Rough day

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I've been crying for a couple of hours and can't stop.  Last week, I figured out that I'm not going to make real progress with improving my health unless I get help with my anxiety.  Over the weekend, I talked about it in a forum here under Anxiety Disorders that is really super helpful and also talked with my sister about it.  Tomorrow morning, I have the colonoscopy that had to postpone due to my surgery recovery after having the ovary and polyps out in April, so going through the prep for that today.  Understanding now that with anxiety, Crohn's, and peri, I may be able to make better choices for managing the Crohn's and peri if getting help with anxiety becomes first priority.  Last two colonoscopies were a bit rough - had benign polyp removed in 2013, then had bad car accident, then had to have follow-up colonoscopy in 2014 because of previous polyp and was a nervous wreck - cried when GI doc came in to do procedure - but no polyps that time.  Wouldn't have guessed I'd be going into it this time less than 3 months after gyn surgery.  I know the tears are the anxiety talking, and know I have to learn to cope and manage.  Just realizing so much at once, it's really hard today.

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35 Replies

  • Posted

    I wish I could help you in some way, Elizabeth. All I can do is wish you all the best and send big hugs x
  • Posted

    I am sorry to hear about how sad you are. But please remember this too shall pass . I would suggest talking to your doctor about something to help balance your hormones.i was recently started on progesterone and I feel like the old me when I was 30 I am now 51 .it has made a big difference both physically and emotionally. Best of luck.
    • Posted

      Thanks, Linda.  I've had anxiety trouble all my life, but peri has made it much worse.  It has been a slow process to realize how debilitating it is and that I must ask for help.  Balancing my hormones would help.

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      P.S.  I would love to feel 30 again!  That was a good year.
    • Posted

      hi linda,  can i ask, were you tested for low progesterone and how much do you take and what is it you take.  I think this is my problem too so just interested to see how you were assessed for this. much appreciated.  oh and also have you reached menopause yet or still in peri. thnks
    • Posted

      Hi metamorphosis no I wasn't tested. After 13 months of no periods ..i am 51 . I had an extremely heavy period that lasted 14 days and there was no end in site so after speaking to my doctor she put me on 10 mg of progesterone to stop the bleeding. It was then after I stopped using the progesterone that I realized how much better I was feeling when I was on it so I asked if I could stay on it and if there were any problems being on it and my doctor after doing a biopsy to clear me said I could stay on it for 14 days a month with no issues. This is the first month of it and you can really notice the difference between being on it and how lousy I feel when I am not. Anyway hope that helps.

  • Posted

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I know all about anxiety. Sometimes I think I am the Queen of anxiety. I've had it for decades and I'm 54. Going through Peri has made things worse. Now I have health anxiety. I take something for it, because I wouldn't be able to manage if I didn't. I am just now starting acupuncture to see if that can help. I do other things like eat well, try to exercise, but my knees hurt since starting going through the change. I'm also starting to listen to some tapes on changing fearful thoughts and trying up reprogram my brain that I always "safe". I've had traumas in my life that I'm sure have contributed to this. I also inhale a eally good lavender oil, do deep breathing, prayer, and meditation. I take B vitamins too. I understand your pain. I really do. I also do something called quick coherence breathing. You can Google it. It helps with calming. You can even listen to YouTube video tapes with alpha wave in the music. I'm trying to get my adrenal glands healthy again, because if they're not, that can also increase anxiety. I will say a prayer for you that you find what works for you and that all will be fine with your procedure. Hugs.

    • Posted

      Hi Marli, thank you for all that you've shared.  You and I have a lot in common.  I've had anxiety issues all my life, long story/family history behind that, and getting into peri at the same time as dealing with some family crises and my own health trouble this year has been a perfect storm.  Health anxiety has become huge for me.  You have shared a lot of helpful ideas that could help me be more proactive.  It has been a slow, long, painful process in getting to today, to realizing that I can overcome my past.  I know now that I deserve to have better quality of life.  It is hard for me to ask for help, but I have to do it.  Thank you for the prayer, too. x

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time Elizabeth. I can 100 percent understand and relate to you. About 2 months ago I was at what I thought was the end of my rope with anxiety and a physical ailment I have been dealing with for the last 2 years. I seriously didn't think I could make it anymore. Perimenopause is horrible in itself then to have To go through physical ailments on top of that is sometimes just too much. Anyway I started seeing a therapist once a week and started on natural progesterone drops. The progesterone drops I take one to two drops three times a day. I put drops on my wrists. The natural doctor first gave me natural time released 200mg progesterone capsules but it made my stomach upset. So he switched to drops. These have made a huge difference. Talking to therapists has also helped. I'm still not perfect but it's a start. I also read my bible pray and do daily devotions. Try to walk outside everyday for a little bit. I pray for you to find your peace and relief from these awful symptoms. Message me anytime??


    • Posted

      Hi Debbie, thank you for telling me about the drops.  I need to avoid stomach upset with the Crohn's bug will ask my doctors about the drops.  Maybe that would work.  You are 100% correct about having peri, anxiety, and other physical illness at the same time.  It is harder than anything I've ever been through emotionally.  I do find that walking helps some.  As for the Bible, well, I ordered a new one last week that is coming today, a women's devotional Bible that I look forward to reading.  Thank you for your prayers, too.  I appreciate you.  ??

  • Posted

    It's understandable that you can't help crying with your colonososcopy procedure tomorrow. Crying helps to release those pent up emotions that we try to suppress.

    Once you are reassurred that your health issues are manageable you will be able to concentrate on getting stonger and finding some small parts of your life that are enjoyable. Each day try to find something to look forward to, however small. A reading from your bible, watching the birds in the garden, a small piece of chocolate? Crohns? I'm not sure on the chocolate, But a little treat.  Mine is an afternoon nap. I love It!  

    Hope all goes well tomorrow xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Maisie, thank you, sometimes it is good to be reminded of things to enjoy.  It's too easy to get caught up in all this.  It did help to get the crying out, but it took a long while.  You're right, there was a lot of pent-up stuff to get out.  More than I knew.  

  • Posted

    Hi Elizabeth ooo you poor lady. I'm so sorry you are having such a rough ride. I wish I could help you hunni as you have so much on your plate it's not fair. Just to let you know I am sending you positive vibes, love and big hugs. Not much help I know but maybe these kind thoughts may help you through a little. Please take care and try to keep positive if you can. Lots of love Lou xxxx

    • Posted

      Thanks, Lou, actually that's a big help!  Just too much at once but trying to learn to take it a baby step at a time.  Take care.  xx

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