Remeron Withdrawal Abdominal Cramps

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Hello, I have posted here before, and some of you will remember. I am on my third and last withdrawal from mirt. I was having horrible abdominal cramps from the second attempt, and at the advice of my GI doc went back on 3.75. Within a few days, the abdominal symptoms were gone. However heart rhythm side effects force me to drop them after only a couple of months. I was hoping that the cramps were gone, but I wasn't that fortunate. Slowly, day by day, they returned, along with the normal WD symptoms. It has been over 80 days, and I am back using the heating pad for the pain. If this scenario is in anyway similar to your experience, or that of someone you know, would you please let me know. I know that no two people are the same, but to know that someone gradually had the abdominal cramps go with time, it sure would help with my anxiety / stress / peace of mind. I thank you, David. I first started trying to get off mirt about two years ago, and have been sick from withdrawals / side effects for the whole time, except last November when I went on the 3.75. Also, for anyone reading this, if you are on the Remeron road of hell, I wish you Godspeed in reaching the end!

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    Hi David. Your symptoms sound just like mine.  The cramps in my abdomen are terrible and I feel nauseous.  This is my 2nd attempt to withdraw from mirtazipine. I have been off for a month after a very slow withdrawal over several months. I know your last post was two years ago. Wondering what your status is today and if you are off, how long it took you to get rid of these terrible symptoms. Thank you for the update. 


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      Hi Linda,

      I have the same symptoms. 

      I withdrawed slowly and I am now off of it for 1 month approximately. I still feel sometimes nauseous, sometimes my abdomen hurts and my stool is not as firm as it used to be (sometimes even diarrhea), but my work is also a little stressful at the moment. 

      I would also be interested in David’s status.

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      Hi joe.when I tried this a few years ago, I lost a dangerous amount of weight due to the nausea and abdominal pain. So I went back on 15 and the pain and nausea went away and I put the weight back on. Now that I have been off a month all the symptoms have returned. So afraid if I continue like this I will lose the weight again. Also having stool issues. Wondered if you are having difficulty sleeping?
    • Posted

      Hi again,

      I have no trouble falling asleep, but I wake up a little earlier than usual, which is not that bad. 

      In about a month time, I went from 78 kg to 74 kg, which is approximately the weight I had before taking the med. I monitor my weight daily and try to eat enough, but some reduction in appetite is normal I guess, even without withdrawals, as Mirt increases the appetite.

      My main problem is that sometimes I have abdominal pain / an agitated bowel, whereas other times I have quite a bit nausea. But those symptoms never seem to be happening on the same time, which is good.

      I rarely read about people having WD’s significantly longer than a few months, which I think is good news - we may be free soon. I however often read that people still have some symptoms after about a month, which is our case.

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      What do you actually mean by stool issues, and how do they manifest? 
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      Sorry I did not see your previous question. Stool issues:  have frequent bowel movements.  And, sometimes feel like I need to go but really don’t

      It’s a rather strange feeling which I think is related to the pain in my lower left abdomen.  I had a series of tests done when I withdrew the first time, but everything tested fine, so I really think that it’s related to the mirtazipine withdrawal. It just seems so strange, but it is heartening to know that others are experiencing the same thing.  I would just like to hear from someone that the abdominal pain and nausea per se’ finally went away without their going back on the mirtazipine.  Btw, my nausea and pain are at the same time.  And I fall asleep ok, but without a sleep aid awake between 2-3 and cant fall back to sleep. 

    • Posted

      Seems like nearly exactly my problems regarding sleep, pain, and nausea... I also feel sometimes like I need to go to the toilet, but don’t ! 

      At least this gives a little reassurance that these symptoms aren’t really related to a certain disease, but « only » withdrawal. 

      I also am confident that they will go away without going back on the medication, there is really no reason why they wouldn’t.

      Strange thing in my situation is that I was for nearly a month on 1.85 mg and didn’t really notice any of those symptoms. It only started when I stopped completely.

      Finally, I would like to add that I was on this medication only because of minor sleep troubles, and that, if I had known the problems related to withdrawal, I would never even have started taking it...

    • Posted

      Hey Joe. I cannot tell you how comforting it is to find someone else with identical symptoms. I too was on a tiny bit for nearly a month and did not experience any of this (other than an occasional twinge in my side) until total withdraw.   It is helpful for me having made this contact,with you, as this morning I came very close to deciding to jump back on it tonight. But now knowing for sure this is all a side effect of withdrawal i Have since decided I will try to continue, and try meditating and take something natural to help with my sleep. I think lack of sleep increases the pain and anxiety and weakens my determination to keep with the withdrawal. 

      Thx so much for sharing. Would like to maintain contact. Linda

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      Yes, it’s really great to be able to talk to somebody with basically the same « problem ». To motivate myself, I just think about all the bad symptoms I have been fighting for a month now. If I’d just get back to the medication, all of that would have been in vain. Also, I rarely read about people complaining about WD after several months, so I think we may be close...

      Furthermore, I found that an occasional benzo and/or immodium really help with my symptoms. Also, if you don’t exceed 2-3 low-dosed benzos a week, you should not become dependent, so there won’t be any WD regarding those meds that help going through that rough time. I am trying some probiotics at the moment, but can’t yet say if they help. 

      Like you, I also meditate daily, using the « Headspace » app. Exercise is also great to help reduce those WD symptoms, but I limit it to the days where my bowel is less irritated.

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      Do you take the benzos for sleep or anxiety. Any side affects. Sometimes when I take another med,  I can’t tell what is doing what. But I cannot afford to go with so little sleep. It magnifies everything. 

      You make a good point about motivation.  That is a good way of looking at it. 

      I hope you are right when you say we are hopefully near the end of the WD👍

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      Do you take the benzos for sleep or anxiety. Any side affects. Sometimes when I take another med,  I can’t tell what is doing what. But I cannot afford to go with so little sleep. It magnifies everything.  You make a good point about motivation.  That is a good way of looking at it.  I hope you are right when you say we are hopefully near the end of the WD!  Btw i also take probiotics
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      Sleep is a minor problem for me, so I usually take them only on stressful days when I want to calm down a bit during the day. It looks like they also improve some of the other symptoms, but I am very careful. My GP told me that they can help with the withdrawal, as long as I stay below 2-3 per week (to not risk a dependence and WD from them) 

      Motilium (Domperidone) also seems to work to treat the nausea that sometimes arises. Have you tried that?

    • Posted

      Have run the gauntlet of getting off mirtazapine slowly, ended up on 1.87 and finished in february.   Since then had bowel problems(diverticulosis), now i have had uti on and off for weeks and i feel like overactive bladder.  I do take some diazepam to help me through, but dr says if below 10mg its ok.  I dont like having to take 5mg at night for sleep and i am still waking far too early.  The nausea i control with buccastem.  This is one sriously nasty drug and i was only on it for a couple of years, before that i was a normal functioning human being.  Now my anxiety is off the wall.  Dont know how much longer i can cole with this, is it all withdrawal, or is it diazepam related? Dont know. Neither does dr. Someone said it took up to two years to get mirtaz out of system.
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      Hi Joe

      No I have not taken anything for nausea, but am seeing my dr today and will ask. I experimented a bit yesterday, with a couple of supplements my chiropractor recommended. Htp by biopics research and Nevaton m1380 by standard process (suppose to help the brain readjust quicker when doing a WD. ). The HTp settles me down and readies me for sleep by increasing the seratonin.  I took 1 of each around 5:30 and then 1 htp only 1 hour before bed.  I also decreased my trazadone from 75m to 50. I must say I feel much less crazed this morning and first time arising without pain and juust slight nausea Just one day but hopefully the beginning of many. I will keep you posted. I’d like to remove the trazadone in time, but will probably reduce it more initially.  Btw, I am also doing an App called Braintime. It’s supposed to help reregulate the brain and help with sleep, anxiety and focus.  Not sure what is doing what but I sure feel better today. 

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      Anne hang in there. I have determined that the diverticulosis like symptoms is due to WD.  Look at the patient blog. Lots of abdominal issues with WD. I personally had problems with diazepam. I think other meds are sometimes helpful but can complicate what is doing what. I have been doing lots of meditation and use an app called headspace that helps brain reconfigure from sleep, anxiety and focus issues. 
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      Hi joe I sent you a rather long reply but it is waiting to be moderated.  First morning without abdominal pain. Yay. Hopefully will last. 
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      Great news! :-) I hope so too. As our symptoms are quite similar, I hope that my pain will be gone soon too. How’s the nausea ?

      What I forgot to ask until now : How long did you take Mirt in total? I think a lot of WD has also to do with how long one has been taking a medication.

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      I have a little nausea which I try to counter with homeopathy.  Since breakfast my stomach is a bit acidic and fatigue setting in, but none of that horrible pain in the lower abs. 

      I was on mirtazipine a few times. The first time, I am not sure, perhaps 3 years and a higher dose (30).  I think I came off it too soon and that is when I got so sick and lost a ton of weight. This second time I was on 15m probably for 9 months at which time I started a very slow WD. 

    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      Many thanks for your long reply. 

      Is it 5-HTP you are referring to? I did not try any of those supplements yet, but I’ll have a look.

      I see you are also on Trazodone. If I recall correctly, my GP told me that Trazodone would be an alternative to Mirtazapine (sleep quality wise). Did you start it after quitting Mirt?

      Today, like you, I felt no cramps at all, but slight nausea which was easily fixed by Domperidone (Motilium). Litican 20 is also an alternative to Motilium if you are looking for anti-nausea meds.

      Let’s see how it goes...

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      Not sure I like the trazadone. Makes me tired the next day. I may try to reduce it to 25m and take it with the 5 htp.  

      Also my doctor told me there is a homeopathic mirtazipine.  He thought taking that would help clear all the mirtazipine “energy” from my body. I am going to give it a try.   I’d really like to avoid chemicals if at all possible - too many side affects. 

    • Posted

      I see, I think you’re right, it’s best to avoid chemicals :-)

      Regarding this homeopathic mirtazapine you are referring to, do you have the name of it by any chance?  

      I also thought about the IBS-like symptoms from Mirtazapine WD and was thinking that this may also be partly due to the IBS-improving effect of Mirtazapine. I read that it can be used off-label to treat IBS symptoms. Before I went on Mirtazapine, I had some minor IBS symptoms which improved during the treatment. I guess that I was used to having close to no IBS symptoms during my 2 years of treatment and that now I am slowly going back to my old symptoms (which are currently worse than before treatment, but I guess that’s also part of the WD).

      I also note that cramps (and pain) only arise in the morning, as soon as I wake up at around 5h00, which Iast a few hours. I usually have a single, somewhat mushy bowel movement in the morning and then won’t need to go to the toilet again until the next day.

      To treat the cramps and pain, I went to get some Hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan). 

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      I am interested in homeopathic mirtazapine, i also tried trazadone and it didnt work well for me, very tired in daytime.  Look forward to details.
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      Five months off today.  Pubic cramps, urinary infections, insomnia, anxiety.   Hoping these will all go with time, had hoped by now.  Amazing that the. Ifhtmare horrors are gone though, and the woozy wake ups too.
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      Hi Ann, looks like it can take quite some time... Did you have any of these symptoms before taking the medication, like insomnia or anxiety?

      Did you ever have IBS symptoms during WD? If so, how long did they last?

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      Last night I took 5htp and only 25 of trazadone.  Woke up at two to pee and amazingly fell back to sleep until 5:30. This morning still no pain. Like you jJoe, the pain was worse in the morning. I will report more on nausea and fatigue later after I move about a bit.  

      I will let you know when I find out more on the mirtazipine. 

      Ann, I too have an overactive bladder. Never associated it with mirtazipine but it’s veery possible. Will see what happens as I continue to clear out the mirtazipine. 

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      I never experienced any bladder overactivity. Maybe those kinds of symptoms do not occur in men.

      Another question: Did anyone test their cholesterol levels while taking Mirtazapine? I had elevated cholesterol values during my treatment, but I did some research and found that they also can have an effect on these levels. Now that I am off of it, they already lowered quite a bit.

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      My cholesterol had been fine but my cortisol had been very messed up the first Wd - just the opposite of what it should have been.  

      As for pain today - hardly noticeable, and some nausea.  There is still a fair amount of anxiety though and afternoon fatigue. Suspect I just need to be patient with this process. I think all three of us have noticed some changes, so that is encouraging

    • Posted

      Ann, how long were you on mirtazipine? I’m so sorry you have been struggling so long. I have heard it takes some people several months. I think getting a handle on the sleep is so important, but yet I don’t want to become addicted to something else. I am hoping the 5htp will eventually get my body to produce seratonin on its own. You have worked so hard so long. Hopefully it will start to clear out soon.  You might want to talk with a homeopathic practitioner about getting a homeopathic version of mirtazipine
    • Posted

      Hi Linda, yes it’s encouraging.

      I now know why I didn’t take 5-HTP so far. Common side effects are loss of appetite, which I didn’t want to have as my appetite is already very low. So I try go through WD by only taking probiotics and another vitamin supplement.

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      I seem to be feeliing worse each day as i go along this route.  I had hoped to feel better.  Dr has referred me to urologist but im sure the bladder frequency is CNS changes due to mkrtazapine as it wasnt there when i was on it. I am now stuck with only diazepam formthe anxiety whichnpsychiatrist says is my problem and i think he's wrong.  I am sociallly not right, i am very nervy, i sleep fitfully and i think im now taking too many diazepam.  I just feel so generally unwell.  Something is wrong and i cant go on like this.  I know mirtaz messes you up but i have been off it since February, never well on it but better than this. Gp just doles out the diazepam and tests for uti.  I would like to try Homeopath but cant find one in my area.

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      Yes i was given it for anxiety it didnt work. I have had ibs for years.  Now i dont know if im through withdrawal or not, or are these symptoms something else that needs treatment
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      I did not know that about 5 htp. I too do not want to lose any weight.   Last night I fell asleep quickly but woke up at 12:30 and 2:30 and again at 4:30. Not sure how to handle this. What vitamins do you take?  I have taken probiotics for years but lately having some burning in my stomach and wonder if that is affecting my sleep???
    • Posted

      Hi Ann,

      For how long have you been taking diazepam and how many pills per week? I have some reading knowledge about those meds and may be able to help you.

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      I guess 5htp may be able to help you, if you don’t have any of these side-effects. However, I think it will be difficult to find out if they are from WD or from 5-HTP.

      I also think that we need to be sure about how we were feeling before the Mirtazapine and why we were taking them in the first place, so that we can differentiate between WD and our previous mental and physical state. I, for instance, did only take them to improve my sleep, but they also fixed my slight IBS (If I had known what WD symptoms I’d be feeling, I’d never have taken this drug). I guess, in my case, that some IBS is normal even after WD, as it was there before taking the medication. 

    • Posted

      Could be affecting your sleep, I also, but very rarely, feel a slight burning in my stomach... The supplements I take are called « Opti-Men », but they also exist for women, and are called « Opti-Women ». However, I don’t know if they help with WD.

    • Posted

      Hi Joe

      Wondering if you go from feeling fairly decent to suddenly feeling very tired with an overall feeling of anxiety. I don’t know if this is new or I am just more aware of it because the abdominal pain has subsided.  Also feeling moments where I feel a surge of heat thru my body. All very strange and hopefully short lived

    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      Normally I don’t feel that way regarding anxiety, however I often go from nausea to abdominal pain etc. I rarely have those symptoms together, I guess it’s related to being more aware once other symptoms have subsided...

    • Posted

      Thanks Joe,  

      Perhaps true as the symptoms dissipate.  Now the challenge of getting some sleep.  constantly toy with the idea of not using anything to see how it goes, but I hate the thought of losing a night's sleep.

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      True. Are you currently working? If so, I can totally understand that sleeping well is very important. But I found out that if on night 1 I only get a few hours of sleep, I tend to sleep better the night after. I very rarely use sleepaids. Also, on weekends, I never take them because if I don’t sleep enough, I can still powernap during the day. I guess it’s not worth the risk of getting addicted to some sleepaid and having to go through WD from these...
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      since mirtazapine spiked my anxiety three years ago I took 5mg at night. Not doing much now.  Wish i was off them but not great either because im w/d mirtaz or im a bit down too hubby thinks the diaz makes me down.
    • Posted

      Hi Ann, 

      If you take still take them regularly or if you did take them quite regularly, some of your symptoms could be caused by WD from diazepam. They also recommend to taper Benzos, if you want to stop taking them. However, if you only take them 1-2 times a week, there shouldn’t be many withdrawal symptoms, unless you took more before.

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      Ann, I am in Boston.  If you want to share your personal email with me, I'd be happy to reply

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      No, I am retired, which I guess is a good thing.  Not sure I could handle working and WD at the same time.  Well last night I did not take the trazadone, but I did take the htp5.  I woke up a few times and fell back to sleep but it was a rather strange sleep.  Tonight I am going to forgo both and see what happens.  
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      Being retired is a great thing ! I think I wouldn’t care too much about sleep if I were retired. For instance, on weekends, I don’t care about getting not enough sleep because I can just powernap during the day if I feel the need to :-) Wouldn’t that be a solution for you too? I guess that worrying less about sleep may even bring a better sleep overall.
    • Posted

      Yes but I am busier than ever. I lead a pretty active retired life so can’t afford to be tired. But this is a good problem. I really am feeling better with each day and started with the mirtazipine homeopathy

      Almost fell asleep without anything last night until the phone rang then my head took over. Ended up taking NyQuil as I had a bad post nasal drip. Slept like a baby and not much sleep hangover this morning. Hoping to have a good day and will try again to go without meds tonight. How are you doing?

    • Posted

      Great news :-) NyQuil doesn’t seem too bad if it helped you sleep.

      I am quite OK at the moment. IBS seems to be better now than last week. I slept from 22h30 to 4h50, was then awake a bit and dozed until 6h30, which is quite OK - I did not take any sleepaid. However, most days I wake up later than 4h50, which is good. 

      I hope it stays this way, as I will go on vacation soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Joe. Well I went to bed at 10:30 last night and awoke at 3:30 feeling like I had a heater in my body. Somewhat like a hot flash. Have you experienced this at all?
    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      Funny thing is, yesterday, I also went to bed at around 10:30 and woke up more or less at 3:30... However, I didn’t experience any hot flashes during my WD, at least until now. I do experience some night sweats, but that could also be due to the current temperatures...

      Overall, my IBS seems to be better now. Could be due to the probiotics I take for about a week now, or just because they WD symptoms are slowly fading away. I hope it’s the WD fading.

    • Posted

      Oh oh it’s contagious. I hope you are right about your IBS. I can’t believe how similar our symptoms are. My ibs symptoms came back this morning. I’m wondering if it was due to the nuts I had last night.  I really have not accepted the fact that I have IBS , just something caused by the mirtazipine.  I may need to follow this more clearly
    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      I always had some mild IBS symptoms before taking the medication. However, Mirt seems to have improved my IBS and, during the 2 years I was taking it, I more or less forgot about my IBS symptoms. Now that they come back, I slowly start to remember how it was before the medication.

    • Posted

      Interesting. I am not sure I had this issue before the original taking of mirtazipine. 

      I am not sure, but I think I am worse since I started taking the homeopathic mirtazipine. The fatigue and nausea are back and an overall feeling of agitation and anxiety. Not a happy camper. 

    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      I think an idea would be to take no medication at all for a few days (not including vital medication of course), to check what your current state is without any other influences. I, for instance, only take Probiotics at the moment and don’t feel too bad, a few IBS symptoms but more or less OK. I’ve not taken any Mirt now for 40 days.

    • Posted

      Hi Joe. Just wondering how you are doing?  I am having a tough time for sure: night sweats, nausea, anxiety, ringing in ears and fatigue. I am beginning to feel like there is no easy way out of this.  This Wednesday will be 6weeks off the mirtazipine. Seems to have gotten worse after 4 weeks. Very disappointing but I am determined to beat this. I have not taken any sleep aids, including herbs, for the last three nights so I am pretty sure this is all withdrawal 
    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      After stressful weeks at work, I am finally on vacation since saturday. Right now, I am not putting any stress on myself and my symptoms seem to have faded nearly completely - I wake up at around 6h00-7h00 in the morning, which is quite OK and have close to no IBS cramps at the moment. So I think a lot of the symptoms were caused by a combination of WD and stress. 

      Last time you told me that you have a quite active life - aren’t there any ways you could try to remove some of the stress factors for some time to test if this also helps your symptoms?


    • Posted

      Hi joe,

      Yes, Good advice. I have been cutting back on my busy schedule. Hopefully that will help somewhat. However I do find that sometimes it is a good distraction to have some commitments.  

      I meant to ask you if you’ve taken anything for nausea in the past and if that helped. I am beginning to lose weight and that is not a good thing for me. 

      So glad to hear you are doing so well. Sounds like you have a successful withdrawal.  Did the nausea end quite suddenly?

    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      I had (only) intermittent nausea during my withdrawal and I took some domperidone (Motilium) or alizapride (Litican), but not more than one per day. I think 5-6 in total during the last weeks. It helped with nausea, and both medications seem to have worked for me.

      Now that I am on vacation, I did not have any nausea so far, so I did not take any. I guess the vacation caused my stress-level to drop and so did the nausea and IBS.

      I am not sure if my WD is over now, I’ll have to see how it will be once I get back to everyday stress ;-)

    • Posted

      Hi Joe

      I am inclined to think that your withdrawal symptoms are pretty much gone but that now it’s a matter of trying to take care of the anxiety caused by work.  I know full well that is easier said than done.  I wonder if your adrenals are a bit weakened from the med/ withdrawal cycle and all will be easier to deal with once these are back in check.  I wonder if an adrenal support remedy may be helpful.   

      Are those meds for nausea prescription?

      Anything you can change at work to reduce the pressure?

    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      In Europe those nausea meds require a prescription, but I don’t know if it is the same in the US.

      I will get back to work soon and report back how I am feeling. The last days have been good so far, no anxiety, no nausea, no IBS, basically no symptoms.

      How are you doing?

    • Posted

      Hi Joe, I am so glad to hear you have no symptoms!!  It’s must be very freeing.  

      Sleeping is an issue for me. Last night was the best, i took 2 benydryl (for the first time) which is basically an antihistamine. ( I think an antihistamine is also in mirtazipine).   Upon awaking this morning, i got an overal feeling of nausea/ anxiety with some tingling on the bottom of my feet. This has been typical for me. It is a feeling that comes and goes throughput the day. Anyhow, I just took 4m of ondansetron, also for the fist time. It’s a mild prescription for nausea.  It will be interesting to see how this goes. So far after 20minutes I am feeling better,  but feet still tingle. Stay tuned. 

      It will be interesting to see how you do once back at work. Good luck and please keep me posted

    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      Sorry that it’s been a while. I was back at work and then again on vacation. I can say now that I am feeling better, but some days, I have some mild IBS symptoms, which was the case before the medication.

      How are you?


    • Posted

      You are still progressing.  I think coming off mirtazapine is not as easy for some of us.  I am still down, been off six months.  Tried others no luck.  Psych has told me just to take diazepam for sleep and anxiety.  I am not happy with that. The nausea comes every few days, gp gave me med to help an it seems to work.  Just still so fatigued Nd need some sort of boost.  Good job im retired as i couldnt get up for work.  I am not doing so well with getting on with socialising so much, also needs a boost.
    • Posted

      Hi joe

      My symptoms got so bad I had to go back on mirt (7,5).  I had started to lose weight again and was afraid I would get too thin like a year ago.   However I was having too many other side affects so doctor has put me on a different med with the idea that I will come off the mirt, as the other settles in. After 4 days on the new med, I am feeling more and more like myself.

       Anxiety is something my father and four siblings have dealt with as they got older, do I think it is in my dna.  If this new med continues to work, and I can come off the mirt, i will be thrilled as I am beginning to feel so much better.  Once off the mirt, the underlying fatigue should go away.  

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      Ann have you had dna testing to see which meds are best/worse for you?
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      No, but i wonder if its available in uk?  Mirtazapine just wasnt doing anything for me.  What have you found nkw which is helping?  Did yountake vaium ever for anxiety?
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      I did not take Valium.  Did not want to get hung up on yet another med.  

      When the fatigue and anxiety become overwhelming it totally impacts our lives - I did not want that to happen again.  When I went back on the mirtazipine, I realized it was not good for me,and the dna testing proved that to be true. If a doctor (psychiatrist did it for me) can not do it, you may be able to do the DNA testing on your own.  It was just a swab of the inner cheek with a qtip. 

      I hope this testing is available for you Anne.  After one week on the new med, I have no anxiety -and the fatigue is not gone but much better. I am hoping once I come off the mirt, all the negatives will be gone. 


    • Posted

      Hi, I know this an old thread. Id like to know how youre all doing 9-10 months on from the last discussions.

      Im now off 7,5mg cold turkey for almost 8 months and still having horrendous stomach issues from time to time. I also feel I have numerous grain/carb intollerances which seem permanent. I also cannot tollerate any synthetic/derived sugars. Also having nausea, gut/brain axis issues and CNS issues.

      Ive lost in total 20kg (44lbs) and still losing on avg. 1kg per 1-2 weeks. Been scoped both ends and all that was found was a speculative Celiac diagnosis with lymhpocytes in the duodenum biopsy at 68/100 (normal is below 25/100). The Celiac Marsh score was 1 without atrophy, so no villi intestinal damage.

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      i am still in a really bad place. i am now 16 months off mirtazapine and have tried other anti deps since but they made me worse so no success. i am in tolerance at 9mg diazepam daily and still feel terrible. sleep,is not good, appetite down, nausea and ibs constand companions. i blame most of this on diazepam as i was fiven it for pain and now i am depressed and anxious about my lifd not being normal,anymore. it is a veru hard drug to come off and i aam sure caused all of this. we are all suffering from drugs we should never have taken. how this will all end i dont know but it has ruined my life. i am still searching for a solution

    • Posted

      i know you mentioned last year you had some good info on diazepam. if youre aroundi would appreciate thoughts

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      i was on trintellix (1/2 pill every other day i felt so good that i came off it i think that was a mistake trying to get back on

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      please let me know how you do if you restart it. i would be interested in trying it

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      hi ANN I am doing 1/2 trintellix every other night i am just on the third day so difficult to say if it is helping or hurting i still experience nausea and am taking lorazapam to dull the anxiety and nausea yesterday i needed it morning and night i am afraid of becoming addicted to it

      last night was my night off tintrellix so i took cbd oil slept well untill 3:45 then off and on until 5:30

      i am seeing a new doctor tomorrow i am beginning to think this may have more to do with my adrenals i am hoping she can figure this out i am not convinced it is depression

    • Posted

      Hi, Linda, Ann, Joel & co - its been a while since you've posted and I'm wondering if you're still about - I've read all your posts and its like looking in a mirror - as I'm in the uk my physc made me discontinue Mirtazapine at 7.5mg, ive been off 3 weeks and all the gastro issues are horrendous, i can barely go out because of nausea and bowels - i just wondered how you are all doing, maybe there's some encouraging news but in any event i do hope you are all about and doing well because i really want to stick this out, as you name a WD and i think I'm experiencing it thanks all

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