Rough Day

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Hey Ladies,

I'm back again just needing to vent. I'm feeling all sorts of weirdness today. Besides being hungry, I've been feeling pretty good for the last few days. Well today is different. I'm full of gas, crazy negative thoughts, anxious, and this weird feeling on the inside like a tingling ans it's hard to describe. I been tucked away in my room most of the day.

I'm trying hard to busy myself so I don't focus on it so much but it is really rough today. Sorry for the sad sap but I just to tell someone.

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59 Replies

  • Posted

    A lot of us have days just like this. Thank goodness for these boards, right? I was in a funk yesterday with a headache that just stayed with me. I get those days to where I feel really restless or bored or I just have a good cry and sometimes I don't even know why. You're not alone, believe me!🌹🌺🌷
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. I have tears in my eyes while I type this. I don't even know why. Guess I'm just emotional today. I'm just all over the place today. I am so greatful for you and the other ladies as well as this forum. I would truly be a basket case without it.
    • Posted

      Try and take it easy. We are all here for you!!! We are all going through this together. Makes me want to almost cry typing this because we are all hurting together.😢
    • Posted

      I play on my iPad a lot to keep me busy. I just keep thinking of that song My Favorite Things for some reason, but yea, sometimes I feel like a kid again playing games on the iPad but hey, we need to do what it takes to get us through the day, right? 😌
    • Posted

      Oh my gosh I am crying reading these responses because I realize that nobody really understands how we feel except each other on this forum. My Doctors don't get it, my friends are not experiencing it so they don't understand, my poor husband and mother are trying to be understanding but I know they are sick of hearing about all my symptoms on a day to day basis. I am so incredibly thankful and blessed by you ladies and this forum.

      Debbie ❤️

    • Posted

      Same boat here!!! I'm sure hubby doesn't help at all...friends all went through they can't relate but ya know...I just need to vent almost everyday because in general, I don't feel good....I don't feel like myself anymore and yet no one around me is giving me any assurance that things are going to be ok, then I start getting stressed...I'm wiped out at times and I hurt and I don't sleep through the night. It's like I just want to be that teenager again to where balls I have to worry about is having fun day in and day out so that I don't obsess about this season of change. I feel like I can't work anymore because my emotions can come out of no where and I hurt. In fact, the last job I had, my boss was going through this stuff too...she ended up yelling at me (not just me but everyone on staff) its just I'm the only one who didn't take it from her and I quit sending her an email telling her that I didn't appreciate her yelling at me for something I didn't even do!
    • Posted

      That's what I been doing today. Hanging in my room, watching tv and playing games and working on puzzles on my tablet. I actually started making bracelets. Just needed something to focus on.
    • Posted

      I resigned from my job a few weeks ago. My boss did understand because she was going through the same thing. I couldn't work due to me leaving early or calling out. Some days the anxiety was just too much. I needed to be off for a while so I can try to get a better handle on coping with these symptoms. I always feel like no one understands. I stopped talking about it. When I say I don't feel well, I get the side stares and the what's wrong now comments. So I grateful to come here where you ladies listen, and understand. I know it's a transition but it's hard. I just hang on to knowing that we will get through it and be ok, just rough while it's happening.
    • Posted

      You're right, I get the rolled eyes and the what's wrong now look too. It's almost like if we don't look elderly, then we shouldn't have any problems.
  • Posted

    Its okay to vent Jamie. We are all going through this crazy journey together. That's the beautiful thing about this forum. We can all relate and encourage each other here without judgement, We all understand because it is real and we are all going through it. Sorry you are having a bad day. I had about 3 to 4 days where I felt pretty normal. I thought "Wow" maybe I am heading out of this finally and there is light at the end of this tunnel. Well I am close to my period so last night felt shaky and jittery and woke up this morning with my yucky anxiety. Felt so good those last 3 days. Will hang onto those memories as I ride the wave of anxiety these next few days. I am definitely seeing a pattern with these symptoms and that gives me comfort to realize I won't die from all these symptoms. Take Care Jamie, relax today and ride it through. You will have better days ahead again. We are all here for you because we can all sympathize and relate.


    • Posted

      Thank you Debbie,

      Im due my cycle in a few days also and noticing a pattern. You are rite, I'm hanging on and trying to ride it out.

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,aw bless you I'm sorry you re having a bad day,I must admit I ve had a rough couple myself,I seem to be worse when I miss a period or have a really light one.The anxiety is the worst symptom for me,I play games on my I pad if I'm not busy,it just helps relax my mind,and I love mindfulness helps me to accept all the weird feelings.Dont say sorry for venting,if you can't do it here where can you do it? We re all in this together and we will all get through it.Take Care X
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. My last cycle was light and I felt ok for a few days. Now it's close to another cycle and I'm all over the place. I'm just trying to busy myself so I don't focus so much on these symtpoms. My anxiety is the hardest to deal with. Just puts me in such a funk.
    • Posted

      How many days do you go in between cycles now? Mine used to be every 28-31 never know.
    • Posted

      The last two years it's been 23 days, the last two cycles one was 28 and the other was 25. Usually I flow for 7 days heavily, but the last couple I have only been flowing about three days. It was pretty light. It's hard to keep up with since they seemed to have changed.
    • Posted

      Do you ever skip months? I usually skip a couple of months then I'll have one. Or, do you ever feel symptoms like cramping but don't start?
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      I haven't skipped any. They just been shorter and less flow.
    • Posted

      Hmmm...I wonder if skipping periods are a part of menopause? I never really thought of that but I haven't read anyone on her went through skipping periods....
    • Posted

      Skipping cycles is a part of peri/meno. I haven't skipped any but some of the other ladies have.
    • Posted

      I skip periods as well. I have had one peroid since October and it was very light. I have been dealing with high anxiety, sadness, anger. I feel as if I am always hungry. Excuse me for being blunt but the last couple of weeks my breast and nipples are sore. I have left shoulder pain and sometimes it aches in the out of my arm. Don't know if its peri related but it keeps me on edge. I dont like doctors.
    • Posted

      I meant to say I can feel aches in the out of my arm sometimes.
    • Posted

      Hi Donna, I don't like Doctors either...too money hungry believe me...we have Dr friends. Lol my breasts have gone in and out of being tender too. So, you have gone 5 months no period? Do you ever feel like a period is coming on with cramping etc... And not have a period?
    • Posted

      I had a period in January thats the only one I have had in 5 month's. And yes I do have the symptoms even if I dont have one
    • Posted

      Do you tell your doctor if you go 3 months without a period? I didn't know to do that. I'm learning stuff more and more. If you did go to the Dr, did they put you on progesterone cream?
    • Posted

      Yes all of that is peri related. I too get the left shoulder pain. It's annoying.
    • Posted

      I used to have really sore breast before a cycle. Sore to the point I didn't even my clothes to touch them. But since the more intense symptoms started. I don't have the sore breasts anymore. It's weird.
    • Posted

      i  do that too and didn't realize why until reading your post. i have a little solitaire game device i take with me sometimes to dr. appts and sometimes sit up in the bed to keep my mind occupied from the strange thoughts that run thru my mind for no reason at all.....just random things that i can't seem to shut off. Thanks for sharing


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