Rheumatologist appointment was a waste of time

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I had my appointment this morning and what a complete waste of time it was. The hospital had lost my referral so he didn't even know why I was there. He wasn't interested in what I had to say. I took along a list of my symptoms I get with me and he didn't even look at them and just told me he doesn't like looking at symptoms as what I think and what he thinks are so different. He was just interested at looking at an MRI scan that I had done on my spine in December to see if there was any of my nerves being compressed and my result came back fine. He has basically said I just have wear and tear on my spine which is usual for someone of 42 and basically I have to just live with it. I know it's usual to have wear and tear at my age and the orthopedic surgeon who looked over my scan when I had it done said it was fine so I didn't need you telling me what I knew already. What about my stabbing pains, pins and needles etc etc (list to long so won't bore you)

I'm so angry as he wasn't even interested in any of my symptoms what so ever. He was actually more interested in my bloody long nails!!!

I tried explaining that I only had these symptoms after an accident at work and again he wasn't interested.

Looks like I will pay to go private. I cannot believe how rubbish the NHS is!!!

Sorry to rant but I'm really angry!!

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    That's a shame, that shouldn't have happened. I feel the doctors just fob you off once diagnosed. Every pain I get is Fibromyalgia and now Costochondritis, worrying at times x
    • Posted

      Hi Jacqueline

      I haven't been disgnosed as of yet and thought today was going to go so well but wrong was I. All my symptoms point to fibro and I have had costochondritis. I'm under the musculoskeletal people at the hospital who say it's sounds like I have it. I cannot believe he wasn't interested in what I had to say at all. I'm so bloody angry as he just wouldn't let me talk and to say he doesn't look at people's symptoms is a joke!!! 😬

    • Posted

      Awful. When I asked about Hypermobility Syndrome because the Rheumatoid Soecialist said I have that...I was told to go home and google it...and that was private!
    • Posted

      Omg that's a joke!!! I've just made an appointment with a private rheumatologist that deals with widespread pain so hopefully he will be better but after what you say who knows!! X
  • Posted

    Hello Alison,

    I feel your frustration.

    I very rarely used the NHS until an injury 3 years ago. Since then I feel they have failed to provide me with the right treatment leaving me with chronic pain and now fribro. It has destroyed my family, social and work life.

    My apparent urgent rheumatologist appointment was cancelled last minute and 6 weeks later I still don't have a new appointment.

    Do some internet searches about your local NHS hospitals and see if any of the rhumatologists have an interest in fibro and maybe ask you GP for a referral there?

    Best of luck, I hope you find someone who is more sympathetic and knowledgable:

    • Posted

      Hi ChronicGirl

      It's a joke isn't it. I was so angry when I came out of there. I have just made an appointment to see a private rheumatologist next week who deals with widespread pain so hopefully he will be better.

      I cannot believe you haven't been sent a new appointment. It's an absolute disgrace!!!

      I think it's disgusting that I'm now going to have to pay to see someone.

      Hope you get your appointment and have a better one than I did x

  • Posted

    Phone pals, then follow up with an email. I was scared and embarrassed to complain about a dr I saw but once I did I got another appointment with a new dr who treated me very well and was helpful. He even phoned me himself a few weeks after to suggest next steps and he let me dictate treatments as well as suggesting ones himself. I felt it really was worth actually complaining where prior I was scared complaining would hinder my future dr experiences.

    Drs think they are god but they don't know much more than we are able to find out ourselves, they are just the guys with the tests and prescription pad so don't let them treat you badly. Seriously phone pals and ask for a new appointment with a different dr as you felt the current one was rude, dismissive and didn't offer you any next steps. then write down what you want answered or tests you want or treatment and take that into the next guy, don't leave without all of it being addressed.

    There are various prescriptions they can offer as well as pain management courses and CBT, some probably has to be arranged via GP but the rheumy can at least discuss with you or tell you who you need to see.

    • Posted

      Hi Charlotte

      Thanks for your reply. Is it a long process to get a new appointment as I'd waited months for this one and what a complete waste of time? I have made a private one today for next Wednesday with a rheumatologist who deals with fibro and widespread pain. Not sure what to do now you have mentioned to phone PALS x

    • Posted

      Well my new appointment with a new dr took about a month, I'm not sure how long it would take for you as it depends on the clinic and how busy other Drs are there but I would imagine with a complaint from you they might try and speed things up.

      If you can afford private and your desperate to be seen then go that route but some private Drs are just as unwelcoming. Make sure you get some info on the Dr first by googling there name and seeing if they have any reviews.

      Your GP should have run basic tests such as vitamins, thyroid, inflammation to see if there is any specific cause for your symptoms that they can see, that will probably be the thing a new private dr will want to do unless you have had them recently and probably extra blood tests then if they confirm fibro they will most likely offer you a prescription for anticonvulsants or antidepressants which are the most used drugs for pain in general.

      The bonus for private is definitely speed of being seen but a lot of the NHS Drs actually work privately too so you can get the same Drs with the same attitudes. You could speak with GP to see if they can prescribe any of the usual drugs whilst you wait for NHS but I think you have to have a consultant initially prescribe them.

      If your desperate then I would go private for the speed in which you will be seen and getting something to help sooner.

      You really should write down not just your symptoms but what tests you want, what treatments you would like to try etc and make sure they are all discussed before you leave as you will forget some things whilst in the appointment.

      I would still complain to PALS as they need to know and they can still reschedule you to see a new dr, you can then take the info from the private with you if you still want to.

      Good luck, I hope you get some relief soon.

  • Posted

    Hi Alison

    It's awful the way you have been treated.  We build ourselves up hoping against hope for some sort of diagnosis/help only to be fobbed off and discharged.  Wouldn't go down the private route yet. I did just that and the private doctor was worse than the nhs and I lost alot of money. The private doctor was not interested, kept looking at his watch and obviously wanted to be somewhere else.  Eventually got a diagnosis through rheumatologist although it did take forever.  I went down the PALS route when my appointments kept getting cancelled (14 cancellations of a 3 month review which turned into nearly two year review!) .   PALS did sort it eventually.   May be worth going back to your GP and letting them know how you feel about the appointment. I did and my doctor emailed them straight away whilst I sat with her. I was however discharged as soon as diagnosis was made as they don't treat fibro at our local (very large teaching) hospital.


    • Posted

      Hi Maggers

      Thanks for your reply. I was so angry when I came out of there. I have made a private appointment with a rheumatologist who deals with fibro and widespread pain for next week. If I had a helpful GP I would go back to him but I battled with him to even refer me as he told me to just get on with it too 😬 If I'd walked in with bandages wrapped round me he would be interested. Also because I still sound happy and smiley as I'm not letting all this pain win doesn't mean I'm not in pain 24/7. They really aren't interested at all are they x

    • Posted

      I'm the same as you Alison. I went private because my pain was initially back and pelvis pain with some neck pain. I had a full MRI and was then referred to a Rheumatoid specialist after discussing a bulged disc in my lower spine and degenerative disc in my neck. The Rheumatoid Specialist said I had Hypermobility Syndrome also displaying Fibromyalgia. I went back to my GP complaining of chest pain which I had months before and was told I had pulled a muscle then told a lung infection then inflammation of the lung lining now told its Costochondritis. I'm fed up with the aches and pains every day been going on now for more or less 6 years. Feeling old before my time. This new chest condition had me thinking do I have breast cancer lung cancer or even am I having a heart attack so down with it all x
    • Posted

      Hi Jacqueline

      Its really bad isn't it that we have to go and pay to see someone private. I am doing a complaint letter about that rheumatologist though as its not acceptable that we all are just told to get on with it. I wish these people could just have our pain fOr one day and then I'm sure it would be a totally different story.  When I got that chest pain for the first time last year I have to say it did really frighten me as I said to my partner and mum the only way I could describe it is that is what it must feel like if you were having a heart attack. When I had it for the first time it was on a Saturday night and I just rang the NHS helpline to see whether I could speak to an out of hours doctor and what a mistake that was. As soon as I mentioned it was pain in my chest area they sent an ambulance to me even though I said I didn't need an ambulance. The problem I have is my doctor is just as unhelpful as he tells me to just get on with it. I had to battle with him to send me to that rheumatologist who ended up not bothered too. I find the chest pain gets worse when it's my period and then calms down. Mine has calmed down a lot since I had it the very first time last year.

      I know it's easier said than done but try and not let it get you down and everyone on here will always listen.

      ​Hope you feel better xx

    • Posted

      Very true, the doctors do not feel the pain so don't sympathise. It's as though it's a condition for made up pain. I feel fellow workers look at me too when I'm having a bad day n sore as though I'm at it. I was the same had so much chest pain I called for my go to call me back n ask a few questions n tell me it's Costo take some ibuprofen....I don't want these aches n pains forever it drags me down. Also yes on a monthly period my fibromyalgia pain is worse especially my pelvis/hip area. Feel your pain all of u it's a shame x
  • Posted

    Do you know sometimes I wish that some of these highly trained doctors could feel our pain and know difficult it is to do normal daily things just for an hour. I can understand your anger.  Nobody is going to make up the pain we all suffer.  If we were walking around  with a broken limb we would be taken notice of and I think that is exactly what we have got except it is not visible.  Very often the stabbing pains I get feel are exactly like a break in the arms and legs. 
    • Posted

      Hi Sue

      I wouldn't mind but I'm not someone that is a hypochondriac. I like all of you guys have these pains etc but to not even listen to me and just tell me about an MRI scan I already knew was fine was ridiculous. I think if half these doctors suffered with constant pain on a daily basis they couldn't cope x

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