Sadness from Perimenopause
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Hi there, I am new to this site and have read a few of your posts and have found some awesome information. I was wondering if any of you who are suffering from perimenopause can help me. I am 44 years old and became perimeno around July 2016 (although i didnt know) found out in Sept 2016 that I was perimenopausal. My OBGYN put me on a mild anti depression meds which helped a little the first 6 weeks or so but I couldnt deal with it and didnt want to be on a narcotic med. So in the beginning of Dec he put me on a mild birthcontrol (lolestrin) I am starting my 4th month on BC and the past 3 months really havent been bad at all, a few crying and sadness issues here and there but nothing crazy like I used to have with panic attacks, etc and the BC is def controlling my periods. I also should add real quick that I have been doing accupuncture once a week for the past few months also. I I got a mild period in feb which lasted 5 almost 6 days, during that time I had a few sadness/crying issues but nothing major at all. Once my period ended it was about 3-4 days later that I really started to feel sad and crying alot more than I have been the past few months. The sadness/crying wouldnt last all day it would come and go over the coarse of the day but it wouldnt stop. Then I had one bad afternoon for a few hours where I had mild aniexty, the "crazy" feeling etc and then it went away. Over the next few days I started to feel better, just felt a little tired, and just wanted to do nothing. Here I am 9 days after my period ended and Im finally feelling normal. What I was wondering (and sorry this message is so long) does anyone have more issues/symptoms after your period, and anything you can recommened I can try? I am thinking since the BC is def helping since I am way better now than I was before I started taking "the pill " Maybe a few more months will make a difference? My OBGYN says it can take 2-3 months for the pill to work. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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metamorphed amy602
amy602 metamorphed
Thanks for responding back.. I just went and read your discussion from yesterday and we def sound like the same person. I just get the emotional with it as well. I really thought it would get better after my period stopped. I am praying that this is just a rough month and things will get better. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not alone, and this too will pass (soon I hope
gailannie amy602
Hi Amy, I also tried a BC pill in perimenopause. And it happened to be Loestrin! But for me, that partivular pill put me down. It has a very low estrogen profile compared to the progestin content. I would shake like a leaf and cry uncontrollably in the afternoon. All BCPs have a different hormone profile, so if one doesn't work well, another might. It really depends on your specific balance.
Now as far as the problem you have described, remember that the pills you take the last week are dummies. (No hormones) The only reason they are there is to keep you on the schedule with a pill per day. When the hormone levels in your body drop, then you have a period. So what your symptoms and their timing indicates is that the dummy pills,over a few days, is dropping your estrogen too low. Some doctors will have a women put on a patch while they are having their period, until you get back on the pills with hormones in them.
So the questions for you becomes 1) Are you on a pill that best suits your profile? 2) Is there a way to supplement your estrogen level while on the dummy pills in the cycle?
Hope this helps.
amy602 gailannie
Thanks for the info, it def helps. I dont know how long I should give the Loestrin to see if it totally works. I just started my 4th month (im a week into it) so I dont know if I should give it a little more time or not. I have to make a appointment to see my OBGYN this month (check up to see how im doing on BC) If he does switch me to another BC pill is that going to mess up my system & and im going to have really bad emotional issues again like I did before starting the loestrin? Thanks for the help
gailannie amy602
many women switch pills, I was one of them. I did much better on a higher estrogen content pill. So the switch was good for me.
If you have a good gyn, he/she should be able to listen to symptoms, and if well schooled on pill options, figure out which pill might work better for you. It's worth a try.
amy602 gailannie
amy602 gailannie
If u dont mind me asking, how long were u on loestrin and what did you switch to? Thanks
gailannie amy602
Well first off, the pill never worked well for me in general. Not even in my 20s. I went from loestrin to Ortho Novum 1/35.
You can look up hormone contents of each pill by just googling them by name. There is also a really good book that is a reference guide for physicians prescribing birth control pills , that gives all the specifics of each pill. It also has charts of symptoms and which hormone is over or under expressed in the body. Just keep in mind that there is a reason there are a hundred differnet BCPs. Reason? Because one pill wouldn't/doesn't work well for all women. We're all so different.
Should have mentioned that I only stuck with Loestrin for one cycle, it was that awful for me. Just couldn't take it!!! And barely made it through the month. But the Ortho Novum was better...not perfect.....but much better.
amy602 gailannie
gailannie amy602
I get that Amy. But if Loestrin doesn't work, please try something else. You won't believe the difference in pills. As long as you are on a BCP, it is over riding your own system, therefore, you won't go back to how you felt before them.
amy602 gailannie
That is good to know.. Sorry but I have never been on BCP before (i know weird right)
I have to toughen up and do what is best..
I just dont know how long to give the Loestrin. Guess I will know next thursday 
gailannie amy602
Well typically if you started in perimenopause, doctors suggest you stay on then till natural menopausal age. Then they take them away and see what happens! Saying that BCP are too strong for "older" women.
But please don't think of this as toughening up. It's about making you feel right. You usually know pretty quickif the combination is right. If not, you need to move on.
Lotti1966 amy602
The bcp's get in your system pretty fast. If you've been taking this particular one for 2-3 months you already know what it can do. I think they say 2 weeks.
Yes, please try different ones. You'd be amazed at the difference like gailannie said. Best of luck to you and stay positive. You have a lot of support here😊
amy602 Lotti1966