Right sided upper chest pain when moving or pushing down on chest
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I have really bad health anxiety and for the past few weeks my upper chest has been hurting/aching when moving my head or neck or shoulder certain ways. It hurts to press down it feels almost brusied but it's not.it's mostly right under my collarbone. Has anyone else had this????I'm terrified of lung cancer and I'm only 33
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judy67286 Soanxious
Soanxious judy67286
judy67286 Soanxious
Soanxious judy67286
clr1166 Soanxious
The fact you said it hurts when you touch your chest suggests it's more musculoskeletal (I think that's the right word?) rather than cardiac/lung related. That's exactly what my doc told me. Take anti-inflammatory pills like ibuprofen. If it doesn't clear up and you're still worried then maybe see your GP for reassurance.
Hope you're feeling better soon
Soanxious clr1166
clr1166 Soanxious
Soanxious clr1166
patty818 Soanxious
I'm sorry your going thru this. I had costcondritis for 2 years. I can tell you all the symptoms, you will feel bruised in the rib cage area, also you will feel pain if you push on the ribs between the breasts where the V goes from left to right, you may also have pain if sleeping on the affected side, mine was on the right and boy i had mornings where I could hardly move, when you take a deep breath it will feel tight and hurt, you can referral pain into the shoulder, collar bone and arm, but mostly the rib will feel bruised and sore, I found the best thing for was asper creme and ibuprofen, the asper creme stops pain and imflammation and this is what needs to happen, also heating pads are great to, i used one all the time, you may also want to get some of those heating things you can stick on coz they last all day. What is happening with it is the ribs and the layered membrain in the rib cage are inflammed so they get sore. I also thought it was my heart and lungs, but going to the ER they pushed on the ribs in the middle of the chest and I thought OMG, the pain was it. I can tell you it took years for mine to heal, but of course I had helped someone move 3 times during that time, so healing took longer, But try the asper creme, it works great. I hope you feel better and try to rest its the best thing for it.
Soanxious patty818
patty818 Soanxious
I know the costo causes a lot of pain and anxiety, but believe me its notthing to worry about, i know easier said than done. Maybe you can look up the trigger points for costo online and look at the images and how it shows you the places it hurts and describes it . I don't know if we are aloud to put attachments on but if so let me know and i'll see what I can send you. I have the whole trigger point manual for the body and you would be suprised whats in it. I wish I could make you believe this is all it is, If the docs thought it was something worse they would find it. But costo is not something and MRI can see because its in the muscles and membrane of the rib cage.
I know anxiety is hard, it takes over our thoughts and we need to know we are okay, and you are okay. Let me know about the links if i can help you. i will send them.
Feel better
Soanxious patty818
clr1166 patty818
patty818 Soanxious
Of course you can private message me, altho I'm sure how to do that. I'm guessing in my email. Let me know.
patty818 clr1166
I had mine so long because I had helped someone move 3 times and everytime I did it came back, because it wasn't completely healed. Try the asper creme it really helps.
Hope you feel better.
Soanxious patty818
kammu0902 patty818
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nicole69291 clr1166
nicole69291 clr1166