ripped the patch off last night!!
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Hi all
If you remember, I'm the one with the list of over 60 symptoms! I have been dead against HRT, and things seemed to be improving. However I started to feel like the depression & bad anxiety was coming back, & slapped on a patch in desperation!
A few days later...uh-oh!! Had been getting migraines and bad nausea, wierd thoughts, anxiety. Then had a horrifically insane epiode last night....the shaking, reflux, panic attack, crazy head back with avengeance! My left arm became incredibly weak & I couldn't get up the stairs for a while, legs were wierd. Diahorrea too. Crying like an idiot. Had to get up eventually as I desperately had to go to the loo!
Anyway ripped the flipping thing off, got to it before my husband did lol!
So HRT..genuinely brilliant for some (including my friends)....unfortunately not for me
2 likes, 40 replies
jayneejay brimbo67
hope you feel better soon 😫
i had a few if what you mention on and off in peri, and didnt even take HRT 😃
take it easy my lovely
jay x
brimbo67 jayneejay
sharcerv52408 brimbo67
brimbo67 sharcerv52408
Beetle1965 brimbo67
When things don't slow down naturally and ovaries stop working, might it mean that hormones are not that low yet? That the symptoms are caused by wildly fluctuating hormones and a messed up system. So more like premenopause in a natural decline rather than post menopause where the hormones have got low and begin to level out.
I say this because I am not certain I am low in estrogen, from looking at various symptoms attributed to this and resonate more with low progesterone or at least an imbalance between the two. Maybe this is why the patch caused horrible symptoms? Estrogen isn't needed as such? It's just a guess really.
I am yet to employ herbal remedies but plan to see a medical herbalist to get a specific mix made up to cover hormone balance plus sleep, energy etc. Meanwhile I have read about two products that people have good reviews that you could look up and read about. It can take 3 months for things to really get working.
Solgar PM PhytoGen Complex: contains Thai Kudzu extract (Pueraria Mirifica) which I am not familiar with
Femmenessence MacaPause: contains the Maca you mention.
Hope you feel better
brimbo67 Beetle1965
Beetle1965 brimbo67
For now, things have calmed down for me - I'm holding my breath though.
lol64 brimbo67
brimbo67 lol64
jayneejay brimbo67
What Is Milk Thistle Used For?
Milk thistle is sometimes used as a natural treatment for liver problems. These liver problems include cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, and gallbladder disorders.
Some claim milk thistle may also:
Provide heart benefits by lowering cholesterol levels
Help diabetes in people who have type 2 diabetes and cirrhosis
lol64 brimbo67
brimbo67 lol64
susan556 lol64
lol64 brimbo67
trudy77450 brimbo67
brimbo67 trudy77450