Right Ribcage pain
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Perimenopause gave me a break for a week but back with pain and discomfort under right breast ribcage . Im also having muscle tightening in my back, both ribcage and and back are painful at times. Has anyone else experience this?
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Guest mary27278
Seems like this week has been very bad for so many of us, maybe it was the moon?
donna38794 mary27278
I can just imagine how miserable that is 😢😢. I haven’t had the rib cage issue knock on wood, but for about two weeks i have had this feeling in my back mostly on the middle that aches, it’s tight and has a burning feeling. Hope you feel better soon.
shawnalb mary27278
Guest mary27278
Guest Guest
Guest mary27278
i am working with a very professional consultant and he said he like a challenge so we hopefully get there x
julie54379 mary27278
That sounds like gallbladder, which is located there. One thing that's helped me with that pain, which can radiate to the shoulder and around to the back, is artichoke supplement. Helps increase flow of bile.
Was told gallbladder not working and doc of course just wanted to take it out, then I took this supplement, repeated test for gallbladder function, and it was normal.
Doctor Berg online also has an excellent supplement for the gallbladder and informative videos. All the doctors who seem to know anything about the body and how to fix it seem to be online now.
Hope this helps.
I was thinking about getting it again bc I get the bloating and constipation.
Had one margarita last night, and feel like my tummy is paying for it this morning.
mary27278 julie54379
victoria56478 mary27278
Mary, I kind of feel I have just posted the same kind of thing you are experiencing. I will forward my query and perhaps let me know if we are on the same page ?
Victoria 😂😂
victoria56478 mary27278
It won’t allow me to copy. So I will tell you what I have asked :-
I am 48 and def Perimenopausal I have the obvious systems I.e erratic periods. This has been going on for near on two years. I haven’t had a period since February and then this week I had the period cramps and I kind of thought something was lurking!!! Monday morning I had a very light brown and that’s it for 2 days but the pain in those 2 days was off the scale. The usual cramps but the pain in my back down one side sort of near the kidney area and not sure if this is unusual but horrible pain in my private directly underneath like a stabbing pain. Enough to wake me up and have me rolling around in agony. Then that went after 2/3 days but it was always very light brown blood. Then today the cramps have come back and the pain above and it is so so bad. But no bleeding but I feel like if I could bleed normal I.e red blood the pain would ease. So at the moment as I write this I have the awful one side back pain and the horrible pain underneath my private. Has anybody else had this ?? Thank you victoria 😂😂
mary27278 victoria56478
victoria56478 mary27278
Hi Mary, it’s the usual cramping pains in my tummy associated with my period but it’s the pain in the right side right around the kidney area and real pain right underneath my private. It’s terrible. If I hadn’t had the period pains a few days ago and the tiny bit of brown blood I would have thought it was my kidney stones as I suffered from these a few years ago. The pain is that bad it woke me up and I was rolling around in pain. Then the brown went a day or so ago and then today the period cramps the pain around my back one side again and the real sharp pain in my private right underneath. Mine def isn’t ovulating pain I used to get that when I was regular and that was more of a stitch type pain but this is different. I keep checking thinking I must have come on but nothing just the pain. My last period in February started like this. Brown very light for a couple of days then a few days later more like a red period. I think if I remember I had pain similar to this but not as bad. It’s just so painful mary and wish if I was going to come on I just would. I can kind of understand the back pain but it’s the stabbing pains in my private i wondered if was normal xx 😂😂😂
mary27278 victoria56478
victoria56478 mary27278
debbie03785 mary27278
Guest debbie03785
I think the artichoke treatment sounds interesting.
victoria56478 Guest
mary27278 Guest