Rough Day

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Hey Ladies,

I'm back again just needing to vent. I'm feeling all sorts of weirdness today. Besides being hungry, I've been feeling pretty good for the last few days. Well today is different. I'm full of gas, crazy negative thoughts, anxious, and this weird feeling on the inside like a tingling ans it's hard to describe. I been tucked away in my room most of the day.

I'm trying hard to busy myself so I don't focus on it so much but it is really rough today. Sorry for the sad sap but I just to tell someone.

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59 Replies

  • Posted

    Hugs to you. I have these days far too often and they are rough. Only us women going thru this can understand. I broke down crying in the shower a few days ago and had shampoo running in my eyes. It was just as pitiful as could be. The horror of it all was that there was absolutely nothing to cry about. Ugh. Just a few weeks ago, I was sitting at my desk attempting to pay my bills online and a thought went thru my head from out of nowhere that my mother is going to pass one day and I will be left without any parents since my dad has already passed. It threw me into an anxiety fit and I started bawling my eyes out. I ened up running over to my mother and wouldn't leave her side for the entire day! I am 41 years old for crying out loud, not a toddler! Oh my goodness. On my good days, I look back and think "what is wrong with me"?! I have the same symptoms you describe and yes, I try to to keep myself busy too. Its gotten so bad that I can't be in my house alone when others are gone. I am here at the library next to a sunny window just to be near people, as I type this. Hang in there! This forum is a wonderful support tool with others that understand too well what you are going thru. 
    • Posted

      Thank you so much. I'm at the movies with my little one and trying to hide my anxiety. Just so uncomfortable and trying not to panic. We will get through this. Hugs to you!
    • Posted

      I know that not everything works foreveryone, but I was told to try Bach Flower Remedies Aspen tincture for anxiety, so I got some about 4 days ago and it did take the edge off my anxiety. I have a cabinet full of supplements that have done nothing for me. I was hesitant to spend more money and try it, but I am glad I did. Like I said, what works for some, may not work for others, but out of the 18 or more supplements sitting in my cabinet, this one is the one that takes the edge off.  Maybe worth looking into. Hope you can try to enjoy your movie and it takes your mind off the anxiety. 
    • Posted

      Thanks, I was told that Batch Sunflower drops and St. John's Wort was good with the anxiety. I am going to try them. I've been pretty much dealing with this stuff with no meds or supplements except what was prescribed to me and that's an iron supplement and a folic acid tablet. I've seemed to have developed hypertension so I take a BP med. But that's it. I made it through the movie. It was rough but I have to try and ride it out for my kids.
    • Posted

      Im glad you made it thru. Just a simple thing like going to a movie can be so difficult. Check with your doc, but mine had me take folic acid as well but told me that I must take B12 anytime I am taking folic acid. Im not sure the reasoning for it though.I was in such a hurry to get out of the office and go buy the supplements to see if it would help, sadly they didn't do much for me

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