Rough Day
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Hey Ladies,
I'm back again just needing to vent. I'm feeling all sorts of weirdness today. Besides being hungry, I've been feeling pretty good for the last few days. Well today is different. I'm full of gas, crazy negative thoughts, anxious, and this weird feeling on the inside like a tingling ans it's hard to describe. I been tucked away in my room most of the day.
I'm trying hard to busy myself so I don't focus on it so much but it is really rough today. Sorry for the sad sap but I just to tell someone.
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elaine33371 jamie50513
jamie50513 elaine33371
Im going to try some supplements and see how it works for me. I just got in from a GYN appointment and she mentioned that from my symptoms it could possibly be peri, but don't know for sure since my cycles are somewhat still regular. They did a routine annual exam and took some bloods to check my thyroid, hormone levels and vit D. I was anxious while I was sitting there the whole time. Now I'm just hoping they don't call back with any thing being wrong.
lyn180246 jamie50513
jamie50513 lyn180246
lyn180246 jamie50513
elaine33371 jamie50513
jamie50513 lyn180246
ambercolleen jamie50513
Hang in there, get through the sh*tty days, and enjoy the few good ones until this all passes I guess. I'm so glad I found this place to listen to others, and vent myself
lyn180246 jamie50513
jamie50513 elaine33371
jamie50513 lyn180246
elaine33371 jamie50513
Ive paid to see an endocrinologist, not for the menopause, something else, I had tests i never knew existed, and that you dont get offered on the NHS more reliable testing techniqes, i was told that some of my symptoms were not normal, which, i knew in my own mind, but couldnt prove it, and my gp kept telling me the opposite, you get seen much quicker, treatment by staff i recieved whilst having my tests was brilliant, and ive been private before and it hasnt always been like that, so doesnt always follow, that paying for it means you get the best which, i accept, more and more people in the uk are doing this, either to save money for the NHS, but mainly because the care has gone here on the NHS,and people are getting scared, the waiting times to get in to see a specialists can be up to 4 months depends on your area and type of specialists you require, but for cancer your seen in 2 weeks, some sooner, otherwise your met with a stoney faced gp, whose got the brick wall up before you open your mouth, at my surgery, there is a 2 week waiting list to get in, by which time your better anyway..........ha and worse at ours, your only allowed to discuss one problem, so, if you have a bad back, and a bad arm, you have to make another appointment for that 2 weeks down the line again..........ha you sit in the waiting room for 15 mins on average, 45 mins if your unlucky, but if your a migrant and shout assylum seeker at the receptionist you get in first, because thats the EU law which, we have to abide to, eventhough English people pay insurance out of their pay which goes directly to NHS for your care, the migrants havent paid into the system, infact it gets worse, the English people then pay tax which, goes to pay for their health care on the NHS also, and we could have dying parents, who, cant get cancer treatment because tourist migrants have taken up to 200,000 poundsworth of cancer treatment off the NHS, so someone else doesnt get their treatment as a result whose been waiting for it, and then the person whose taken it, goes straight back home to his own country, which, is totally legal!!!!, that can only happen in England............(sorry getting on the political soap box now) you get an average 3 mins consultation, your allowed 10 mins but you never get that because the gp controls how the show goes, so you end up forgetting why you went in........ha as a general rule, they argue with you over your symptoms, then get defensive if you ask for other tests, cant get to see specailists because general blood tests which, arent worth the paper their written on were normal, so, your then labelled as being a neurotic time waster, or, suffering with an anxiety dissorder.
My daughter is 32, i had to go to our surgery with her,because, our gp wouldnt send her for further indepth specialists testing, as she was getting worse, i wasnt happy, turns out she had Crohns disease, and our gp and lovely A&E waste of time dept, had diagnosed her with IBS for 4 years and was told to get her anxiety dissorder that she hasnt got, under control instead, and that was because, they werent doing the right blood tests..........arrrgh, everything is a fight with them, is it like this in the US, because im about to burst with it all, so sorry its long jamie just had to get all that out, i hope i can sleep now when i go to bed, which is right now.
jamie50513 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
Dont understand why your gyni was like that with you, it makes me mad whent hats happened, he/she was probably thinking, i think this ones been on a patient forum what am i going to do, i know ill just look dum, and no, if it is the menopause thats your problem, then your tests for other things will be totally normal, but yes wait for other test results to be sure, let us know though how you get on, at the end of the day if nothing comes back, at least you know its nothing serious, so you could just go along with it being hormones, because at the end of the day, seeing someone else, for more tests possible repeating the same ones you have just had, think about how much your using on your insurance, just go down the supplement route sought it yourself.............good luck jamie, had a lovely nights sleep by the totally calm now...........ha
jamie50513 elaine33371
jamie50513 ambercolleen
lyn180246 ambercolleen
lyn180246 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
God so if were not shafted by our nhs gps, your being shafted by your medical insurance people, its really not on is it, what the hell are people supposed to do.
elaine33371 lyn180246
jamie50513 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
jamie50513 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
jamie50513 elaine33371