Reviews for Omeprazole (Prilosec)

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Any Prilosec users out there? How does it work for you? What's the best acid reducer you've used?

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    I used omeprazole for a short time years ago for GERD.  It worked for me and I was able to come off it cold turkey without acid rebound.  I did experience mild nausea and itching when I started it  but this calmed down after a few days on the medication.  I now take Gaviscon which also works for me although I have to take a lot more of them.  I didn’t want to be on PPIs long term because they are not good for you over an extended period of time.
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      Define extended period of time. Are you talking months or years? I was told by a doctor that I need to take it for 3 months.
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      An extended period of time would be years.  I have a friend who was on them for years for GERD and he kept getting gastroenteritis because the PPIs were stripping out the good bacteria in his gut and allowing the bad stuff to overgrow, thus causing frequent gut infections.
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      I'll make sure I don't go over 3 months then, and I'll eat yoghurt to maintain good bacteria. 

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      Today I was very tired and had brain fog. It was difficult to focus at work. Are these side effects of omeprazole?
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      Today I was very tired and had brain fog. It was difficult to focus at work. Are these side effects of omeprazole?
    • Posted

      Dizziness and confusion are a sign of low magnesium as a side effect of taking omeprazole.  Dizziness and brain fog may also be a sign of stress and anxiety too.
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      I won't agree. My magnesium levels are good.but I have gallbladder which is not working.

    • Posted

      I too have these kind of side effects like brian fog,tiredness. My B12  was very low , intially B12 shots helped, but nowdays that too not working. Even when i stopped the omeperzole for years i did not see the tiredness and brain fog to improve. The only time it improved for me is having a less fat/protein/oily  diet with moderate exercise. Also gastritis is a double edge sword , if you take omeperzole , it reduces your stomach acid which will control your reflux, but your digestion will suffer as bad gut bacteria grows more and you may get symptoms like IBS which will be stomach cramps,diarrahea,allergy ,etc . if you dont take omeperzole or any other PPI, you get acid reflux which you may end up with barrets esophagus which is very dangerous as next level will be cancer. So i feel , diet, moderate excercise and B12 Shots with supplemenets  is the only remedy for your problem , provided you had hida and ultrasound  and found no issues with your gallbladder.
    • Posted

      Yes, doctors advising to remove my non working gallbladder and which has stones, however my severity problems are more towards stomach as I have gastritis and barrets esophagus. I get extreme bloating and burping after having food and acid reflux at night. For the past 4 to 5 months my stools are yellow. I don't have severe pain at my gallbladder area though it's not working and has stones. But doctor want to remove it to see if it helps with bloating and digestion issues with no gaurantee it will solve my symptoms. So only removing my gallbladder will tell it's a gb or stomach issue. So I'm bit confused.

    • Posted

      Pippa I am freaking out with anxiety. Yesterday was my birthday and I was soooo nervous and anxious hoping that I could enjoy the day without any sickness. I wanted everything to go smoothly. Thankfully, I went through the day without any sickness, but I hardly wanted to eat. 

      Today I am having a get together with some friends and the anxiety is back full force. I have this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach and I can hear a lot of noises coming from my stomach. I just want everything to go smoothly and enjoy my party. I dont want to be sick in front of my guests. 

      I know worry is a waste of time. I really shouldn't worry about something unless it actually happens but I cant help it. I am trying deep breathing here but still feel nervous. The anxiety is affecting my appetite and when I don't eat, I get gas and acid build up. 

    • Posted

      You are right, the PPI helps with over production of stomach acid, but it can also affect digestion as a certain amount of acid is needed to break down food and kill harmful bacteria in food. I did notice some bloating a few days ago. Don't know if the PPI is delaying my digestion and making food stay longer in the stomach. I was told that if I'm taking a PPI I should eat small amounts of easily digestible foods and also eat yoghurt. I just have to take the omeprazole for a little while longer then try to manage my condition with diet. Right now I'm very anxious because I have a birthday get together tonight and I really want everything to go smoothly. The anxiety is not helping me at all !!! It's messing up my stomach. 

    • Posted

      When you concentrate on enjoying yourself, your symptoms will feel better because you won't be thinking about your stomach.  Keep trying deep breathing; it will work.  The more you worry about being ill, the more unwell you will get.  Remember the positives.  On your birthday; you had no sickness.

    • Posted

      Hi Pippa,

      I have been doing a lot of reading and research on my own and I am pretty convinced I have IBS. I get abdominal cramping which gets better after I pass stool, changes in bowel texture & frequency. I believe this was brought on by stress and anxiety over my other conditions - gastritis and acid reflux. I spent so much time being worried, anxious and stressed over my gastritis and acid reflux. Now I think I have added IBS to my list of conditions. I know you suffer from IBS as well. What medications are best and what dietary/lifestyle advice can you give me? I was reading about buscopan. Have you tried it? I am currently treating the gastritis with omeprazole and cimetidine (PPI and H2 blocker). This triple threat of illnesses is really taking a toll on me mentally. 

    • Posted

      Trying to avoid stress is the main thing that helps. Try a food diary or the the Low Fodmap diet to identify any food triggers Buscopan works for me.  However, also see your doctor to get a firm, medical diagnosis of IBS.


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