Results after having Rezum surgery
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I have read about all of the different possible surgerys out there and believe that Rezum would be the best at the present time for me. Is there anyone out there who has had this new surgery and can you tell me if it worked. I have read most of the information on how it is done and am wondering about the pain during the procedure and then if it has worked.
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randy_85492 phil84542
mcgillvn phil84542
I had a urolift in early June, with little distress and very good results. I'm beginning (now, in mid-August) to notice a slightly weaker stream since then, and on this site you'll see reports of having to go back for more implants after a while. If that's going to be true, I might consider this rezum option, so I signed up to follow the discussion, thanks for bringing it to my attention, hadn't heard of it before.
jerry69962 phil84542
I had the rezum method done on June 10 of this year. In my case, surgery was painful. I'm not exaggerating as usually I can tolerate a good amount of pain, but when it's down there in that area, definitely not. I wore a catheter with urine bag for 3 days and had it removed on June 13.
I was able to urinate ok at the doctors office so I went home and did some yard work around the house without realizing that my prostate was already swollen so doing yard work aggravated the prostate to the point where I could not urinate on my own.
I went to an emergency care hospital here in the area and was fitted with a another catheter/urine bag which I wore for 4 days. It was removed on June 17. I was given some disposable catheters to self urinate which I had to use for 6 days. Finally, by June 23 I was able to urinate on my own.
It has been 2 plus months since the procedure was done and I am to visit my urologist in September.
It is still a bit painful to urinate if I drink tea or soda with caffeine. Plus I have had only a couple of nights where I had to urinate once. The rest have been somewhere between 2-3 times and sometimes 4 times nightly.
I have to be a little honest here and wait until September 13 when I visit my doctor but so far results have been very mixed.
randy_85492 jerry69962
ron53733 phil84542
I've just had it done 3 weeks ago and I think it is working. Not a lot of pain during procedure just mainly discomfort. After procedure had to cath several times which is not nice. There is still blood in urine and Doctor said it might take several months to dissipate.
jerry69962 ron53733
oldbuzzard phil84542
I had Rezum done on March 17. The procedure was short but quite painful and I was in quite a bit of pain for about 6 hours after the procedure. After that, any pain was manageable and only when peeing. My recovery was slow, it took a little over 2 weeks before I could pee at all (self cathed the whole time and that was WAY better than a foley) and it wasn't until about 6 or 7 weeks that I was back to where I was before the procedure. I bled some while peeing for the first four weeks or so and then that stopped.
I have improved steadily since then and am noticeably better than I was before, but despite on open path, apparently have a weak bladder which makes it hard to empty. I'm still getting better and plan to start a thread asking if anyone knows of
anything I can do to strengthen it. My doc says I can look forward to another 6 weeks or so of improvement.
Bottom line is on recovery time I was one of the slower ones my doc has seen, but now that he's done more he says I'm not the only one. Most people get good results and can pee at least manageably within a week. I'd recommend being twilighted (like for a colonoscopy) if you can because while quick, it can really hurt. I think it should be a first option (along with Urolioft and PAE) for anyone with anything but severe BPH. It's non invasive and there is no real surgery to recover from and if you self cath you can live a pretty normal existance even if it takes a couple of weeks to pee. There is a big Holep contingent on this forum and while it seems to provide good outcomes, the recovery is longer and messier, its a real surgery and will leave you with RE. Many, maybe most can get the results they need with one of the less invasive procedures and spare the surgery and accompanying risks and recovery issues. And you can always get the Holep if the less invasive stuff doesn't get the job done.
randy_85492 oldbuzzard
Are you in the UK?.....It seems your UK doctors, urologist, etc. don't provide local anesthesia for these prostate/bladder treatments/operations...You and others don't mention a local anesthesia in your treatment....If you don't receive the local anesthesia, I know you must have a lot of pain..I, too, appear to have a weak bladder muscle and my uro doc is favoring REZUM treatment presently. Thus, my Pee Stream may not be improved a lot. We'll see.
oldbuzzard randy_85492
I'm not in the UK - in the US and they did give me local anesthesia but it wasn't sufficient to make the pain reasonable. I don't know whether it would have been even worse without it or whether it just didn't penetrate where they sprayed the steam. Interestignly enough a lot of people feel that administering the local was the most painful part of the procedure - in my case that wasn't bad at all.
oldbuzzard randy_85492
randy_85492 phil84542
randy_85492 phil84542
A series of prostate and bladder tests + a biopsy has determined that I don't have prostate cancer.....I do have a swollen prostate caused by excess tissue that obstructing/blocking my urethra and my self voiding. ...My Uro Doc is scheduling a REZUM for next Tuesday...Please pray for me that the REZUM will be successful with No Complications...
randy_85492 phil84542
A series of prostate and bladder tests + a biopsy has determined that I don't have prostate cancer.....I do have a swollen prostate caused by excess tissue that obstructing/blocking my urethra and my self voiding. ...My Uro Doc is scheduling a REZUM for next Tuesday...Please pray for me that the REZUM will be successful with No Complications...
phil84542 randy_85492
glenn54030 phil84542
If there is some way of vaporizing the prostate tissue without compromising the urethrae it is unclear.