couple of months. I was hoping that the cramps were gone, but I wasn't that fortunate. Slowly, day by day, they returned, along with the normal WD symptoms. It has been over 80 days, and I am back using the heating pad for the pain. If this scenario is in anyway similar to your experience, or that of someone you know, would you please let me know. I know that no two people are the same, but to know that someone gradually had the abdominal cramps go with time, it sure would help with my anxiety / stress / peace of mind. I thank you, David. I first started trying to get off mirt about two years ago, and have been sick from withdrawals / side effects for the whole time, except last November when I went on the 3.75. Also, for anyone reading this, if you are on the Remeron road of hell, I wish you Godspeed in reaching the end!

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90 Replies

  • Posted

    hi david im so shocked to read your story it sounds a living hell , iv only been on mert 3months but to my horror didnt have a clue youd have such bad WD or weight gain i just wanted to be well like us all..  cant your doctor help you with this, 80days is a very long time to be going through such pain.  i hope you dont mind me replying im so sorry i dont have any answers for you. sharon.
    • Posted

      Thanks anyway Sharon. 80 days isn't a long time for mirtazapine withdrawal. A year, until symptom free, isn't rare. When you get ready to get off the mirt, assuming that you will at some point, let me know. There is a lot of advice on how best to do that. Thanks for your reply!
  • Posted

    hi im really shocked i cnt belive i wasnt told any of this.. i came off sertraline, hated it couldnt stop yawning didnt do anything for me .. im also lithium .. going on mert made me feel quite bright sort of the old me,  on 30mg for 3months sleeping has gone rubbish again so i went the doctor for 7.5mg of zopiclone & he suggested i go for a higher dose of mert but i said no bcause the weight gain & muchies.. hey did you gain lots of weight?? how long had you been on it?
    • Posted

      I was on 45 mg for 8 years. My weight was up and down over the years, anywhere from 195 to 225. I now weigh 162, as withdrawals causes rapid weight loss for most people, along with severe nausea. I was in the bathroom trying to vomit a lot.
    • Posted

      My word I don't understand meds at all. If they do any good then there's always something worse to come ..thatl put you in the black hole again.. why have you come off it .. if you don't mind me asking.. I was actually ready to go up to 45mg at my appointment next week
    • Posted

      The side effects made me feel sick, and I have a heart rhythm problem that I take medication for, and the mirtazapine has a histamine block as part of its chemical make up, and it had started to make the heart problem worse, and my heart doctor took me off them for good. This is the third time I have tried to get off them, but this time I won't be going back.
    • Posted

      Oh my what a mess hey .. poor you madness you got put on them in the 1st place .. I wish you well wishes David .. thanku so much for the chat smile
  • Posted

    Hi David i was on mert the same as you started on 45mg then 30mg then 7.5mg then 3.5 mg then i had protracted withdrawal thought i was dying real bad stomach pain and cramps,the worst muscle pain imaginable,chest pain,dizziness, panic attacks, etc i was told by the specialist to start again at two days on 7.5mg to get it back in my system then two weeks at 3,5mg then two weeks at 3mg then two weeks at 2mg then two weeks at 1mg then 1 week at 1mg on alternative days have now stopped the mert for 4 weeks did not get the protracted withdrawal symptoms this time just getting the same stomack cramps as you apart from that withdrawal is now going well i cant believe the difference it made to come off at 1mg at a time will never go back on mert again hope you are better soon all the best ian
    • Posted

      Thanks for your response, Ian. Sounds like we have been in the same boat. I wish us both Godspeed in our recovery. David
  • Posted

    Hi David,

    I have replied to your posts before but I thought I would let you know about my experience. I successfully withdrew from mirt cold turkey and since then I have had a lot of problems with my stomach. I had awful acid reflux, nausea and stomach cramps. I had an endoscopy and was diagnosed with gastirits and a hiatial hernia. I have had mild problems with acid relfux even before mirt, but after I had come off it got much worse. I am fairly certain that I got gastritis from mirt, I seem to remember you have been extensibly tested and I am assuming they never diagnosed you with that condition but I thought I should let you know. 

    I do find that my stomach can get worse the more anxious I am so perhaps you should try to get on top of your anxiety through therapy/books etc. 

    • Posted

      Sandy, I am trying to work on the stress. I also have a hiatal hernia. Most of my problems are in my bowels and colon, in particular, the splenic and hepatic flexure areas. I think that intestinal air (gas) trapped in these areas due to spasms or cramps are my source of grief. Thank you for the reply. David
  • Posted

    In an old pst i notice you were coming off mirtazapine and suffering at 3.75, particularly i have colon pain, lower back pain since this last drop.  I am trying to get through with anti spasmodic for bowel and paracetamol for back.  These pains feel related but were not there before i tittrated lower than 5mg.  Have you any advice.
    • Posted

      Hi Ann

      Just wondered how you are doing with the mirtazipine withdrawal. I am experiencing similar issues and am wondering if the antispasmodic drugs helped you.  Are you off and if so how long did it take to get rid of abdominal pain?

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